Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]


Cities are just wiped off the map.

Personally, I couldnt handle being around that type of destruction or even try to clean it up.

Cities are just wiped off the map.

Personally, I couldnt handle being around that type of destruction or even try to clean it up.
 @ the close up video of the tsunami flooding the city.

Very surreal.

The radiation from Chernobyl reached places such as Sweden and Norway, but people weren't exactly dying there because of it. IF the worst case scenario happens, the radiation that reaches U.S. will be very weak and it will be hard to prove whether there was a connection between the Japan radiation and the death of a person on the west coast.

Quit trying to scare people. I am so sick of you NT Messiah-complex sensationalist conspiracy theorists, thinking you know something no one else does and getting mental orgasms at the thought of you being able to say "See, I told you so" to people if a disaster happens.

Its really quite annoying.  People trying to scare others and claim they're "just informing" when in reality they have no research or evidence of their claims. 

 @ the close up video of the tsunami flooding the city.

Very surreal.

The radiation from Chernobyl reached places such as Sweden and Norway, but people weren't exactly dying there because of it. IF the worst case scenario happens, the radiation that reaches U.S. will be very weak and it will be hard to prove whether there was a connection between the Japan radiation and the death of a person on the west coast.

Quit trying to scare people. I am so sick of you NT Messiah-complex sensationalist conspiracy theorists, thinking you know something no one else does and getting mental orgasms at the thought of you being able to say "See, I told you so" to people if a disaster happens.

Its really quite annoying.  People trying to scare others and claim they're "just informing" when in reality they have no research or evidence of their claims. 

Extremely powerful pictures...

Not gonna lie, my eyes got teary from seeing all that..

10,000 feared dead too..?!
Extremely powerful pictures...

Not gonna lie, my eyes got teary from seeing all that..

10,000 feared dead too..?!
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

The radiation from Chernobyl reached places such as Sweden and Norway, but people weren't exactly dying there because of it. IF the worst case scenario happens, the radiation that reaches U.S. will be very weak and it will be hard to prove whether there was a connection between the Japan radiation and the death of a person on the west coast.

Quit trying to scare people. I am so sick of you NT Messiah-complex sensationalist conspiracy theorists, thinking you know something no one else does and getting mental orgasms at the thought of you being able to say "See, I told you so" to people if a disaster happens.

Its really quite annoying.  People trying to scare others and claim they're "just informing" when in reality they have no research or evidence of their claims. 

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

The radiation from Chernobyl reached places such as Sweden and Norway, but people weren't exactly dying there because of it. IF the worst case scenario happens, the radiation that reaches U.S. will be very weak and it will be hard to prove whether there was a connection between the Japan radiation and the death of a person on the west coast.

Quit trying to scare people. I am so sick of you NT Messiah-complex sensationalist conspiracy theorists, thinking you know something no one else does and getting mental orgasms at the thought of you being able to say "See, I told you so" to people if a disaster happens.

Its really quite annoying.  People trying to scare others and claim they're "just informing" when in reality they have no research or evidence of their claims. 

Really, that is tough to see.
I wish I could help somehow. Anyone have any info on where to send donations?
Really, that is tough to see.
I wish I could help somehow. Anyone have any info on where to send donations?
WOW at those pictures, so sad.  Japan actually said the quake registered at a 9.0 now too 

Just waiting so see who the first herb is that quotes them all
WOW at those pictures, so sad.  Japan actually said the quake registered at a 9.0 now too 

Just waiting so see who the first herb is that quotes them all
just so people know that a nuclear fuel meltdown does NOT equal spread of radiation. overheated and melted fuel are still "contained" in the primary vessel and is not gonna affect anyone unless the reactor blows its lid, which is very unlikely. media does a great job of spreading fear and despair
just so people know that a nuclear fuel meltdown does NOT equal spread of radiation. overheated and melted fuel are still "contained" in the primary vessel and is not gonna affect anyone unless the reactor blows its lid, which is very unlikely. media does a great job of spreading fear and despair
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

BKT - what exactly is your deal? like what is the purpose of you being on niketak? so far, i haven't been able to figure it out.

9/11/01 + 3/10/11 = December 12, 2012 Keep on with your tomfoolery, cheering on grown men who wouldn't care if you dropped dead tomorrow. Ask Carmelo if you can borrow 100 dollars see what he says to you, and I'll keep ya eyes peeled with what was written.
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