Is Heaven Even An Attractive Vacation Spot Or.........

-Interesting thread, if heaven is how they describe it in the bible I don't think I wanna go there. Apparently you spend all eternity praising God in Heaven. An hour in church already feels like an eternity in hell why the hell would i want that.

-My perfect eternity would be a virtual reality were you can will things into existence.....but I honestly rather vanish into oblivion and cease to exist.
I was never a religious person, but NT has definitely caused me to see things from a new light over the last couple of years...

And I'm not sure how I feel about that...
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I was never a religious person, but NT has definitely caused me to see things from a new light over the last couple of years...

And I'm not sure how I feel about that...

Part of you feels like you have turned your back on everything that you have thought was true

Part of you thanks NT for provoking thought

Personally, I don't see how people still believe heaven/hell
after looking into the demographics of the spiritual realm from
any standpoint.

Why would a spiritual deity still have cravings/fixations of the flesh?

I think these "locations" are to be determined from a esocentric state of mind.

Most people draft their perceptions of heaven/hell from
artistic viewpoints such as paintings and tv, instead of actual written scripture.

While I have yet to make sense of christianity's version of heaven especially the parts
described within the chapters of Revelations..
I do know that many other religions preferably the non-deity centric ones
all speak of it in terms of a conscious knowledgeable mind-state...and
vice versa towards hell.
Damn sure makes 1000x more sense then golden roads, jeweled gates,
naked white people in refurbished bodies.
Of course heaven is an attractive place to be

In the Islamic tradition, heaven is a place we will be with our physical bodies with pleasant gardens, rivers or milk, honey or any type of drink you wish. Gold and emerald goblets filled to the brim with the finest (non-intoxicating) wine, constantly being refilled by beautiful servants who resemble pearls. All the food, drink, entertainment you can enjoy and made so you will never get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Chillin in mansions made of diamonds and gold with my family on raised gold couches laying back in silk robes. Allah provides "pure companions" that are more beautiful than the most beautiful women for men and vica versa for women.

Contrast this with hell in which you will be "roasting" in fired fueled by the rocks and the flesh of men chained together with people you will be cursing for leading you astray. You will be provided with boiling water to drink that will scorch your throat and pour out of your chest. You will be provided by thorny fruits to munch on as you skin scorches off from the flames and continues to regrow as it falls off.

Why wouldn't I want to be heaven?
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Chillin on Streets of gold.

or live in eternal fire.


Hell is not an option for me. I've GOT to make Heaven. I HAVE to see Jesus in peace.
I'm thinking Heaven is a place of eternal euphoria of seeing the face of God that nothing on this earth can replicate. Sucking on *******? I mean ok you get in, arrive, and then what?

Hell IMO isn't physical pain it's just some eternal solitary confinement away from God and everything else, that will drive you mad.

But most of ya'll don't believe in "none of that" anyways
When I die +@%$ it i wanna to go to hell
cause im a piece of !#$@ it aint hard to +$$$*#* tell 
it dont make sense going to heaven with the goodie goodies 
dressed in white, i like black tim's and black hoodies 
god would probably have me on some real strict !#$@ 
no sleepin all day no geting my $!+% licked 
hanging with the goodie goodies loungin in paradise 
+@%$ that !#$@ i wanna tote guns and shoot dice 
Sorry for the bump but I was discussing this topic with a gentleman at work today. He is an older man, kind of out there (mentally) so I don't know if he really believes what he says.

He said to me, "Take any TV you have seen in the stores. The best TVs in Best Buy. Well is Heaven, there are TV's that are 100 times better."

So I was just messing with him and ask him, "What about XBOX 360." He said they had virtual reality games up there.

He claims to have died and saw it with his own eyes.

I don't know man.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

the concept of heaven scares me quite a bit... does eternal life actually sound like a good thing? seriously, can you imagine NEVER dying?

You're not the only one who feels this way, eternally life sounds terrible

But yes heaven as i picture it sounds terrible, mostly because of the people that are supposedly going there. I imagine heaven as an eternity of sunday school and bible study. I want no parts.
To burn in hell is to have sexual desire in your loins or lower self.

