Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

and produces EVERY YEAR
how good was Farve last year????
Take away Bill Belichek and Moss, and THEN let's see Brady set some records!

take away Moss and Brady still won SB's

Last season he was pretty decent, with a horrible roster. Favre has had ONE losing season as a starter. That is pretty damn' impressive. AND never forget 3-time MVP.

Brady won those SB's in large part thanks to defense. This year... the defense could allow as many points as they want and Brady will still 1-up them

First, thats cool favre has one losing season, Brady has NONE, Brady beat everyother team in the league 8 years before it took Favre to do it. and if Ihave to NEVER forget his 3 MVP's then you NEVER FORGET that Brady got 3 Superbowls and 2 Superbowl MVP's, YOU KNOW the MVP's that really matter.Now do you play football to win personnel stats and MVP's or to win Championships??? Do you think Brady would trade Favre 3 Superbowl RINGS for 3MVP's??? I doubt it, but would Favre trade his MVP's for Superbowl's??? YES thats why he's STILL trying to win one 17 years later... and as faras i remember the best defenses to win superbowls that are always talked about are 85 Bears and the ravens, I NEVER hear about how dominent that New Englanddefense was, or how they were one of the best defenses ever, DO YOU??? I do remember a certain Kurt Warner throwin for over 350 on that STELLAR new Englanddefense in the superbowl, and 2 or 3 touchdowns, so obviously they weren't THAT dominant. oh and didnt delhomme and Brady have the highest scoring 2nd halfor 4th quarter in Superbowl history?? WOW that defense was just shuttin people out left and right for Brady....
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

YoungTriz wrote:
take away Moss and Brady still won SB's
Take away Moss and Brady hasn't thrown for more than 28 touchdowns in a season.

And Brady didn't win SB's. The Patriots won SB's.
well you dont play quarterback to throw the most touchdowns in a season, you play to win Superbowls, without Moss he has 3. ask marino how he feelsthat he LEAD the LEAGUE in touchdown passes thrown, but it didnt get him NO superbowls. Ask Manning how it felt to throw 49 touchdown passes and then lose aplayoff game to Brady 21-3... then ask favre how its gonna feel to have his best season EVER, and not win the MVP or Superbowl, it probably dont feel good, andI doubt they would be braggin about it like you do....
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