Is Heaven Even An Attractive Vacation Spot Or.........

such an interesting topic.
personally i feel as though eternity in heaven would become monotonous.
but maybe that's because my mind is operating on a lower plane right now?
really interesting indeed.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

what i think heaven is, is a place where everything u ever want is there. so yes it is a very attractive offer.....

but i guess some people think of it differently
Why do you think that is what Heaven is? I mean do you really think it would be that simple?

If what I enjoy is 3-somes. Would I be able to do that right in front of the man upstairs? What if I like to get high? How would that be an option?
I think that heaven is what makes you happy. If you like sex. God will make sure that he puts you in the vicinity of those women that enjoy sex just as much as you do. God said be fruitful right. Well I'm gonna make him proud of me by making that heavenly love to all of the fine celestial bodies.

As for hell the exact opposite of that for me would be getting gang raped prison style. Who the f##% wants that s#$%. Well some people might enjoy it but I am not about that life.
Originally Posted by jdi23

I think that heaven is what makes you happy. If you like sex. God will make sure that he puts you in the vicinity of those women that enjoy sex just as much as you do. God said be fruitful right. Well I'm gonna make him proud of me by making that heavenly love to all of the fine celestial bodies.

As for hell the exact opposite of that for me would be getting gang raped prison style. Who the f##% wants that s#$%. Well some people might enjoy it but I am not about that life.
Unless you come from a religion that considers casual sex outside of marriage taboo, then this is wishful thinking. You can't come from a religion that preaches chastity and expect to end up in heaven with ti!!ies being thrown in your face.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

what i think heaven is, is a place where everything u ever want is there. so yes it is a very attractive offer.....

but i guess some people think of it differently
Why do you think that is what Heaven is? I mean do you really think it would be that simple?

If what I enjoy is 3-somes. Would I be able to do that right in front of the man upstairs? What if I like to get high? How would that be an option?

having three-somes and getting high are bodily desire. you wouldn't need to do that up there
One thing I do want to be able to do in heaven is to be able to reflect upon my life and every single person I've ever met and affected. All of the people I directly and indirectly changed, I want to meet them and talk to them. There are some friends I'll never see again in my lifetime that I want to catch up with 
As much as I like and respect god.I truly enjoy earth and living amongst humans alot.I just cant see myself living for eternity up their with with him knowing folks suffer down here.Thats b.s .The minute I go I'll be up their saying I want a crack at the world one more time to see if I can change things for the better.I just cant exist that way im not built like that.I want to swim in the ocean,I want to skateboard ,I want to wake up in the morning and eat cold pizza and plot my next step in life.I could literally be a perpetual mortal forever.
I know one thing if i go to hell, Me, Hitler and Rosie O Donnell are going to overthrow Satan, assuming Hitler doesn't kill me first for being black and all.
Xbox, sex, playing basketball!!? 
..If your Christian and believe youre going to heaven, then you must also believe what the bible says about End of Times, Rapture and Armageddon..  Youre gods soldiers, not sitting on a cloud with a mansion drinking wine everyday blowing the backs out of spiritual females.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I don't think you will never lose, but I do think you would never get hurt. I think you would have all your ability, it would be your drive to win.

Ok, if you will NEVER lose, who are you going to be playing against? There has to be a loser if someone will NEVER lose right?

What about this, how about if the idea of competition doesn't even exist at all. Since competition really isn't a Chris-like attitude/feeling/motivation.

I was responding to SCshift that you can't be perfect on the courts or on Ps3, every game has winners and losers. At least you won't have to worry about someone shooting up the court.

No competition? That would be tough, but I guess it wouldn't bother you if your mind didn't know it. I have always been told that we wouldnt know anyone that wasn't there (aka in hell). Like you will recognize your friends and loved ones that are there, but you dont miss the ones that arent there
Originally Posted by proper english

cant have deviant kinky sex w/ randoms in heaven.. #$%^& that.. 

nope, but even tougher to do it while burning in flames
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

As much as I like and respect god.I truly enjoy earth and living amongst humans alot.I just cant see myself living for eternity up their with with him knowing folks suffer down here.Thats b.s .The minute I go I'll be up their saying I want a crack at the world one more time to see if I can change things for the better.I just cant exist that way im not built like that.I want to swim in the ocean,I want to skateboard ,I want to wake up in the morning and eat cold pizza and plot my next step in life.I could literally be a perpetual mortal forever.


