Joe Rogan Podcast

I think it was last week Joe Rogan smugly retweeted an article about the effectiveness of ivermectin on omicron

He didn't even bother to open the damn article to see that it said that it had NOT been proven it was an effective treatment against it in human

An of course one of his fanboy NT posted the same article on the site

Buffoon leading Buffoons
Did I say it was in human trials? Or anything further than a company in Japan is testing ivermectin against omicron in vitro?
But you can’t respond to the buffoon in office saying don’t wear masks once vaccinated
I still love you rusty

And Didn’t Biden say don’t vaccinate under the trump administration?

Good grief you are pathetically bad at this

This is from May 13th 2021, before Delta and before Omicron

Of course when the new more contagious strains came along things changed and the guidance changed with it

And please find me where Biden told people not to get vaccinated while Trump was in power. Especially since vaccinations in the US didn't start until the lame-duck session after Biden was the president-elect and vaccines were only available to front-line workers. Maybe I'm the one ill-informed, I'll wait.
what rogan is doing is absolutely 100% worse.
I don't want to draw a false equivalency.

but do you trust, spotify, or musicians rich enough to pull music off spotify
to decide how to parse the nuance.

or is it better if people focussed on challenging rogan?

shunning rogan imo just leads to him becoming hermetically sealed in this misinformation ecosystem and is never challenged.
I already said I am ok with Rogan staying on Spotify

I don't care what musicians do with their music

If anything someone should learn about me from my time on NT is that I like challenging ******* at the source.

Keep Rogan on-air and press his ***. Expose and challenge the ******* for all to see.
I already said I am ok with Rogan staying on Spotify

I don't care what musicians do with their music

If anything someone should learn about me from my time on NT is that I like challenging ****ery at the source.

Keep Rogan on-air and press his ***. Expose and challenge the ****ery for all to see.

well said I 100% agree.
Also, in some cases, censorship is 100% needed

On places like FB, IG, Youtube, Twitter, they need to take down conspiracy theory nonsense

There doesn't need to be a long debate on 5G microchips or any of that nonsense

People shouldn't be allow to encourage folk to go buy horse paste
and i think it's a bit different, a publisher choosing not to publish something anymore
Oh, like the artists who choose not to publish their music on Spotify?

im not anti moderation, i'm on this forum, which as I've said is well moderated.
It’s important to note that Spotify is not merely a platform for the Joe Rogan podcast, it is the de facto producer.

I don’t agree with everyone’s opinions on NikeTalk, but if I paid somebody to post here exclusively, it stands to reason that I’d bear additional responsibility for their conduct.

Spotify reportedly paid $100 million to acquire exclusive rights to the show in 2020. If they’re not responsible for its content, who is?

Spotify is essentially bankrolling White Nationalist infomercials under the guise of “just asking questions.”
Artists and consumers are free to exercise their rights accordingly.

If they should all stop boycotting because you believe it won't change Spotify's stance, by that same token nothing you say is going to make any difference, either.

And yet...
Good grief you are pathetically bad at this

This is from May 13th 2021, before Delta and before Omicron

Of course when the new more contagious strains came along things changed and the guidance changed with it

And please find me where Biden told people not to get vaccinated while Trump was in power. Especially since vaccinations in the US didn't start until the lame-duck session after Biden was the president-elect and vaccines were only available to front-line workers. Maybe I'm the one ill-informed, I'll wait.
In an interview for a journalism conference Aug. 6, 2020, he said:

"The way he (Trump) talks about the vaccine is not particularly rational. He’s talking about it being ready, he’s going to talk about moving it quicker than the scientists think it should be moved … . People don’t believe that he’s telling the truth, therefore they’re not at all certain they’re going to take the vaccine. And one more thing: If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done."
In a July 28, 2020 campaign speech, Biden stressed the need for transparency in developing the vaccine. He said:

"How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives, when it arrives, when it’s there? And the question of whether it’s real, when it’s there, that requires enormous transparency. You’ve got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see, so there’s consensus this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have, what percent is American people saying if the vaccine were there tomorrow, they wouldn’t take it? And it’s not the usual anti-vaccine crowd. It’s beyond that because people are losing faith in what the president says. Think about it."

And the stance that if your vaccinated you shouldn’t wear a mask is incorrect even before the new strand idk what you’re talking about . What he said was misinformation
Show me who is burning down Spotify for hosting Joe Rogan.