To enter into heaven you are mated with your soul spiritually born of water and desire no more.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I was never a religious person, but NT has definitely caused me to see things from a new light over the last couple of years...

And I'm not sure how I feel about that...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

does it just look better than the option of going to hell? The lesser or two "evils" almost.

Seriously think about it. What about being in Heaven seems attractive?

Tell me if I am wrong, but the idea of Heaven is that it is constant praise and devotion to God. Will we be able to do things that WE enjoy? Basketball, video games, riding bikes and looking at *******?

I asked a teacher in school this before and he said, "God has all of the latest video games." - I laughed at that because of the effort.

Speaking of *******, will sexual thoughts be stripped from everyone there? How would a man look at a woman in heaven and not want to suck the skin off of her *******.

Will the feeling of boredom be stripped from everyone that is there because I can't see how anyone will enjoy doing.

Is anyone see what I am trying to say? Sorry if I didn't explain it the way it is running through my mind.

But my question is who WANTS to be in heaven and why? I just think it looks like a better option than hell which is why it is such a desired location.

Well I believe we will all have mansions, I believe there will be no worry and no pain..I believe I wil be reunited with family that I have lost

I think you posed the question just fine, I have thought about it too. I do wanna hoop, I do wanna play cards. But I doubt you'll be able to smoke because its harmful to your body and your body is your temple. I gotta think there will be time to enjoy life outside of the praise and worship.

I don't how yall can think Hell would be fun...all I ever hear about is burning for eternity....there will be no 40s, blunts and strippers there. It is eternal damnation.

But in the end, since none of us know because we never been to either one, my faith makes it an easy decision. I would rather be bored than burned.
Are you kidding me? Heaven sounds like a great place to be...

The way I see it, one has anything they want. There won't be any conflicts about dudes wanting to kill one another cause those bad thoughts just aren't in your head. The place is so awesome and great that you never even think of doing wrong. Not sure about sexual thoughts though.

But yeah dude imagine never aging, just perfect days whenever you want. You can play basketball, call of duty, work out all that all day every day.

The only thing I'm wondering is: will I ever lose in heaven? Like can I ever fail?

Say I'm playing call of duty. Will I always have perfect games? Or if I'm hooping, will I always win? But if I win, doesn't that mean the other people lost? And in heaven everyone is supposed to win? Whatever, I guess I'll figure it out if I ever get there
Originally Posted by scshift

Say I'm playing call of duty. Will I always have perfect games? Or if I'm hooping, will I always win? But if I win, doesn't that mean the other people lost? And in heaven everyone is supposed to win? Whatever, I guess I'll figure it out if I ever get there

Come on Monta. Why do you think you will be able to play a first person SHOOTER up there.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by scshift

Say I'm playing call of duty. Will I always have perfect games? Or if I'm hooping, will I always win? But if I win, doesn't that mean the other people lost? And in heaven everyone is supposed to win? Whatever, I guess I'll figure it out if I ever get there

Come on Monta. Why do you think you will be able to play a first person SHOOTER up there.

what oh damn 
I don't think you will never lose, but I do think you would never get hurt. I think you would have all your ability, it would be your drive to win.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I don't think you will never lose, but I do think you would never get hurt. I think you would have all your ability, it would be your drive to win.

Ok, if you will NEVER lose, who are you going to be playing against? There has to be a loser if someone will NEVER lose right?

What about this, how about if the idea of competition doesn't even exist at all. Since competition really isn't a Chris-like attitude/feeling/motivation.
I talked to a friend of mine, he was in a car accident was unconscious and was supposedly "dead" for 20 minutes.  He described heaven as if he went past a gate and there was like a billion beings looking at him and smiling.  They all had love and so much emotion that he had said was incomprehensible here on earth.  It was all types of joy and love.  How he woke up was one of the angels said he needed to go back to earth and his mission wasn't complete yet. I figured this was just a case of him dreaming while in a coma 
 but he claims it was real.  He said he didn't get to see God yet though. 
what i think heaven is, is a place where everything u ever want is there. so yes it is a very attractive offer.....

but i guess some people think of it differently
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