*Insert Dwayne Johnson gif*
Skimmed the previous pages, but did not read everything.
As a Christian who believes in heaven as described in scripture, let me do my best to give you my thoughts...and keep in mind, this will sound completely foreign if you and I not on the same page with a few basic principles (like whether or not God exists, scripture being the Word of God, absolute truth, etc.) I'm just explaining my belief in order that you can understand why some people's hope lies in heaven.

Heaven is the place that we were designed for, that we were meant for, it's everything that this world isn't. God's creation was perfect before sin entered the world through Adam. The world was as it should be, every creature was at peace with every other creature, there was no sickness, there was no death. But when man rebelled against God, sin entered this world and tainted everything in it and everything/everyone that would ever be in it. We are sinful from birth and there's nothing we can do about it on our own. All the terrible things that happen in the world (pain, malice, selfishness, greed, sickness, abandonment, slavery, human trafficking, murder, rape, war, death, injustice) all happen because we live in a world that is marred by sin that is full of sinful people.

But in heaven, all will be made right. There will be no more sin. There will be no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering, no more hunger, no more war, no more death. Those who have trusted in Christ will be in God's presence and we will have new, perfect bodies. Bodies free of pain and sickness, bodies with lost limbs restored, eyes that have never seen will see, ears that have never heard will hear. We will have bodies that reflect the image of the one who made us they way they were meant to. Every good thing that you enjoy here is just a foretaste, just a shadow of what they will be. You have never known happiness like you will. You have never known fulfillment like you will. Our wants and longings here are just a desire to know the God who made us. Our desire for beauty will only be fully satisfied in Him who created everything, our desire to be loved will only be satisfied in Him who loves us perfectly, our desire for intimacy will only be fulfilled when we fully know and are known by the one who made us. And we will live forever with God. It is normal for eternity to be hard to understand, our finite minds have no concept of existence outside of time. It can sound crazy and scary when you try to wrap your mind around it. But being in the presence of Christ forever with all those who have believed and in creation the way it was intended, that is where I want to be.

I can completely understand how heaven wouldn't sound appealing to a person who believes what we see around us is all there is, that this is as good as it gets. But that being said, that's not what I believe.
to desire is a sickness. We were not created to desire. We were created to sustain and reflect the light of our creator. To desire is the state of the flesh. To be full is state of the spirit.
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Heaven has always seemed UBER boring ever since I was a little kid....... but....Hell is hot.. and I'm too dark for that. And thus, I used to base my faith on a fear of hell and not so much a lust for heaven. Heaven's NEVER been my ideal atmosphere... not even when I believed as a kid that it was just above the fluffiest cloud. It always seemed gay and placid. I like everything they don't have in heaven. @$%% a harp, milk, and gold. I want bass drums, jager, and diamonds. It takes heat to form diamonds. I hate how Heaven is described like the ultimate Florida Old folk home... perfect weather... golf.. the works.. If the nature of temptation is everything we low key want to do, and the destination for the tempt-ees isn't heaven.. that means heaven is low key boring as hell. Unless of course hell isn't boring at all...
... let m find out hell isn't hot at all and that that was just a slander campaign to promote one night club over the other... Hell prolly got drink specials, a dance floor, ALL the loose women... yo I didn't read your OP DC, but I can imagine that's just the sort of realistic honest answer you haven't gotten much of yet..
This Him
humans give themselves too much credit

"soul" in human body

body gone?

what are you? you in "heaven" with your old body?
I understand both arguments, for and against the concept of heaven, and have wondered this same concept myself.
Although I do not consider myself a christian now, I did once in my life act as a devoted one. I'm honestly not sure what I think about it.
On one hand I dislike the notion that heaven is this beautiful place where everything is perfect.. it makes us devalue what we already have here.
But it does give people who need it hope. I know if I lost a limb or two or even lived in an area polluted by war or famine, I'd want to damn well know that there was someplace better I was going to once I died.
Originally Posted by larrivee7

Skimmed the previous pages, but did not read everything.
As a Christian who believes in heaven as described in scripture, let me do my best to give you my thoughts...and keep in mind, this will sound completely foreign if you and I not on the same page with a few basic principles (like whether or not God exists, scripture being the Word of God, absolute truth, etc.) I'm just explaining my belief in order that you can understand why some people's hope lies in heaven.

