"not one person?" "EVERYONE" 
^ Yes, EVERYONE that WATCHED the 2010 Finals knows that Gasol was the MVP.

Now the people who SKIMMED (skimming is something that all Kobe Stans do)  the 2010 NBA FInals, yes, none of them believe that Pau should have won MVP.
I won't debate 2009, but EVERYONE who watched the 2010 Finals knows that Pau should have won that MVP, ESPECIALLY after Kobe's infamous no-show in game 7.

Pau no showed game 7 as well. After 1 quarter was 2 of 8. 3 of 12 toward the end of quarter 3. Got up to 5 for 15. Ended up 6 for 16.

Paul Pierce 5 for 15.

Allen 3 for 14.

Artest 7 for 18.

Odom 3 for 8.

Garnett & Rondo were the only 2 guys to have a quality game for either team.

Gasol went 7 for 13 from the line. That is Dwight Howard territory 53.8%. Kobe went 8 of 9 in the 4th quarter on FTs. Want to know how the Lakers won? They got the Celtics in foul trouble early, and kept attacking.

Also a guy who traditionally gets 5 boards a game, gets 15. That's pretty important. He's a guard, not a big who averaged 11 a game that season
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Essential dropped a post full of stats and facts

And some of y'all just drop posts full of feels :lol:

Stats and facts have been posted that were anti-Kobe as well as they just get shrugged off.

It's really no different, :lol:

I've never seen valid stats posted in here and a Kobe fan not give a rebuttal

Essential gave a logical conclusion to why Kobe won the 2010 NBA Finals MVP and the guy replied back with "Everybody knows Pau Gasol should've won it"

Like wtf is that?!? :lol:
Pau no showed game 7 as well. After 1 quarter was 2 of 8. 3 of 12 toward the end of quarter 3. Got up to 5 for 15. Ended up 6 for 16.

Paul Pierce 5 for 15.

Allen 3 for 14.

Artest 7 for 18.

Odom 3 for 8.

Garnett & Rondo were the only 2 guys to have a quality game for either team.

Gasol went 7 for 13 from the line. That is Dwight Howard territory 53.8%. Kobe went 8 of 9 in the 4th quarter on FTs. Want to know how the Lakers won? They got the Celtics in foul trouble early, and kept attacking.

Also a guy who traditionally gets 5 boards a game, gets 15. That's pretty important. He's a guard, not a big who averaged 11 a game that season
Do you believe in your own nonsense?

Gasol had 19 points and 18 rebounds in the deciding game. And he didn't shoot 6-24.

And don't ask if I know how the Lakers won because obviously you have no damn clue.

The Lakers won because of a huge rebounding margin. Gasol had a game-high 18 rebounds. The Lakers had 23 offensive boards, Boston had 8. Gasol had NINE (9) of those offensive boards.


If you want me to simplify it, here:

The Lakers won because of Kendrick Perkins' torn ACL.

I've never seen valid stats posted in here and a Kobe fan not give a rebuttal

Essential gave a logical conclusion to why Kobe won the 2010 NBA Finals MVP and the guy replied back with "Everybody knows Pau Gasol should've won it"

Like wtf is that?!?
But you completely ignored the guy's essay that thoroughly explained why Gasol was robbed of an MVP.

Like wtf is that?!?
Pau no showed game 7 as well. After 1 quarter was 2 of 8. 3 of 12 toward the end of quarter 3. Got up to 5 for 15. Ended up 6 for 16.

Paul Pierce 5 for 15.

Allen 3 for 14.

Artest 7 for 18.

Odom 3 for 8.


Do you believe in your own nonsense?

Gasol had 19 points and 18 rebounds in the deciding game. And he didn't shoot 6-24.

And don't ask if I know how the Lakers won because obviously you have no damn clue.

The Lakers won because of a huge rebounding margin. Gasol had a game-high 18 rebounds. The Lakers had 23 offensive boards, Boston had 8. Gasol had NINE (9) of those offensive boards.