"Progressives" are taking their music and money away from the platform. That's different from conservative legislatures allowing individuals to sue teachers for introducing topics like socialism or Jim Crow laws into the curriculum. Between these two responses to uncomfortable discussions, the latter makes the former insignificant.

you don't get to make that determination.
you are making a personal value judgment and trying to dress it up like it's some fact.

if you think conservatives book banning is significant go ahead and talk about it.
i was criticizing the maus also.

I think the art and culture, and production of these things are important.
if personal and professional reasons to care about more than the average person, they are significant to me.

if you'd rather talk about conservatives fine go to that. but to me this is just whataboutism.

Are vaccines killing people? That's what some of those idiots have said on Joe Rogan's podcast.

Early into the pandemic, Brazilian labs stopped clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine because the most common outcome of the treatment was death. Yet, we still hear people swear by those treatments, and Joe has been talking about these Facebook pharmacy cocktails on his show when he was sick, hasn't he?
I know that's bad, and banning him from spotify increases his audience, it doesn't decrease it.

Here's an example of you missing the nuance of Fauci's comments. They specifically said not to hoard the best masks because they were in short supply and the priority should be given to medical employees; he didn't say "don't buy masks" because masks were ineffective.
yes but he also said that they weren't effective

There's no reason to be walking around with a
mask. When you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask
might make people feel a little bit better and it might even
block a droplet, but it is not providing the perfect protection
that people think that it is.

and he wasn't the only one at that time that forwarded mis information about masks


i don't want to sit here and re litigate covid stuff, my point is if the principle is "no covid misinformation" there's a lot more people you need to ban.
In an interview for a journalism conference Aug. 6, 2020, he said:

"The way he (Trump) talks about the vaccine is not particularly rational. He’s talking about it being ready, he’s going to talk about moving it quicker than the scientists think it should be moved … . People don’t believe that he’s telling the truth, therefore they’re not at all certain they’re going to take the vaccine. And one more thing: If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done."
In a July 28, 2020 campaign speech, Biden stressed the need for transparency in developing the vaccine. He said:

"How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives, when it arrives, when it’s there? And the question of whether it’s real, when it’s there, that requires enormous transparency. You’ve got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see, so there’s consensus this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have, what percent is American people saying if the vaccine were there tomorrow, they wouldn’t take it? And it’s not the usual anti-vaccine crowd. It’s beyond that because people are losing faith in what the president says. Think about it."

And the stance that if your vaccinated you shouldn’t wear a mask is incorrect even before the new strand idk what you’re talking about . What he said was misinformation

You are still pathetically bad at this

He was concerned the way Trump was talking and moving would rush the process. Trump was at the time undercutting the timelines companies were giving

When phase three trials came out, and the data was out there, it was under Trump and Biden didn't tell people not to take it

Biden got vaccinated while Trump was in office

He isn't even doing that here. It is your struggling reaching that is doing it
Of course, the Joe Rogan stan is trying to change the subject to Biden
You’re the one who mentioned Biden and his admin no?
You said post me where him and his administration have spread covid misinformation.
He did- and he repeated it twice. Ps doesn’t matter he made the vaccine political when it was under trump.
You’re the one who mentioned Biden and his admin no?
You said post me where him and his administration have spread covid misinformation. He did
osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh brought them up, I responded to him

I asked him to list them doing things on the level Rogan did. And we finished that discussion

I didn't say **** to you regarding Biden, you took it down this road

And Biden is the one that made things political, not you know, Trump :lol: Like I said, you are just exposing who you really are

You are just trolling me now. And I should have kept my word and not engaged with you

Do you goofy :emoji_heart_eyes: rep to troll me. And we can leave it here, because it couldn't care less what else you have to say
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Oh, like the artists who choose not to publish their music on Spotify?
i didn't say people don't have the right to pull their music.
they can do it if they want, i just think its counter productive.

it's just going to be ineffectual and have the opposite effect.

It’s important to note that Spotify is not merely a platform for the Joe Rogan podcast, it is the de facto producer.

I don’t agree with everyone’s opinions on NikeTalk, but if I paid somebody to post here exclusively, it stands to reason that I’d bear additional responsibility for their conduct.

Spotify reportedly paid $100 million to acquire exclusive rights to the show in 2020. If they’re not responsible for its content, who is?

Spotify is essentially bankrolling White Nationalist infomercials under the guise of “just asking questions.”
Artists and consumers are free to exercise their rights accordingly.

