View media item 702969

View media item 702973

View media item 702974

View media item 702980
2013 vs 2001 ..2001 leather is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

View media item 702982
numero uno 

mom and pop botique in south fla got theirs weds of this week...made the call got em to 2 day air we here

quality similar to the royals this year....leather is solid..... 2001 leather is obviously far superior

happy i got em....will try for a 2nd pair on shoe year is complete 
Can you pm me the name of the mom & pop shop?
These will definitely be a consolation prize for those that strike out on the yeezy 
Yeezy IIs confirmed as a online release on the 27th............they maybe a shoe god watching over us to help with the Bred 1s

why is everyone making the kind of silly assumption that yeezys releasing a day prior would be good for the purchase of the 1s?If only it will create 1.000.000 thirsty consumers , who after failing on the yeezy 2 release (if it goes down actually) will become zombies looking for something read to quench thei consuming thirst . Releasing yeezys 1 day prior to these will be catastrophic.At least thats my .02.
Damn..... Footlocker is gonna break. Shoulda did an online raffle and if you won you got a code to purchase the yeezys..
did anyone post the correct productions dates vs fake productions dates on these yet? tried to look.....
i would but i dont want them getting fined by nike or lose their nike contract....they been in biz 25-30 years i get alot of hard to get **** thru them cant **** up my plug 

Def. Won't happen if you don't want to tell him just say that.
why is everyone making the kind of silly assumption that yeezys releasing a day prior would be good for the purchase of the 1s?If only it will create 1.000.000 thirsty consumers , who after failing on the yeezy 2 release (if it goes down actually) will become zombies looking for something read to quench thei consuming thirst . Releasing yeezys 1 day prior to these will be catastrophic.At least thats my .02.
Possibly. I'm just thinking optimistically about everything. If it was the same day then chaos will be on our hands. 
Possibly. I'm just thinking optimistically about everything. If it was the same day then chaos will be on our hands. 

Well i beg to differ.IF it was the same day we would be blessed since we would have MAAAAAANY people away from the black/red 1s.
Well i beg to differ.IF it was the same day we would be blessed since we would have MAAAAAANY people away from the black/red 1s.
If it was the same day, it'll be similar to the Toro 4/ Shadow 1 release but more demand for both shoes. I just want my pair 
i would but i dont want them getting fined by nike or lose their nike contract....they been in biz 25-30 years i get alot of hard to get **** thru them cant **** up my plug 
They wouldn't lose their nike account but its all love. I just have to put in extra work to secure a pair
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