Joe Rogan Podcast

What's funny is if you read the comments on that tweet you'll see a lot of "NOBODY CARED ABOUT THIS UNTIL..."

Dawg people have been posting that Planet of the Apes clip for YEARS now. It takes a special combo of ignorance and egocentrism to project that lack of concern onto everyone else.
No & this is what ya'll continue to do to everyone that doesn't share in ya'll opinions.... is project this character narrative & insist that people feel things they don't.

If Joe Rogan disappeared from earth tomorrow it wouldn't have a single impact on my day to day. You unwillingly made it clear what this was about in your first post..... Control & censorship.

Rogan is out running with his opinion & saying whatever he wants, some of which offends people. No different than the media we grew up with, he just has a different platform & different means & the old guard is pissed because it isn't under their control.

this ain't about no vaccine misinformation, or no Nword. This about getting more moral victories & "silencing" someone (as they trend, while dozens up clips containing their "dangerous" messaging get passed around social media)

Ya'll love picking & choosing when to call out performative, self fullfilling bull****. A bunch of these people talkin about they pulling from Spotify don't even own their music :lol:.

If people wanna keep acting like this is a change, We're gonna keep getting ****ing black boxes as a show of "solidarity" from these companies.

People feel how they feel about Rogan & Vaccines, cool with me get out all the complaints & thoughts. But I just wish we would stop allowing ourselves to get used to fight other people battles. Now suddenly the N word & black people are spearheading this convo?? Like what? like How? :lol:

Yeah….once again, you got me ****** up. You talking about projecting…yet you are literally doing that.

For the 20000th time. I am not saying remove joe Rogan from Spotify. I explained this to you in words, multiple time. I’m not virtue signaling. I’m not standing in solidarity, none of that ********. I’m not asking for change. Im simply pointing out who Joe Rogan is, what his fan base is, and what he spreads on his platform.

Idk why that makes you so upset. talking about projecting in the first sentence, and grouping me in with other people.

This ain’t that. And what the **** are you talking about “black people spearheading the convo”? Ppl have been calling out Rogan on his racism for YEAAAARS. I literally posted an entire thread about it.

You def love to have your lil culture war battles on NT. Idk why you feel the way you do, but anybody can see it. Count me out of the convo you’re trying to have 🤮

We aren’t even talking about the same thing. Literally talking past each other
Just curious, if it was trump who made the statement about not wearing masks once vaccinated what would your response have been?
Probably that I won't follow that suggestion. Just like it did when Biden said it.

Someone posted "Mask Off" in the Covid thread after that speech and this was my response...

Looks over at my boxes of Kn-95 mask I over-bought...

If Trump did that, I would have not followed those instructions. I don't know what tone I would take because Trump was acting like such an ***, but him saying follow the CDC recommendations would have been a decent change of pace.

I hate Trump but it is not like I am above giving him credit for doing or saying something right, I recently did just that in regards to covid...

Trump calls politicians who refuse to say they received Covid boosters 'gutless'​


I mean Biden comments were not made in a vacuum. The CDC had said vaccinated people (which I was fully vaxxed at the time) didn't need to wear masks outside unless in a crowded area. Biden made an appearance talking about that. I still did that unless I was taking out my trash or alone outside I didn't follow that guidance

Then they updated it weeks later to include outdoor spaces, and I definitely didn't follow that. Other public health officials outside the administration disagreed with that move, even though they understood the motive, to incentive vaccination. That didn't work, and I even though being vaccinated did not follow it.

I have disagreed with other things the CDC have done as well, agreed with them a great deal with them too. That is because I follow the posts of other public health experts outside the Trump and then Biden Administration. Feel my stance on things for the last 1 and a half have been pretty consistent.

Hope this answers your question :D
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yeah, you're totally free to think that i listen to joe rogan

does that make it true? does it make this attempt to have content removed people dont agree with not true?

i mean, its all just "free thinking" right?

Having his content removed? Where am I asking to do that?

I’m simply pointing out how joe Rogan is a lot closer to Rush Limbaugh, than his fans would like to admit. And he launders and boosts white supremacist.

If that is fine with you, that is COOL…for you. Don’t let my thoughts on what the Joe Rogan podcast is, stop you from enjoying the Joe Rogan podcast.
Joe Rogan, in May of 2021 (the vaccines had been out for months by then), bragging about how Spotify lets him get away with anything, including conspiracy theories

And him testing this by bringing on Alex Jones.

And also agreeing with Jones' claim about injecting people with microchips...

As I said, Spotify are idiots because they let Rogan do stuff like this unchallenged

But yeah, his defenders will sanitize his actions and act like he was just having conversation while being uninformed

He knew what he was doing
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Having his content removed? Where am I asking to do that?

I’m simply pointing out how joe Rogan is a lot closer to Rush Limbaugh, than his fans would like to admit. And he launders and boosts white supremacist.

If that is fine with you, that is COOL…for you. Don’t let my thoughts on what the Joe Rogan podcast is, stop you from enjoying the Joe Rogan podcast.

did i accuse you of asking to have his content removed?

provide evidence

did i say im enjoying his content?

provide evidence

it seems like the only one making accusations is you

im so shocked that someone who opposes joe rogan would hurl accusations
Yeah….once again, you got me ****ed up. You talking about projecting…yet you are literally doing that.