Spotify pays the artists per stream right, should they not host misogynistic music on their platform? they host songs that people have argued are racist, should those artist be allowed on the platform?

also don't you think this is a little convenient reading of the situation for you?

while yes I grant that we are not employees, but Nike get revenue from ads and page views im guessing

and I think I could totally immagine a certain kind of progressive person saying that you don't tightly regulate speech enough on here

and you have some moral culpability in platforming the misogyny of Ninjahood for example for so many years :lol:

obviously I wouldn't agree with any of that, and if the day comes when they come for you meth

your old pal OKB will be standing ready to fight. :lol:

If they should all stop boycotting because you believe it won't change Spotify's stance, by that same token nothing you say is going to make any difference, either.

And yet...

I don't know if Spotify stance won't change, it might

im saying it won't reduce misinformation.
leaving spotify increases audience so its counter productive.
I think its possible

Spotify may cave and decide this is more trouble than its worth
I don't think they want to be known as the right wing kook machine
covid mis information has been disseminated by many trusted media sources,
public health officials throughout this pandemic.
Misinformation or preliminary observations/conclusions that were subject to change as they found out more about the virus?

Plenty of folks have decried the lack of clear communication from health agencies, but you'd have to prove that a lot of those early assumptions that were made about the virus were intentionally misleading to call them misinformation.
If you're going to use what those agencies said at a time when very few of their experts had a grasp on what they were dealing with during the early months of the pandemic, all I have to tell you is that this is how science works: they made guesses, examined them, eliminated whatever didn't make sense, updated the public on their findings, and corrected earlier conclusions that no longer applied. None of this happens overnight.

To compare the above with people claiming, two years into the pandemic, that vaccines have killed 50k people is Jeff Bezos rich.

neil young himself has peddled scientific misinformation on GMO's
Is his opinion on GMOs the subject of a nationwide conversation? Are people going hungry because they believe what Neil young has posted about GMOs and refuse to eat cheap, genetically modified foods?
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you don't get to make that determination.
you are making a personal value judgment and trying to dress it up like it's some fact.
Those who are taking their material and money away from Spotify are not keeping Spotify and the JRE from existing. They're stepping away from a discussion that they don't want a part of without stopping it from happening.
In contrast, conservatives are stopping discussions that are uncomfortable to them from happening through the legal process. They could take their kids to private schools that are teaching all the bad science and bad history they want, or they could homeschool them; instead, they chose to force their version of reality on the rest of the nation by narrowing the scope of discourse.

In one case, a conversation is still ongoing, in another it is being stifled.
Those who are taking their material and money away from Spotify are not keeping Spotify and the JRE from existing. They're stepping away from a discussion that they don't want a part of without stopping it from happening.
In contrast, conservatives are stopping discussions that are uncomfortable to them from happening through the legal process. They could take their kids to private schools that are teaching all the bad science and bad history they want, or they could homeschool them; instead, they chose to force their version of reality on the rest of the nation by narrowing the scope of discourse.

In one case, a conversation is still ongoing, in another it is being stifled.

All of this.

People gotta stop with the both sides BS.
In an interview for a journalism conference Aug. 6, 2020, he said:

"The way he (Trump) talks about the vaccine is not particularly rational. He’s talking about it being ready, he’s going to talk about moving it quicker than the scientists think it should be moved … . People don’t believe that he’s telling the truth, therefore they’re not at all certain they’re going to take the vaccine. And one more thing: If and when the vaccine comes, it’s not likely to go through all the tests that need to be done, and the trials that are needed to be done."
In a July 28, 2020 campaign speech, Biden stressed the need for transparency in developing the vaccine. He said:

"How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives, when it arrives, when it’s there? And the question of whether it’s real, when it’s there, that requires enormous transparency. You’ve got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation, so they can look and see, so there’s consensus this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have, what percent is American people saying if the vaccine were there tomorrow, they wouldn’t take it? And it’s not the usual anti-vaccine crowd. It’s beyond that because people are losing faith in what the president says. Think about it."

And the stance that if your vaccinated you shouldn’t wear a mask is incorrect even before the new strand idk what you’re talking about . What he said was misinformation
Had me read this **** for nothing. What was the point of posting this and bolding sentences like it was some kind of gotcha moment...No where is he telling folks to not take the vaccine.
Also, how did Bidens admin make it political? Trump and his cult started off saying the virus was a hoax that the dems made up just to shut the economy down. That's how it became political.
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Had me read this **** for nothing. What was the point of posting this and bolding sentences like it was some kind of gotcha moment...No where is he telling folks to not take the vaccine.
Also, how did Bidens admin make it political? Trump and his cult started off saying the virus was a hoax that the dems made up just to shut the economy down. That's how it became political.
Poltifact made them bold not me.
Not a trump fan, but even cnn debunked the “trump called the virus a hoax”
i didn't say people don't have the right to pull their music.
they can do it if they want, i just think its counter productive.

it's just going to be ineffectual and have the opposite effect.
I think its possible

Spotify may cave and decide this is more trouble than its worth
I don't think they want to be known as the right wing kook machine
So it’s not going to have any effect…. except that it might accomplish its stated goal.

