My initial complaints were "I'm the author of all your pain" but we don't really get much in the way of how... other than all the previous bad guys were involved in Spectre. That reveal kind of weakens the previous villains but that's okay if Blofeld is even bigger and badder... but he really wasn't. It was cool that they tried to tie the films together.. but how did they really? They just said those guys were involved with Spectre and that's it. If we had some details, some backstory, something other than Blofeld just taking credit, then I would have loved it more. Waltz is an awesome actor.. but I wish they brought in Tarantino to write his dialogue, because that's what was missing. I appreciated the classic Bond villain and all that goes with it.. but Bond in Casino Royale and Skyfall felt in danger and there was far more tension built up throughout.
In this one, the final action sequence didn't blow me away and I really didn't care for Bond shooting down a helicopter with his Walther. I get that far more ridiculous things happened in Bond movies, but I'm talking about this Bond movie. We already saw Blofeld go up in flames from a watch bomb, his lair get destroyed, and then his helicopter gets shot down.. it just felt anticlimatic and I'd rather he just fly off or they found another way to get to their ending. I saw the ending they wanted, Bond standing over him and being forced to make a choice between MI6 and Madeline, but the road to get there could have been done better. I know people called Skyfall's ending Home Alone with Bond, but that was a lot more exciting and clever to me. That was subverting your expectations.. big, bad James Bond is reduced to a couple of shotguns and cleverness, I loved that.
And you don't get to write off complaints just because it's a Bond movie.. we might have all seen C working for Spectre coming a mile away, but you can still try a little to disguise it and try to make it a surprise. Like how in Skyfall, you're meant to originally dislike Mallory but he ends up stepping up and helping them in the shootout. If they could have made C less obviously evil and doublefaced, I would have appreciated it
The pacing was also a bit off. I was never bored, but the movie felt every minute of it's runtime, it's a long movie.
Things I did like.. the action was pretty great. The opening sequence was awesome, the nods to classic Bond throughout, all the set pieces were entertaining (except the finale wasn't my favorite). Hinx was awesome and I loved how physically dominant he was and the fight choreography highlighted that. Madeline was a great Bond girl, and the MI6 group was a lot of fun this go-around.
I liked the references to the campy side and history of Bond with the white cat, the exploding watch, the spy car not having ammo loaded or playing music instead, the "maybe later" at Blofeld's compound, etc.
It felt like this was as campy/silly of a Bond that Craig and Mendes could muster, but they didn't go all out into it. So they had the little subtle nods to that side, had the huge action sequences, of course, but lacked what we liked about Casino Royale and Skyfall. The writing wasn't sharp enough, the pacing not quite tight enough, Craig was just a little bland this go-around. It was still worth a watch, laughed and went wide-eyed at the spectacle of the action sequences, and I'll likely enjoy it when I rewatch it.. but it wasn't great.
Waltz as Blofeld, the followup to Skyfall, I was hoping it was going to really deliver and knock it out of the park... and it fell short. Still good, still a ton of fun and definitely worth seeing, but falls short of what it should have been.