CT is where i got 2 pairs of concords on RD.

i was on the link a few min ago as soon as they posted it on their FB page, and i still struck out.

just struck out on nbastore too...

oh well, i got like 4 pairs of breds with NA... don't even really need these...
We get it bro you said this multiple times and have tried to get these from several websites lol. Just admit you're trying to pick these up as well.
Classic coping mechanism.  Proto's cool when he's not humble bragging, but obviously this thread wouldn't be flying if everyone after these wasn't all in.  I get it, make yourself feel better after a whiff.  **** don't work lol.
All of this salt on these social media sites... If you're angry, are you upset because you can't flex online or because you can't flip them? Not hating, just asking a question...
Im angry because I cant pay retail for sneakers I want to rock and beat to death.
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What happened? He cut?
he and his boy asked me what size i was getting (they were in front of me) and I knew they were resellers from other times i've gone to that store so I didn't say anything except, "if I tell you then you're gonna cop my size to try and sell back to me."  So, dude was like, "look at this ****** ***** thinking he's gonna get a pair today" and I was like whatever man and turned to talk to the guy behind me.  next thing i know his boy his shoving me, threatening me and so that's when i grab my phone and call 911.  bro man gets even madder and decides he's gonna punch me in the back of the head (coward).  i'm actually on the phone with the police as he's hitting me while in line.  lady with her kids is screaming, they were next to the guy i was talking to so I moved out of the way so they wouldn't get hit with any of the commotion.  People were like why didn't you hit back and I'm like because I have a real job and can't get arrested over sneakers and that i have a brother to finish raising.  i cannot lose my job over nonsense.  well, those dudes ran off and i lost my spot in line and had to complete a police report.  i even missed out on the kid selling my size 10 for $300.  wanted to do it so today wasn't a lost cause, but oh well.  unless a random act of kindness comes through then i'm screwed.  i can't do $465 for these.

Umm you ever heard of self-defense :lol:
So have resellers figured out that they still need to sell over like 5 pairs to truly make a profit worth the effort that u put in

I don't understand the purpose of reselling on ebay; when it costs so much when its all said and done. (ebay fees, seller fees, paypal fees and then shipping)

Whenever I sell on there, its usually some heat so I feel like I'm getting raped cuz ebay takes like 8% of every sale u make.

Resellers hae so much work to do before actually turning a GOOD PROFIT
Two words: Paypal Invoice.

If you think people aren't going to make real profit on these, I don't know what to tell you.
As far as Chicago goes this was by far the easiest cop for me along with the Gamma 12.   I had a harder time getting the Taxi 12 (still don't have them) and I put in work.
God bless you bro!!! I know it sucks to lose out, but you made the right choice. I would have done the same. Got a legit job, pays good, and wife/kids to support.
I think my mom if she were here would have been happy with how I handled it.  No wife, just a lil bro I promised her I'd take care of.  In a different time I would have probably been in cuffs for retaliating.  Here's praying for the restock.
So why did the DMP 1's went on sale? :\

I don't understand how the Gamma 11's were mass produced but these were more limited :smh:

