Jordan 1 x Nike SB QS!!!!

Dont know if u guys can see it but the leather on both my whites just at this location is alitle wrinkled compared with both my blacks, anyone else got this?
the black pair would probably look the same if it had the white paint
Not a bad price at all. Congrats fam!

Thanks. Appreciate it. I had some money stashed for the white pair as well then these dropped today. And I just had to pull the trigger on them

i wonder tho, GM pairs should be made in the same factories, i would think nike played some games with the factories in china so they didnt over produce those low quality GM pairs. 
Ppl need to do 2 things

1. Get rid of the GM term. They are plain fakes no if and or buts about it.
2. They are not made in the same factories as the real pairs
Ppl need to do 2 things

1. Get rid of the GM term. They are plain fakes no if and or buts about it.
2. They are not made in the same factories as the real pairs
1. Yes I know GM is fake. 2. Lots GM pairs a re made in the same factories. I kno what in talking about. There are some GM that aren't made in the same factories but a lot are.
Really? What's your proof?
i have friends in china selling GM shoes, kinda like shoulee81 on IG. lemme just ask you this, if you own a factory that produce shoes for nike, and nike asks you to produce 2000 pairs of whatever shoe, would you only make 2000 pairs? or you make more pairs thats not approved by nike and sell them to make more profit?
i have friends in china selling GM shoes, kinda like shoulee81 on IG. lemme just ask you this, if you own a factory that produce shoes for nike, and nike asks you to produce 2000 pairs of whatever shoe, would you only make 2000 pairs? or you make more pairs thats not approved by nike and sell them to make more profit?
To profit yes but that makes no sense for this very reason.
Nike contracts these factories right? So they go and make the sneakers with the blue prints they have. All look almost identical minus some flaws.
You're theory states that these factories continue to make them, but then why are the pairs then SO different? Why are 23s stretched and PL high on 11s? EP high on 3s? Overall shoe shape and colors off on a lot of other models?
According to you they are the same workers so wouldn't they all know how the shoe actually looks and have them on point? That's because they are not the same. And don't tell me "it's because nikes QC isn't there" because if that were the case when Nike is there than there will be batches and batches of pairs wasted due to for example stretched 23s and they would lose money.

Conclusion FAKES(keyword) look completely different from authentics. So there is no way they are made by the same people
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