Jordan V Laney 2013-Modern Notoriety "Confirmed"

Where do you live that it's freezing already?
Here in Montana it snowed earlier this month for 2 days. Since has warmed up. This past saturday was 60 something but have had a winter storm warning the past 2 days ... today a high of 37

Still wear my sneakers in the winter (only a select few) mostly the Timbs and bring out the Sorel's when it some heavy snow, change shoes at work


FTL shady practices here so I never cop in store, but when I do .. sweats a tshirt and beater forces or a pair of running shoes (unless im headed out for the day because there's no line ups so pick up time is at 10am when the mall opens)
Been a lurker here for a couple months had a question decided to join and ask.... I'm not going to get online and pretend to live a fantasy life I'm a college kid and after bills etc I only have a little to spend on me. So I recently bought Steel 10's as I thought I would pass on the Laneys because of the inevitable yellowing but now I want them. I can't afford both so it's either return the steels to Finishline and get the Laneys or keep the Steels what would you guys do ? I know it's really personal preference between the two but just thought I'd ask and also really sorry for the long first post Thanks guys!
I'd personally say keep the Steels. Just based on the colorway, you can never go wrong with a clean pair of black and white kicks. Can match it with anything, and I personally find 10s to be super comfortable and snug, one of my top 5 favorite Jordan lines. There's also as you said, the inevitable yellowing of the icy blue sole, unless you look into some kind of protection for it. That's just me though. 
Where do you live that it's freezing already?
Here in Montana it snowed earlier this month for 2 days. Since has warmed up. This past saturday was 60 something but have had a winter storm warning the past 2 days ... today a high of 37

Still wear my sneakers in the winter (only a select few) mostly the Timbs and bring out the Sorel's when it some heavy snow, change shoes at work


FTL shady practices here so I never cop in store, but when I do .. sweats a tshirt and beater forces or a pair of running shoes (unless im headed out for the day because there's no line ups so pick up time is at 10am when the mall opens)

See this makes sense, snow or some sort of elements

Dudes are talking about wearing boots just because it's cold :lol:
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boots for cold is just part of the transition to winter weather. that's all.

we cant talk about wearing boots until is December or its snowing?
Sweats and a random pair of Nike for me on each release if I strike out online. IMO it's stupid to get dressed up to buy a pair of shoes :lol:

Only time I'm fresh for a release is because I haven't been home from the night before

exactly. Wear sweats and hoody in cold months, bball shorts in warm months.
Hope I can get these a week after release close to retail. My priorities wont allow it this weekend.
boots for cold is just part of the transition to winter weather. that's all.

we cant talk about wearing boots until is December or its snowing?

I wear Timbs 365

There is a big difference in saying you can't wear sneakers because it's too cold.

that leather sucked sadly

Didn't see a problem with them.

Did you return them?
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Been a lurker here for a couple months had a question decided to join and ask.... I'm not going to get online and pretend to live a fantasy life I'm a college kid and after bills etc I only have a little to spend on me. So I recently bought Steel 10's as I thought I would pass on the Laneys because of the inevitable yellowing but now I want them. I can't afford both so it's either return the steels to Finishline and get the Laneys or keep the Steels what would you guys do ? I know it's really personal preference between the two but just thought I'd ask and also really sorry for the long first post Thanks guys!

I'm probably late in responding, but i'd say hold onto the steels until you see if you can land the laneys or not. they will bill a charge, but money won't be taken from your acct until they are shipped (usually 1-2 days to get shipping notice) so you can return the steels in the meantime if you get an order confirm on the laneys. or take your chances going into the store on RD... if you can get the laney's in your size, just swap the steels and voila!
You aren't gonna be getting better split-grain on $170 J's than what you see on shoes like the Steel X's or Laney V's (except maybe new releases with Nike Air on the back).  Personally I was happy with the quality of materials used on my Steel X's.  Sure it's nothing like quality used to be, but we don't receive high quality materials on these types of releases at all anymore.  It may be time for some people to stop purchasing J's if they are expecting better quality than this.
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The term quality should never be mentioned again when it comes to purchasing retros from here on out lol

When someone says quality in a JB thread it should just show up like ***

for ex:
The ******* on the Laneys was ....
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I guess I'm the only one who finds it sad that we've passively become okay with not expecting anything out of $160-170 sneakers.

Like, at what point did it stop being "they need to step it up like they occasionally show us that they know how to" and start being "either just deal with it or show yourself the door"?
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