For the 20000th time. I am not saying remove joe Rogan from Spotify. I explained this to you in words, multiple time. I’m not virtue signaling. I’m not standing in solidarity, none of that bull****. I’m not asking for change. Im simply pointing out who Joe Rogan is, what his fan base is, and what he spreads on his platform.

Idk why that makes you so upset. talking about projecting in the first sentence, and grouping me in with other people.

This ain’t that. And what the **** are you talking about “black people spearheading the convo”? Ppl have been calling out Rogan on his racism for YEAAAARS. I literally posted an entire thread about it.

You def love to have your lil culture war battles on NT. Idk why you feel the way you do, but anybody can see it. Count me out of the convo you’re trying to have 🤮

We aren’t even talking about the same thing. Literally talking past each other

My issue & problems aren't with you & YOUR thoughts on this. I am talking about the backlash as a whole, I am talking about the discussion going on social media as a whole, i'm talking about the convo being had in here & mainstream media as a whole.

People do want him off spotify, people do think that he's radicalizing the extreme right, people do claim that silencing his platform will result in some type of change.

I also don't have a problem with you pointing out your opinion on what Rogan or his fanbase is, as long as you recognize it is your personal opinion & just because you feel strongly about it.... doesn't mean that others are gonna adhere to what you label them.

That seems to be the issue at large, the people who seem to be against Rogan the most seem to think their thoughts & views on things outweigh the Rogan supporters. They think so highly of their opinions that they believe they should have say so on which content another human watches & if it's suitable enough for them to digest :lol::lol:

I'm All the way good on that given the history of this country.
That's hard to believe but ok

Really? Why do you think the answer to this question depends on the messenger?

Because it does. If I like someone or invested in them I'm more likely to make excuses for them and rationalize their actions rather than admit they just made a mistake. Even you disingenuously trying to pretend like a message isn't impacted by the messenger is a reflection of bias
Well, you got that wrong.

First, I have acknowledged in the political thread that Trump would have had a better chance to win if he didn't try to gaslight the general public into believing that the pandemic was nothing to worry about. That's not a new sentiment from me.

Also, I was talking about that particular question. The recommendation came from the CDC, and who the messenger is really doesn't matter in this case. They're not making a decision on masking, they're passing on information on guidelines determined by a particular agency.
NORE is dumb as a rock…and I listen to his opinion on hip hop.

The dude in the tweet said Rogan is dumb as stock, but he listens to him for MMA.

Says a lot about you, that you can’t connect the two 🤦🏾‍♂️

****** is different :lol:, If i think someone is dumb as a rock i'm not going months/years listening to them.

And he clearly doesn't listen to him for purely MMA reasons if he's gathered enough info from his other conversations to deem him dumb as a rock.

Also, smart guy who thinks Joe is Dumb & has dangerous rhetoric. Like millions of other smart people, Continues to listen & run up his numbers.

Dumb Joe Rogan then takes those numbers, goes to this biggest streaming platform in the world, gets 100 Mil + & has his dumb comments amplified to the world..... while the smart guy continues to make him trend on social media in Return for RT's from Anime Avi's

That seems to be the issue at large, the people who seem to be against Rogan the most seem to think their thoughts & views on things outweigh the Rogan supporters. They think so highly of their opinions that they believe they should have say so on which content another human watches & if it's suitable enough for them to digest :lol::lol:

I'm All the way good on that given the history of this country.

this is what some people have a hard time understanding

you dont have to agree with, listen to, or even care for joe rogan to think that whats happening is questionable

some people think that only content they approve of should appear on spotify and they fail to comprehend why thats questionable by making all kinds of accusations

"oh you like joe rogan? oh youre a trumper? oh youre a maga? oh you supports white suppremacists?"
****** is different :lol:, If i think someone is dumb as a rock i'm not going months/years listening to them.

And he clearly doesn't listen to him for purely MMA reasons if he's gathered enough info from his other conversations to deem him dumb as a rock.

Also, smart guy who thinks Joe is Dumb & has dangerous rhetoric. Like millions of other smart people, Continues to listen & run up his numbers.

Dumb Joe Rogan then takes those numbers, goes to this biggest streaming platform in the world, gets 100 Mil + & has his dumb comments amplified to the world..... while the smart guy continues to make him trend on social media in Return for RT's from Anime Avi's


You and this anime avy thing.

I see what this is.

I’m out of THIS convo :lol:
Damn @ 70 Episodes.

I wonder who was responsible for even researching the library to even find which episodes had the nonsense on there.

Interesting "apology" though.

:lol: @ Variety of ways Black people can use the word.
Is this an argument in support of echo chambers? It sure sounds like one.

I would assume those who don't want to be in echo chambers would listen to people who intelligently refute their thoughts/feelings not someone who they view as a bumbling idiot.

Unless of course your goal isn't discourse, & it's simply to be correct & feel superior in your opinion. And that is what large majority are looking for, the ego boost. The one liner & retort that's going to get them RT & Likes.
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