Jordan Retro 6 "Sport Blue" 8.30.14 - (NO BUYING, SELLING, TRADING, or OOPS)

Y'all still laughing at that man? Man he's never coming back, ahaha, I forgive you @AKsuited. I know mistakes happen.

I'm so ready for these I've been shooting pics of these[GALLERY="media, 977616"][/GALLERY]
[GALLERY="media, 977618"][/GALLERY]
[GALLERY="media, 977620"][/GALLERY]
All day and trying to photoshop them. I'm getting better but not good enough to post the PS PICS YET. When I do I will post them and see if I can get a positive piece of feedback, nothing worth a look though yet.
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AKsuited thought he was dropping knowledge :lol:


The pic was take on a TV screen of a show that aired in the 90s. Of course the shade of blue isn't gonna look spot on. They're the Sport Blue 6s. The Navy 6s didn't retro yet while Seinfeld was still on. The Midnights also have a navy Jumpman on the heel which would've been visible in that pic. Looks like old guys these days don't know they're J's either.

Your memory starts going bad :frown:
Just picked up my Sport Blue 6

Lol, well thanks man @"but your PS Skills are booty"

It only took me all day Sunday and then touch up this morning to get them that good. I'm impressed, when I'm squinting with my glasses off they look dope
Looked like you went on MS paint for over 9000 hours to come up with this result :rofl:
Lol, I left that on purpose so people who don't read the thread could legit see it's a PS. Bro I've got 2 pms asking me where they can grab, and 1 pm saying my joints were GM. I pointed them to my left shoe man. SMH

I got the trollin and PS but i was expecting full effort :lol:

MS Paint lol must have had the zoom on 2000 when the oic is pixelated u gotta color in the squares then zoom out to make sure it was the right spot haha
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Lol, I left that on purpose so people who don't read the thread could legit see it's a PS. Bro I've got 2 pms asking me where they can grab, and 1 pm saying my joints were GM. I pointed them to my left shoe man. SMH
I got the trollin and PS but i was expecting full effort

MS Paint lol must have had the zoom on 2000 when the oic is pixelated u gotta color in the squares then zoom out to make sure it was the right spot hahaL
LOL, nah man. I just used the standard ol' everything. I don't know how to use it very well. Why it took me all of Sunday and this morning. Now you got me thinking about retrying and doing the zoom thing. SOunds way easier that way
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