Is it socially acceptable to marry a stripper?

It's funny this thread was made 6 years ago and It's fashionable now to date/wife a stripper. I would smash but I wouldn't think about getting into anything serious with a stripper. Especially if she one of them career strippers that's got a reputation for getting passed around like Blac Chyna. Even Amber, she been jumping for athlete to athlete.

I'm not gon front though Maliah Michelle would have me thinking...

It depends though. I remember that "princess and the marine" bit where he saved her and brought her over here, real fairy tale stuff. Then she became a stripper who slept around because she couldn't find a job and had to support them both, and he became an abusive alcoholic with ptsd.
There was this one judge in Las Vegas who was recently killed or she died who used to be a stripper. She only worked back then to pay her way through law school.
I would date a dime piece stripper and even hold hands in public, but never marry one. then again i might decline just because of the chance of getting her knocked up. i dont have problems with them personally but i could never attach myself fully to something im sharing with the world.
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Milleninals are shunning da jewels from

Da OG's that came before them ...

I saw the thread title and thought to myself "I bet DC responded on the first page with something condescending"

I win
What about prostitutes, them back pages stars....Yall would wife them?
There are many sucker dudes out there who wouldn't hesitate.

But they're free to make their own choices. Just face up to the possible consequences.
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This is a very disconcerting view. Can you elaborate why?

I don't need the church or the government to validate my love. marriage in America is strictly for financial purposes. Most end up in divorce anyway in which case you're breaking vows that you made to each other to be down for life. Marriage means absolutely nothing in my opinion. If our love is forever then it's forever and no piece of paper or ceremony is going to change that. Most people don't even know why they're getting married other than it being tradition in which case you're doing it because of what your family and other ppl think not because you truly want to. marriage has nothing to do with love in 2016.
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This is a very disconcerting view. Can you elaborate why?
I don't need the church or the government to validate my love. marriage in America is strictly for financial purposes. Most end up in divorce anyway in which case you're breaking vows that you made to each other to be down for life. Marriage means absolutely nothing in my opinion. If our love is forever then it's forever and no piece of paper or ceremony is going to change that.
But don't you think your girl deserves a wedding?

And if you end up getting divorced, don't you think she also deserves half (pre-nups get thrown out in Cali courts all the time)?
But don't you think your girl deserves a wedding?

And if you end up getting divorced, don't you think she also deserves half (pre-nups get thrown out in Cali courts all the time)?
That deserves half bs blows my mind
Why not ? You met her a stripper ! That right there puts her in a diff. Category. You shouldn't be surprised of anything in that relationship.
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But don't you think your girl deserves a wedding?

And if you end up getting divorced, don't you think she also deserves half (pre-nups get thrown out in Cali courts all the time)?

Have you ever wondered why "every girl" wants a "dream wedding". Who's dream is it really? Cuz I sure as hell don't give a **** about a wedding.

And hell no I don't think she deserves half my **** if we split and vice versa
But don't you think your girl deserves a wedding?

And if you end up getting divorced, don't you think she also deserves half (pre-nups get thrown out in Cali courts all the time)?
Have you ever wondered why "every girl" wants a "dream wedding". Who's dream is it really? Cuz I sure as hell don't give a **** about a wedding.

And hell no I don't think she deserves half my **** if we split and vice versa
I agree with everything you said.

Be careful saying all of that publicly. You might very well get attacked by feminists and white knights.
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nah actually become a stripper you have to be a mentally different type of chick. 

educated well brought up chicks don't become strippers. 

theres a reason why a very high percentage of strippers don't know their daddy. 
These broads usually hook on the side and have a bad coke addiction. If you wanna be broke with herpes, do you I guess.
nah actually become a stripper you have to be a mentally different type of chick. 
educated well brought up chicks don't become strippers. 

theres a reason why a very high percentage of strippers don't know their daddy. 

I don't know about all that. Some strippers do come with drama but it's a lot of girls that strip for a year or 2 to pay for school or whatever and get out.

Have you ever wondered why "every girl" wants a "dream wedding". Who's dream is it really? Cuz I sure as hell don't give a **** about a wedding.

And hell no I don't think she deserves half my **** if we split and vice versa

I don't need the church or the government to validate my love. marriage in America is strictly for financial purposes. Most end up in divorce anyway in which case you're breaking vows that you made to each other to be down for life. Marriage means absolutely nothing in my opinion. If our love is forever then it's forever and no piece of paper or ceremony is going to change that. Most people don't even know why they're getting married other than it being tradition in which case you're doing it because of what your family and other ppl think not because you truly want to. marriage has nothing to do with love in 2016.

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