Just Don x Air Jordan 2

there will be a mob and it will be shut down
Temps below freezing each night up until Saturday in Chicago . And then if you don't freeze to death you fork over $650 to get a Quilted Jordan 2. Just seems wrong to make people wait in freezing temps when a raffle would work just fine for a customer paying $650 for a shoe , because let's be honest no one wants that ******* hat .
Temps below freezing each night up until Saturday in Chicago . And then if you don't freeze to death you fork over $650 to get a Quilted Jordan 2. Just seems wrong to make people wait in freezing temps when a raffle would work just fine for a customer paying $650 for a shoe , because let's be honest no one wants that ******* hat .
I agree with you on a raffle but if stores have a very large quantity they probably don't wanna make 1,00o phone calls so they'd rather have the fcfs
Online or bust for me. I can't do that ish it's Monday damn it! F they doing out there already!?
32 South State should be an easy cop. Confirmed back when they open that they will have the largest allocations of all limited stock in the world. (Yes, not exaggerating.) So even if I strike out this time around they will get that restock before anyone else does. :smokin :smokin :smokin So who's gonna be in line with me Saturday morning?

How many pairs you thinking they got ???
Anyone gunna attempt to campout on State St in Chicago?  Wonder if it's even worth going Friday night til Saturday morning, some of us work for a living and can't campout an entire week 
Doesn't matter if you work or not, nobody should be camping for a week in freezing temps for a pair of shoes.
Doesn't matter if you work or not, nobody should be camping for a week in freezing temps for a pair of shoes.
I'll agree to disagree on one point. If you work you ain't camping for a week, if you don't  makes it a little easier when you don't have obligations. 
I can't even lie, these are cold. But I've seen what the blue joints go for. So, as we used to say back in the '90s, "I'm cool".

On another note, since we're supposed to be in the "Remastered" era, when are the II's going to look like this again????

Who am I kidding? If Nike produced these in Italy, they'd find a way to charge us an arm, a leg and a kidney......

I'd still be all in.
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Did anyone see Nike's new checkout system they just did for the Nike Air Cruz Restock?
I love when Nike always switches it up I be happy af. Making it easier for the real consumers [emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji][emoji]128588[/emoji][emoji]127997[/emoji]
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