Jimmy Clausen not ready to give up his Job or Jersey # (QB Competition??)

Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by dreClark

Kids are held back for sports all the time......Not really a big deal.


I know a family that held back their kid in 6th grade...and then the summer he was going into 9th grad (he was playing varsity, but wasnt at that level yeat really) decided to hold him back AGAIN!!!!
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Originally Posted by dreClark

Kids are held back for sports all the time......Not really a big deal.


I know a family that held back their kid in 6th grade...and then the summer he was going into 9th grad (he was playing varsity, but wasnt at that level yeat really) decided to hold him back AGAIN!!!!
peyton definitely gave eli the answers to the wonderlic
Originally Posted by illwill24

From Wikipedia:

As the younger brother of two former Division I quarterbacks—Casey and Rick Clausen, who both played at Tennessee—Jimmy Clausen gained media attention very early. Beginning in eighth grade, his parents paid his tutelage under professional quarterbacks coach Steve Clarkson.[sup][6][/sup] During his junior season, a Sports Illustrated feature dubbed him “The Kid with The Golden Arm
Originally Posted by illwill24

From Wikipedia:

As the younger brother of two former Division I quarterbacks—Casey and Rick Clausen, who both played at Tennessee—Jimmy Clausen gained media attention very early. Beginning in eighth grade, his parents paid his tutelage under professional quarterbacks coach Steve Clarkson.[sup][6][/sup] During his junior season, a Sports Illustrated feature dubbed him “The Kid with The Golden Arm
^ Wikipedia is impenetrable. That "Edit" button is not tempting at all
^ Wikipedia is impenetrable. That "Edit" button is not tempting at all
Well, I'm tempted to say the Wonderlic means nothing if Chad Pennington who was a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship scored only a 25.
Well, I'm tempted to say the Wonderlic means nothing if Chad Pennington who was a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship scored only a 25.
Originally Posted by TonyReali

[table][tr][td]Daunte Culpepper[/td]
[td]Vince Young[/td]
[td]David Garrard[/td]
[td]Donovan McNabb[/td]

Originally Posted by TonyReali

[table][tr][td]Daunte Culpepper[/td]
[td]Vince Young[/td]
[td]David Garrard[/td]
[td]Donovan McNabb[/td]

If he becomes a superstar, nobody will even remember that he didn't wear #1 in college. Without looking it up, what number did Brady, Manning, Big Ben, Phillip Rivers wear in college?

As far as the Wonderlic goes, it's a meaningless test as long as you get anywhere between 15-50
If you start to get into the low teens or single digits, and you play a position that isn't WR, DL, DB, or RB I'm starting to second guess you and find out why your score was so low. If you just weren't trying that kinda still reflects poorly on you and how seriously you take preparation etc. Obviously if they have a learning disability but have always shown good football smarts that's different, but if I'm gonna draft a guy to be my franchise QB or MLB I wanna make sure he has the mental capacity to learn the playbook. Of course depending on what the player's socioeconomic background is they'll have a tougher/easier time. but if you legitimately made it through college you shouldn't be getting single digits or low teens on that test.
If he becomes a superstar, nobody will even remember that he didn't wear #1 in college. Without looking it up, what number did Brady, Manning, Big Ben, Phillip Rivers wear in college?

As far as the Wonderlic goes, it's a meaningless test as long as you get anywhere between 15-50
If you start to get into the low teens or single digits, and you play a position that isn't WR, DL, DB, or RB I'm starting to second guess you and find out why your score was so low. If you just weren't trying that kinda still reflects poorly on you and how seriously you take preparation etc. Obviously if they have a learning disability but have always shown good football smarts that's different, but if I'm gonna draft a guy to be my franchise QB or MLB I wanna make sure he has the mental capacity to learn the playbook. Of course depending on what the player's socioeconomic background is they'll have a tougher/easier time. but if you legitimately made it through college you shouldn't be getting single digits or low teens on that test.
Originally Posted by THE SAUNA

Jimmy Clausen > Cam Newton


I thought Clausen was the best QB to come out of that draft.Give the kid a change heck they keep giving Rex Grossman one.
Originally Posted by THE SAUNA

Jimmy Clausen > Cam Newton


I thought Clausen was the best QB to come out of that draft.Give the kid a change heck they keep giving Rex Grossman one.
We need an NFL season thread about now. Anyway..

I thought Clausen and Newton looked good in the game yesterday. Clausen can still be a good QB in the NFL and he seems so much more confident about what he's doing this year. The one INT shouldn't have been thrown, but DeAngelo needed to get his head around and he didn't. Clausen should've ate it at that point.

Newton threw some strikes and for a first game in the NFL was really impressive. Things to work on of course. This competition is interesting because I don't think Clausen is as bad as people think and Cam definitely will be a starter in this league.

Armanti Edwards had himself a very nice game.
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