If you want me to simplify it, here:

The Lakers won because of Kendrick Perkins' torn ACL.


Celtics shooting game 7 29 - 71
Lakers shooting game 7 27 - 83

Celtic Free Throws 15 - 17
Lakers Free Throws 25-37

Lakers shot 21 Free throws in the 4th quarter

And Kobe had 15 Rebounds, 4 Offensive. So Pau's 18 isn't shocking anyone.

The game was decided in the 4th. Not the 1st, not the 2nd, not the 3rd. In which Pau Gasol had 3 Offensive Rebounds, that generated 2 points. One Kobe had a turnover. One Pau went to the line, missed both FTs, the 3rd less than a minute Lakers up 3, Pau kicks the ball back to Kobe who goes hard to bucket, and makes both to make it a 5 point game.

In contrast, Rajon Rondo had 2 offensive rebounds in the 4th, it generated 3 points.
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its not that hard to break down that poorly written, agenda driven article

the three main arguments he had was shooting %, defense and rebounding

i dont feel like rebounding needs to be talked about too much, 8 rebounds a game is amazing for a 2 guard

so on to defense, pau lead the series in blocks as expected from a big man and kobe lead the series in steals as expected of a guard

kobe's defensive rating was 2 points lower than pau's meaning that on average teams scored two points less when kobe was on the court than when pau was on the court

when it comes to shooting %s, the celtics defense was one of the greatest of all time and the laker's shooting %s were down across the board

naturally a post player is going to shoot a higher % because his shots are closer to the rim

in comparison to his regular season numbers, you could say kobe didnt have a great series shooting the basketball. he shot .456% during the regular season and .405 in the finals. credit to the great celtics defense for the .051 dropoff in shooting %. he was able to make up for that a little by stepping his game up the few times there was no celtics defender draped over him when he improved his ft% from a regular season of .811 to .883 in the finals, a .072 increase

pau on the otherhand also struggled to score at his regular rate vs the celtics defense. in the regular season he shot .536 compared to .478 in the finals, so contrary to what is apparently popular belief pau's shooting in the finals had a bigger drop off than kobe's did (pau shooting .058 lower than normal vs kobe shooting .051 lower than normal). also if we look at the freethrow numbers, again when he was able to get free points without the celtics defense all over him, he only shot .721 in the finals compared to .790 in the regular season.

kobe had a smaller dropoff in fg% between regular season and finals than pau did WHILE increasing his ft% while pau's went lower than his average. there just isnt a valid argument you can make for pau over kobe when talking about shooting numbers. 
Celtics shooting game 7 29 - 71
Lakers shooting game 7 27 - 83

Celtic Free Throws 15 - 17
Lakers Free Throws 25-37

Lakers shot 21 Free throws in the 4th quarter

And Kobe had 15 Rebounds, 4 Offensive. So Pau's 18 isn't shocking anyone.

The game was decided in the 4th. Not the 1st, not the 2nd, not the 3rd. In which Pau Gasol had 3 Offensive Rebounds, that generated 2 points. One Kobe had a turnover. One Pau went to the line, missed both FTs, the 3rd less than a minute Lakers up 3, Pau kicks the ball back to Kobe who goes hard to bucket, and makes both to make it a 5 point game.

In contrast, Rajon Rondo had 2 offensive rebounds in the 4th, it generated 3 points.

its not that hard to break down that poorly written, agenda driven article

the three main arguments he had was shooting %, defense and rebounding

i dont feel like rebounding needs to be talked about too much, 8 rebounds a game is amazing for a 2 guard

so on to defense, pau lead the series in blocks as expected from a big man and kobe lead the series in steals as expected of a guard

kobe's defensive rating was 2 points lower than pau's meaning that on average teams scored two points less when kobe was on the court than when pau was on the court

when it comes to shooting %s, the celtics defense was one of the greatest of all time and the laker's shooting %s were down across the board

naturally a post player is going to shoot a higher % because his shots are closer to the rim