Easy because gamma 11s where some made up ******** color scheme meant to hype up jb then massed produced for jb to make a killing of off these kids selling out over 500,000 pairs. While these og 1s where meant to be exclusive for those who really appreciate jb for more of a nostalgia reason. Talking out of my *** here but I doubt they even released 50,000 today if these 1s
Seems like there was more hype for the Jordan 1's this morning than the Gamma 11's. After dislocating my left knee in them tearing ligaments, I am terrified of them. Rarely wear my patent leather ones anymore. Nike making a killing this week.
not sure about that. that financial analyst guy on twitter said their sales were down 20 M's this week. they released way more bredsxi's last yr than gammas xis and this release was nothing... i dont get it man. its a huge turn off. each year i buy less and less shoes from them, and i know im not the only one.
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Well one of my family members just looked out for me for my Size for only $50 for previous oops...Karma really does pay off 
Umm you ever heard of self-defense
I have, but I don't want to have to deal with lawyers to prove that what I did was in self defense, nor do I want to have to explain to my job that I defended myself over sneakers. It'd cost me more than the resale market to be honest.
he and his boy asked me what size i was getting (they were in front of me) and I knew they were resellers from other times i've gone to that store so I didn't say anything except, "if I tell you then you're gonna cop my size to try and sell back to me."  So, dude was like, "look at this ****** ***** thinking he's gonna get a pair today" and I was like whatever man and turned to talk to the guy behind me.  next thing i know his boy his shoving me, threatening me and so that's when i grab my phone and call 911.  bro man gets even madder and decides he's gonna punch me in the back of the head (coward).  i'm actually on the phone with the police as he's hitting me while in line.  lady with her kids is screaming, they were next to the guy i was talking to so I moved out of the way so they wouldn't get hit with any of the commotion.  People were like why didn't you hit back and I'm like because I have a real job and can't get arrested over sneakers and that i have a brother to finish raising.  i cannot lose my job over nonsense.  well, those dudes ran off and i lost my spot in line and had to complete a police report.  i even missed out on the kid selling my size 10 for $300.  wanted to do it so today wasn't a lost cause, but oh well.  unless a random act of kindness comes through then i'm screwed.  i can't do $465 for these.

shouldve clapped his shoulders b

or flash the burner and tell him to be a good boy.
Think it's finally bedtime for me, no reason sitting here sad, roadrunner nor 4G LTE couldn't help me lol
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he and his boy asked me what size i was getting (they were in front of me) and I knew they were resellers from other times i've gone to that store so I didn't say anything except, "if I tell you then you're gonna cop my size to try and sell back to me."  So, dude was like, "look at this ****** ***** thinking he's gonna get a pair today" and I was like whatever man and turned to talk to the guy behind me.  next thing i know his boy his shoving me, threatening me and so that's when i grab my phone and call 911.  bro man gets even madder and decides he's gonna punch me in the back of the head (coward).  i'm actually on the phone with the police as he's hitting me while in line.  lady with her kids is screaming, they were next to the guy i was talking to so I moved out of the way so they wouldn't get hit with any of the commotion.  People were like why didn't you hit back and I'm like because I have a real job and can't get arrested over sneakers and that i have a brother to finish raising.  i cannot lose my job over nonsense.  well, those dudes ran off and i lost my spot in line and had to complete a police report.  i even missed out on the kid selling my size 10 for $300.  wanted to do it so today wasn't a lost cause, but oh well.  unless a random act of kindness comes through then i'm screwed.  i can't do $465 for these.
Dude, thats crazy as ****. But you had every legal right to fight back if you so chose. This sneaker stuff is outta control. But nobodies gonna punch me in the back of my head job or no job. They'll be tasting the VNDS shoe I'm wearing at the time, lol.
i think it's safe to say these were as limited, if not more limited, than the royal 1's earlier this year...

the funny thing is FTL thinking they could handle a yeezy release, when they were crashing b4 8am for this release...

and even funnier, the cats coming in the yeezy thread just to say that they would be an easy cop, thinking they're nice on the online cop game, just cuz they've had some luck on past jordan GR's, as if it would matter when literally like 1 million people are gunning for like a thousand pairs of 1 shoe...

you'd prolly have to sit there for hours b4 the site came back up.

it would literally be like 1% of NTers who would have any luck on that release online (and that's all it would be, is luck, if you did score)...
God bless you bro!!! I know it sucks to lose out, but you made the right choice. I would have done the same. Got a legit job, pays good, and wife/kids to support.
I think my mom if she were here would have been happy with how I handled it.  No wife, just a lil bro I promised her I'd take care of.  In a different time I would have probably been in cuffs for retaliating.  Here's praying for the restock.
You're a better man than I am fam, and I have a lil one to look out for.  They would've both been in the ICU.  You definitely would've gotten off on self-defense, but I can't knock the way you chose to handle it.  Not advising it if you're not about that life, but you should definitely go to any future line ups armed.  Hope you get a pair.
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