Is this racist or reaching

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Its kind of subconsciously racist. We know in america people prefer lighter skin, So its the fact that most little girls will chose the light one over the dark one. Im pretty sure people still buying the higher priced barbie.

Sure it's because the White doll sells more ... but it's a reason why society thinks that one looks better in the 1st place.
but on the other hand, why would a white parent buy a black doll for their white girl? If you haven't noticed, most girls who play with these dolls want to BE barbie, or whatever other dolls there are. A little white girl who wants to be barbie wouldnt be able to understand why barbie is black. 
if I had a girl, I'd be buying her the doll that she can "relate" to the most instead of being so damn PC
I'm black and I find this hilarious

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Its kind of subconsciously racist. We know in america people prefer lighter skin, So its the fact that most little girls will chose the light one over the dark one. Im pretty sure people still buying the higher priced barbie.

Sure it's because the White doll sells more ... but it's a reason why society thinks that one looks better in the 1st place.
but on the other hand, why would a white parent buy a black doll for their white girl? If you haven't noticed, most girls who play with these dolls want to BE barbie, or whatever other dolls there are. A little white girl who wants to be barbie wouldnt be able to understand why barbie is black. 
if I had a girl, I'd be buying her the doll that she can "relate" to the most instead of being so damn PC
But Black mothers don't BUY Black dolls for their daughters .
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Its kind of subconsciously racist. We know in america people prefer lighter skin, So its the fact that most little girls will chose the light one over the dark one. Im pretty sure people still buying the higher priced barbie.

Sure it's because the White doll sells more ... but it's a reason why society thinks that one looks better in the 1st place.
but on the other hand, why would a white parent buy a black doll for their white girl? If you haven't noticed, most girls who play with these dolls want to BE barbie, or whatever other dolls there are. A little white girl who wants to be barbie wouldnt be able to understand why barbie is black. 
if I had a girl, I'd be buying her the doll that she can "relate" to the most instead of being so damn PC
But Black mothers don't BUY Black dolls for their daughters .

thats their fault...that has nothing to do with the selection of dolls available (except for that little monkey bull @#$%). 
And you can say the same thing about video games, movies, etc. Besides Will Smith, Denzel, etc, most of the hollywood actors are white. Video game heroes: mostly white. People watch these movies and play these games so they can "be" someone else for a couple hours and do @#$% they cant do in real life. Most video game consumers/movie watchers= white, so theres gonna be more demand for white characters they can relate to
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Its kind of subconsciously racist. We know in america people prefer lighter skin, So its the fact that most little girls will chose the light one over the dark one. Im pretty sure people still buying the higher priced barbie.

Sure it's because the White doll sells more ... but it's a reason why society thinks that one looks better in the 1st place.
but on the other hand, why would a white parent buy a black doll for their white girl? If you haven't noticed, most girls who play with these dolls want to BE barbie, or whatever other dolls there are. A little white girl who wants to be barbie wouldnt be able to understand why barbie is black. 
if I had a girl, I'd be buying her the doll that she can "relate" to the most instead of being so damn PC
But Black mothers don't BUY Black dolls for their daughters .
yea they do, i for one was raised in a house where there was specific intent to buy my little sister black dolls when ever possible.

do black parents buy their daughters white dolls? sure, is part of this attributed to the "conditioning" mentioned earlier? probably, that being one of the subconscious social factors NOT named racism that contributes to a higher demand for white barbie.
Also, its like this all over the world. I've been to several countries in Asia, and the blonde/blue eyed barbie doesnt even sell that much there. 75% of the dolls are the tan brunettes/ "asianized" barbies cause guess what, thats what majority of the people in those countries look like
It's racist. This isn't the first time something like this has happened involving dolls for sale in a store. I don't want to hear that supply and demand *&^%. It could be reaching, but knowing the history in our country involving race, you can't help but look at it that way. I'm not overly sensitive about this particular situation, but I really don't see why so many people are laughing. It speaks to a much deeper social issue in America even in 2010.
"Im racist, discount the black baby at 3 dollars"


Reaching, at the end of the day its all about money for these people. They dont give a damn if its green baby, whatever makes the most profit will sell.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Not racist.

Chances are the black one doesn't sell as well, so they marked it down to encourage purchase.
da question is WHY doesn't it sell that well though.....hmmm
Not necessarily/directly racist. But Supply and Demand cause as a result of children being conditioned to believe what ideal "beauty" is, which stems from old prejudice and racism.
..................shes different from other girls [color= rgb(255, 0, 51)]HOW [/color]exactly?
the store isnt racist for marking it down.. america is racist.. therefore the black doll doesnt sell.. therefore it gets marked down.. therefore.....

supply and demand lol 
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

This is racist


thats just ignorant 
damn, black people can't catch a break...

thank god im hispanic...i can check in and out of outta this culture as i please.
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