in comparison to his regular season numbers, you could say kobe didnt have a great series shooting the basketball. he shot .456% during the regular season and .405 in the finals. credit to the great celtics defense for the .051 dropoff in shooting %. he was able to make up for that a little by stepping his game up the few times there was no celtics defender draped over him when he improved his ft% from a regular season of .811 to .883 in the finals, a .072 increase

pau on the otherhand also struggled to score at his regular rate vs the celtics defense. in the regular season he shot .536 compared to .478 in the finals, so contrary to what is apparently popular belief pau's shooting in the finals had a bigger drop off than kobe's did (pau shooting .058 lower than normal vs kobe shooting .051 lower than normal). also if we look at the freethrow numbers, again when he was able to get free points without the celtics defense all over him, he only shot .721 in the finals compared to .790 in the regular season.

kobe had a smaller dropoff in fg% between regular season and finals than pau did WHILE increasing his ft% while pau's went lower than his average. there just isnt a valid argument you can make for pau over kobe when talking about shooting numbers. 
Guys shouldn't even waste your time! Good ish though! Always killing with the facts!
Pau Gasol shot 6 of 16 which is awful for a big
I've never seen valid stats posted in here and a Kobe fan not give a rebuttal

Essential gave a logical conclusion to why Kobe won the 2010 NBA Finals MVP and the guy replied back with "Everybody knows Pau Gasol should've won it"

Like wtf is that?!? :lol:

But you completely ignored the guy's essay that thoroughly explained why Gasol was robbed of an MVP.

Like wtf is that?!? :lol: :stoneface:

Essential rebutted the guy cut who and pasted article

He couldn't explain his own opinion and can neither you :lol:
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I mean, dude cut and pasted a pro Kobe article like 2 pages ago, :lol:

Who cares? If someone has similar opinions on a subject, why would I waste my time typing?

I'm done talking about Pau, tho, never liked his hobo looking self, :lol:
Well you obviously cared enough to mention it or I forgot you don't care.... nobody is worth having conversations with here

Youre just bored must be really bored :lol:
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Pau Gasol in Lakers' 4 2010 Finals wins:

18.0 ppg (FG% .455, FT% .629, 3PT% 0-0) 13.75 fga pg, 0.0 3pt fga pg, 8.75 fta pg

13.75 rpg

5.0 apg

0.5 spg

2.5 bpg

1.75 to pg

42 mpg

Kobe Bryant in Lakers' 4 2010 Finals wins:

27.0 ppg (FG% .372, FT% .875, 3PT% .158) 23.5 fga pg, 4,75 3pt fga pg, 10.0 fta pg

10.0 rpg

3.75 apg

2.0 spg

1.0 bpg

2.75 to pg

42 mpg
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  • Like
Reactions: MVP
Essential dropped a post full of stats and facts

And some of y'all just drop posts full of feels :lol:

Stats and facts have been posted that were anti-Kobe as well as they just get shrugged off.

It's really no different, :lol:

I've never seen valid stats posted in here and a Kobe fan not give a rebuttal

Essential gave a logical conclusion to why Kobe won the 2010 NBA Finals MVP and the guy replied back with "Everybody knows Pau Gasol should've won it"

Like wtf is that?!? :lol:
It's a negligent oversight if you honestly think that all Kobe fans offer sound rebuttals. :lol:

And if you say, "No, I'm sure SOME Kobe fans offer bullcrap responses, but I said I don't see it," then all I can say is that you're not paying attention. :lol:
10 straight missed game-winning/tying shots with 5 seconds or less remaining.

The joke entitled "Kobe Bryant" lives on...
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Reactions: OTG
He just hit a shot to tie the game with 5 seconds left tho.......

A 26/5/5/5 at age 36. Year 19.
*misses a game winner*
Who was he supposed to pass to, tho? He's 36, clowns.

*misses a game winner*
His injuries, tho. 19 years in, clowns.

*misses a game winner*
Team is terrible, anyways. May as well just tank and let him chuck. 5 championships earned his uber-green light.

*makes a game winner*
19 years, tho.
36, tho.
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