Before all of this, Spotify had no publicly visible policies on medical misinformation. That has already changed in direct response to the controversy, and we may well see action taken with respect to individual episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast in the near future.

As such, this is already kind of a moot point.

Spotify pays the artists per stream right, should they not host misogynistic music on their platform? they host songs that people have argued are racist, should those artist be allowed on the platform.
If you support content moderation, then you’re fine with companies and services setting their own policies around these issues and consumers/partners making their own choices accordingly.

Although you like to lean on slippery slope arguments, if you support content moderation then yours isn’t an “all or nothing” position. You’re fine with companies limiting expression on their premises/platforms/services, you would just personally draw the boundaries so as to permit, among other things, racial slurs, medical misinformation, and White Supremacist hate speech.

As we’re essentially discussing matters of corporate policy, not government prohibition of speech, the conservative/libertarian stance on this issue is particularly ironic in that it essentially opposes free market forces.

while yes I grant that we are not employees, but Nike get revenue from ads and page views im guessing
NikeTalk is not affiliated with Nike, Inc.

NikeTalk remains independently owned and operated.

and I think I could totally immagine a certain kind of progressive person saying that you don't tightly regulate speech enough on here
Platform moderation is no minor feat. Even services with virtually unlimited resources struggle mightily with it.

We’re not above criticism and I would hardly cry foul if anyone chooses to patronize a service that they believe provides a safer experience.

I would be the first to admit that, although it is difficult to strike the right balance between safety and ideological diversity, we have at times been too patient with people like Ninjahood. Although he was held accountable for his behavior, it was self-evidently insufficient to adequately alter that behavior.

While realtime moderation is, despite its difficulty, an important responsibility that we don’t shy away from, it is a very different and far more complicated task than accepting responsibility for content that we directly produce or commission.

If Ninjahood were even a fraction as important to the community as he fancied himself and we paid him to post here exclusively, would we not have an even greater responsibility to ensure that his content conforms to our community’s values?

It’s difficult to accept the disclaimer that someone doesn’t represent your company if you’re literally paying them to be the public face of your brand.

Do you really not see any difference between a radio station’s responsibility for comments made by prank callers vs. comments made by the show’s hosts?

Do you think it was wrong for CBS radio to have fired Don Imus for his comments about, among other subjects, the Rutgers basketball team?
Poltifact made them bold not me.
Not a trump fan, but even cnn debunked the “trump called the virus a hoax”
Trump said:
One of my people came up to me and said, "Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They'd been doing it since you got in." It's all turning. They lost. It's all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax."

But, if If the fact checkers want to take trump at his word the next day that he was calling the dems criticism against him a hoax and not the virus, then whatever. But his supporters took his words as the virus being another hoax that the dems conjured up to make him look bad.
Also, it doesn't change the fact that Biden didn't make this political first, like you claimed.
Regardless of all of this, it's still **** Joe rogan for being a racist piece of ****. Anyone supporting and defending him is also supporting and defending his racism.
you don't get to make that determination.
you are making a personal value judgment and trying to dress it up like it's some fact.

if you think conservatives book banning is significant go ahead and talk about it.
i was criticizing the maus also.

I think the art and culture, and production of these things are important.
if personal and professional reasons to care about more than the average person, they are significant to me.

if you'd rather talk about conservatives fine go to that. but to me this is just whataboutism.

I know that's bad, and banning him from spotify increases his audience, it doesn't decrease it.

yes but he also said that they weren't effective

There's no reason to be walking around with a
mask. When you are in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask
might make people feel a little bit better and it might even
block a droplet, but it is not providing the perfect protection
that people think that it is.

and he wasn't the only one at that time that forwarded mis information about masks


i don't want to sit here and re litigate covid stuff, my point is if the principle is "no covid misinformation" there's a lot more people you need to ban.
Just wanted to chime in and say this post is dumb on multiple levels.
Good grief you are pathetically bad at this

This is from May 13th 2021, before Delta and before Omicron

Of course when the new more contagious strains came along things changed and the guidance changed with it
Just curious, if it was trump who made the statement about not wearing masks once vaccinated what would your response have been?
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