Japan 9.0 Mag. Quake/Tsunami -HAITI stands with Japan [vid]

I am glad Tokyo is still standing and ok. I loved Tokyo and deff plan on returning sometime down the line. Pretty unbelievable what happen to a few of those towns north of Tokyo... 200-300 bodies washing ashore
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Another official at the nuclear safety agency, Yuji Kakizaki, said that plant workers were cooling the reactor with a secondary cooling system, which is not as effective as the regular cooling method.

Kakizaki said officials have confirmed that the emergency cooling system - the last-ditch cooling measure to prevent the reactor from the meltdown - is intact and could kick in if needed.

"That's as a last resort, and we have not reached that stage yet," Kakizaki added.



that pretty much says it. generally the emergency to the back-up is something they will try to avoid till almost the very end because recovering from that stage might take too much time and money. I still think the end of all nuclear meltdown is farther from the real situation than the media lets you believe, its just the nature of the industry
Originally Posted by newmoanyuh

Another official at the nuclear safety agency, Yuji Kakizaki, said that plant workers were cooling the reactor with a secondary cooling system, which is not as effective as the regular cooling method.

Kakizaki said officials have confirmed that the emergency cooling system - the last-ditch cooling measure to prevent the reactor from the meltdown - is intact and could kick in if needed.

"That's as a last resort, and we have not reached that stage yet," Kakizaki added.



that pretty much says it. generally the emergency to the back-up is something they will try to avoid till almost the very end because recovering from that stage might take too much time and money. I still think the end of all nuclear meltdown is farther from the real situation than the media lets you believe, its just the nature of the industry
I'm on the fence of 2012 but here's something:

   9 - 11 - 01
+ 3 - 10 - 11
 12 - 21 - 12

I'm on the fence of 2012 but here's something:

   9 - 11 - 01
+ 3 - 10 - 11
 12 - 21 - 12

Originally Posted by Luong1209

I'm on the fence of 2012 but here's something:

   9 - 11 - 01
+ 3 - 10 - 11
 12 - 21 - 12

9 - 11 - 01
1 - 12 - 10
2 - 27 - 10
+3 - 10 - 11
15 - 60 - 3012
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I'm on the fence of 2012 but here's something:

   9 - 11 - 01
+ 3 - 10 - 11
 12 - 21 - 12

9 - 11 - 01
1 - 12 - 10
2 - 27 - 10
+3 - 10 - 11
15 - 60 - 3012
Not sure if it was said here, but watching the news they said 1 person was declared dead in Cali.
The same dummy people were talking about on here that went to the beach with his friends( hope it wasn't the NT'r that wanted to go down there) and 2 of them were able to survive but one of the was swallowed up by the waves 
Not sure if it was said here, but watching the news they said 1 person was declared dead in Cali.
The same dummy people were talking about on here that went to the beach with his friends( hope it wasn't the NT'r that wanted to go down there) and 2 of them were able to survive but one of the was swallowed up by the waves 
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