Is it socially acceptable to marry a stripper?

[chris rock] i aint never got a smart lap dance when i was in college [/chris rock]
Originally Posted by infamousod

just cause she dances go-go it don't make her a ho no

A stripper could be my girlfriend...
But I would only marry women with "real" jobs/careers.
I personally don't think its socially acceptable b/c I've never met anyone who is married to a stripper or a stripper that was married. Now that'snot to say they're not out there. But I would think if she strips she's not in a marriage frame of mind.
theres a difference between a "feature" stripper and hole in the wall"fishing for dollars" stripper that uses the shady bar element as theoffice to book "appointments".

No self respecting woman hoping to be someones wife strips for money...not even for education. I know girls that will work 2 jobs fulltime before even thinkingabout taking clothes for money.

Strippers are usually sexually abused or conflicted women unsure about their sexully other words Ellen'ed out. Their sex organs aren'tused to show affection or appreciation to men they love...they're used as tool to compete in a world with powerful men, therefore they sell it withoutselling themselves....opposed to the average woman that would feel like shes selling her womanhood to the highest bidder. Any women weak enough to do that outof desperation is someone I wouldnt share a marriage bed with or feel emotionally safe with

So no.....
Originally Posted by yung egg foo

theres a difference between a "feature" stripper and hole in the wall"fishing for dollars" stripper that uses the shady bar element as the office to book "appointments".

No self respecting woman hoping to be someones wife strips for money...not even for education. I know girls that will work 2 jobs fulltime before even thinking about taking clothes for money.

Strippers are usually sexually abused or conflicted women unsure about their sexully other words Ellen'ed out. Their sex organs aren't used to show affection or appreciation to men they love...they're used as tool to compete in a world with powerful men, therefore they sell it without selling themselves....opposed to the average woman that would feel like shes selling her womanhood to the highest bidder. Any women weak enough to do that out of desperation is someone I wouldnt share a marriage bed with or feel emotionally safe with

So no.....
Nicely said
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by yung egg foo

theres a difference between a "feature" stripper and hole in the wall"fishing for dollars" stripper that uses the shady bar element as the
office to book "appointments".

No self respecting woman hoping to be someones wife strips for money...not even for education. I know girls that will work 2 jobs fulltime before even thinking
about taking clothes for money.

Strippers are usually sexually abused or conflicted women unsure about their sexully other words Ellen'ed out. Their sex organs aren't
used to show affection or appreciation to men they love...they're used as tool to compete in a world with powerful men, therefore they sell it without
selling themselves....opposed to the average woman that would feel like shes selling her womanhood to the highest bidder. Any women weak enough to do that out
of desperation is someone I wouldnt share a marriage bed with or feel emotionally safe with

So no.....
Nicely said

My girls a single mother of 2, and thats
not even on her list of last things she
would do to feed them, so probly not.
I understand the logic behind girls doing
it to pay for school or other necessities (sp?)
but once u enter that world, its hard to reform.
In reality you can do what ever you want. There are no answer to this questions there just people that will judge you, who have no right. I would never do iton principal, she disrespecting her self for money(not cool in my book).
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I don't plan on getting married, but I wouldn't let being a stripper stop me from marrying someone. Plenty of the chicks that you guys think are "classy" have been smashed out as many, if not more, than Stripper A. It's not fair to make blanket statements about strippers or just people in general.

Thats what i dont get either i mean dudes be wifing up girls that gang bang more then compton crips. Dudes be marrying women and basically inherit a grown child. So ur a sucker for marrying being with a girl who dances for a living. but its cool and ok 2 marry a girl who is basically a %#!*# or a girl who u gonna take care of like a child. At the end of the day the relationship is based on the 1 individuals and the connection and bond they have with one another. But if u wanna go on some superfiscal issues i rather have a girl thats dancing and earning a living then a girl thats h*&ing for free working a 9-5. If u gone get laid hell might as well get paid. And both if better then taking over fatherly duties over a grown @%+ women

Maaannnn, get out of here with that "Hookers on the Point" nonsense. That just what pimps tell their skeeos so their skeeos can tell that to otherchicks they want to recruit. Every chick isn't getting gangbanged. Every chick isn't all up in a dude's pockets, either. And I know for damnsure I'm not going to marry some chick with kids. You find that out once you start taking the relationship seriously or even when you hit their crib. That's enough time to where you don't know the chick well enough to care that much about ending it b/c she's got kids., and if she keeps it asecret for a minute then she's just a lying scag so why would you keep her.

There are different classes of chicks, and when you're thinking about marrying a stripper no matter how down to earth and good looking she is she belongsto one of the lower classes of chicks. That reflects on the class of dude that you are. There of plenty of level headed good looking college educated chicksout there who come from god families. You just can't be trying to mess with only instant smashers and wonder why your experience with women is so deeplyentrenched in J.O.'s, no matter how cool they are.
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