Heaven is the place that we were designed for, that we were meant for, it's everything that this world isn't. God's creation was perfect before sin entered the world through Adam. The world was as it should be, every creature was at peace with every other creature, there was no sickness, there was no death. But when man rebelled against God, sin entered this world and tainted everything in it and everything/everyone that would ever be in it. We are sinful from birth and there's nothing we can do about it on our own. All the terrible things that happen in the world (pain, malice, selfishness, greed, sickness, abandonment, slavery, human trafficking, murder, rape, war, death, injustice) all happen because we live in a world that is marred by sin that is full of sinful people.

But in heaven, all will be made right. There will be no more sin. There will be no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering, no more hunger, no more war, no more death. Those who have trusted in Christ will be in God's presence and we will have new, perfect bodies. Bodies free of pain and sickness, bodies with lost limbs restored, eyes that have never seen will see, ears that have never heard will hear. We will have bodies that reflect the image of the one who made us they way they were meant to. Every good thing that you enjoy here is just a foretaste, just a shadow of what they will be. You have never known happiness like you will. You have never known fulfillment like you will. Our wants and longings here are just a desire to know the God who made us. Our desire for beauty will only be fully satisfied in Him who created everything, our desire to be loved will only be satisfied in Him who loves us perfectly, our desire for intimacy will only be fulfilled when we fully know and are known by the one who made us. And we will live forever with God. It is normal for eternity to be hard to understand, our finite minds have no concept of existence outside of time. It can sound crazy and scary when you try to wrap your mind around it. But being in the presence of Christ forever with all those who have believed and in creation the way it was intended, that is where I want to be.

I can completely understand how heaven wouldn't sound appealing to a person who believes what we see around us is all there is, that this is as good as it gets. But that being said, that's not what I believe.

quoted for emphasis.

3somes, *******, drugs, hookers, etc. are all worldy desires. we desire those things because we are made of flesh. flesh and the spirit are two different things. your spirit is whats being passed along in the after life. you wont desire no such worldly thing upon making it to heaven. it will be as if adam and eve didnt eat the apple. of course to a carnally minded person heaven seems boring because a carnal mind is thinking of 3somes and big *******. both heaven and hell have eternities. you can either bask in the presence of God for eternity in heaven. or be tortured in the bottomless pit of fire in hell.

this is part of what i interpret from my beliefs. if youre really curious about it, research it yourself. 

if you dont believe in heaven/hell, God/Satan then this is irrelevant.
DC, go to Youtube and search "Jim Jeffries - religion joke". I can't link because of the swearing but he gets what you're saying. He's funny too in an awful Australian way
The human mind may not be able to imagine how it looks like, or how Heaven is designed. But if you think about hell, it may be fun there but there will always be betrayal, hatred.. It's hell. No friendship or anything. Basically that's the opposite of everything that make us happy in a non materialistic way. You can have sex with everyone maybe but there will always be a catch.

I'm a believer. I believe in after life. I may not be able to comprehend how heaven works as of now. But certainly, it's something that will be worth staying in. At least, when my life is over & find out that heaven doesn't exist, I wouldn't bother about it. But if it's the opposite, you take the L forever.
My biggest thing is with people who use the "benefits" of heaven as a tool, when they're usually just evidence of how bogus it is. Streets of gold, mansions, architecture, etc. From what period of time? Will there be Igloo mansions for the Inuits who go to heaven? What about Confederate soldiers from the Civil War? Have their plantation mansions been upgraded to Atlanta mega-mansions? Why aren't the roads platinum? I guess God put gold in the Earth to show humans what the roads look like. All the other precious metals were just test samples most likely. I mean...when do people start realizing they're reading the greatest fiction story of all time? If you really just sit and ponder it all, how does religion (as we know it at least) make any sense?

You ever think about some of the great civilizations in history? Ancient Greece for example. Known to have some produced some of the greatest thinkers in history. Flourished in everything from arithmetic to politics. Basically set the template for democracy as we know it. These same people believed there was a family of giants living on a mountain, having sex with humans, locking up other giants, etc. This went on for hundreds of years. We now call that "mythology" and teach BS college classes about it. Do you guys not think the next paradigm shift is religion is gonna look back at Christianity and all the other religions and think "..hell were those dudes smokin?" It's all a cycle
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