Is it socially acceptable to marry a stripper?

nah actually become a stripper you have to be a mentally different type of chick. 
educated well brought up chicks don't become strippers. 

theres a reason why a very high percentage of strippers don't know their daddy. 
Does that make them trash by default? It's never too late to turn life around IMO. I've never dated a carreer stripper, but I've gone out with what's normally a ***. Girl said she'd been in bed with 20+ dudes in HS, and being around her definitely gave out that signal.

But once I got to know the person, it wasn't that bad. My ex didn't really return to that lifestyle either, and sort of distanced herself from the trash she was with. I'd be okay as long as she distances herself from the lifestyle, but that's probably not the case most of the time from what I see.
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Almost came in here to post **** what's socially acceptable until I saw this was a grave dig and I already basically posted that.
Almost came in here to post **** what's socially acceptable until I saw this was a grave dig and I already basically posted that.
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