Is Heaven Even An Attractive Vacation Spot Or.........

Originally Posted by larrivee7

Skimmed the previous pages, but did not read everything.
As a Christian who believes in heaven as described in scripture, let me do my best to give you my thoughts...and keep in mind, this will sound completely foreign if you and I not on the same page with a few basic principles (like whether or not God exists, scripture being the Word of God, absolute truth, etc.) I'm just explaining my belief in order that you can understand why some people's hope lies in heaven.

Heaven is the place that we were designed for, that we were meant for, it's everything that this world isn't. God's creation was perfect before sin entered the world through Adam. The world was as it should be, every creature was at peace with every other creature, there was no sickness, there was no death. But when man rebelled against God, sin entered this world and tainted everything in it and everything/everyone that would ever be in it. We are sinful from birth and there's nothing we can do about it on our own. All the terrible things that happen in the world (pain, malice, selfishness, greed, sickness, abandonment, slavery, human trafficking, murder, rape, war, death, injustice) all happen because we live in a world that is marred by sin that is full of sinful people.

But in heaven, all will be made right. There will be no more sin. There will be no more tears, no more pain, no more suffering, no more hunger, no more war, no more death. Those who have trusted in Christ will be in God's presence and we will have new, perfect bodies. Bodies free of pain and sickness, bodies with lost limbs restored, eyes that have never seen will see, ears that have never heard will hear. We will have bodies that reflect the image of the one who made us they way they were meant to. Every good thing that you enjoy here is just a foretaste, just a shadow of what they will be. You have never known happiness like you will. You have never known fulfillment like you will. Our wants and longings here are just a desire to know the God who made us. Our desire for beauty will only be fully satisfied in Him who created everything, our desire to be loved will only be satisfied in Him who loves us perfectly, our desire for intimacy will only be fulfilled when we fully know and are known by the one who made us. And we will live forever with God. It is normal for eternity to be hard to understand, our finite minds have no concept of existence outside of time. It can sound crazy and scary when you try to wrap your mind around it. But being in the presence of Christ forever with all those who have believed and in creation the way it was intended, that is where I want to be.

I can completely understand how heaven wouldn't sound appealing to a person who believes what we see around us is all there is, that this is as good as it gets. But that being said, that's not what I believe.
larrivee7 (seth, is it?)... in your opinion, who gets into heaven?  especially if "we are sinful from birth and there's nothing we can do about it on our own"?

Right, I normally shy away from topics like this cause I don’t think internet text on a screen will change anyones mind, but im compelled to shine some light on this thread, so ill step off in it just this one time. Much as Seth said for himself, I am an old fashioned bible believing, born from above, friend of Yeshua (Jesus) and make no apologies for that whatever, so lets dig in.

Oh, also, if you don’t already have the Ruach Ha’kodesh dwelling within your earthly tabernacle, this will sound very foolish to you. But if you want it all to make sense, you can have a word with God about it on faith and then it will. But more on that later.

Firstly, Heaven and Hell do indeed exist. No really, there there right now, just beyond what you can perceive. But, it really is your choice where you want to end up.

So, what is Heaven, really? Well, its complicated, but ill try to give the cliff notes. Basically, its in another dimension, usually described as above somewhere, and our so-called reality of the cosmos is only a subset of heavenly or real, actual, reality. This dimension is only our temporary tent to live in, its not forever, and will have an end, passing away with a great rush and fervent heat, and the clock is ticking down on it right now.

Why is it ticking down? Because of a phenomenon God has termed sin, which basically consists of doing what God says is wrong, but could best be observed as what we call entropy, or what God says is a curse on the creation because of the presence of sin. God will not at all just flatly forgive your sin unless it is paid for. God’s primary attribute, even more than his love, is holiness. And being holy means he wont just sweep whatever you’ve done under the rug. Holy is a difficult word tho, as are glory and power, because we don’t really have the capacity in our current state to grasp what those words really mean.

Anyway, back to sin: you can do nothing to atone for it yourself at all, zip, nadda, nil, nothing - your guilty and convicted and the verdict is death. Not just the death of your body eventually, but the death of the real you, in hell forever and ever, no do-overs or appeals. A little insight here – the real you is software, not hardware. Your existance is eternal regardless of where you make God send you. So if you were counting on flitting into nothing when you die, well sorry but that aint gonna happen, and youll realize in about a nanosecond what a fool you were for not accepting Yeshua’s blood atonement to save you from it. Anyhow, back to heaven:

Why do you wanna go there, aside from not wanting to be in hell instead? Words fail this, but ill try to clarify. Is not you on a cloud with a harp for eternity, and its not one long eternal church service either. Also no elysian fields, or however many virgins sex party, and no disembodied floaty ether existence either. Did I miss any of those?

What we are told is that heaven as it exists now, will be remade totally new, as will the earth itself btw, and that what it will be exactally is a surprise from the Father and we wont be disappointed. As it says, eye hath not seen nor has it entered into the heart of man the things that he has prepared for those that love him.

There are things like nice rivers, trees, your own house inside God’s giant flying city (yes you heard me, giant flying city, go read revelation 21-22 for details) and a whole new Earth and more besides to go explore. How will that look? Like nothing you or I can imagine. You wont have to sleep, get tired, be hurt or be lacking in any way of any thing. No flaws, no scars, no more sin. The troubles of this life will trouble you no more. Youll still be you, just the super deluxe upgraded model of you. Nothing will ever tempt or disturb your perfect contentment by sinful wants and desires. Its not boring, don’t think that at all, but look at it like this: do you really think an all powerful, infinite God that loves you will suddenly run out of new and interesting things for you to do? God delights in making and keeping his promises to us, he is not kidding about all these things. Really, he is very serious.

Your new body there, yes you will get a new one, will have attributes such as power and glory, which is made in the image of Yesuha himself. Our imagination fails at this, but if you can, picture superman, or my favorite, Goku, and then expand that as far as your mind can go, and then realize that what your thinking of is only the pale reflection of what it will really be like. Think super saiyan raised to not just three or four, but to infinity, or to N if your computer science literate. You wont just have 3 +$* dimensions anymore (I say +$* cause space-time is a dimension and we cant control it, were more caught in it instead) but youll have at least ten, and prolly many more. I cant imagine that either myself, but that’s what it is.  Also, for those wondering about color, its described as radiant, molten bronze in color. You’re a light emitter then also if that’s not clear, as the Glory of God will be with you, and its very shiny. Yes, Heaven is better than sex, and more too, cause it lasts forever.

But if that’s not enough for you, your also a King and a Priest! Wait, what? Yep, if your saved by the blood of Yeshua, even now, you’re a King and a Priest of the King of Kings and the High Priest. And no, your not going to be a god yourself, no sandbox planet either for the mormons or whatever you new agers believe, sorry, no. The creation will never be more than the Creator, but rather we get to share, in some strange way, in all that with him for eternity.

Eternity is not just a lot of time btw, but imagine if you will, right now, but the past and future also being now, which makes no sense I know. But you might could meet someone for lunch in 5 min, go do something else for a thousand years and still not be late for your lunch appointment. Its crazy right, but it is what it is. Heaven is not Space-Time confined. So who gets to go to this wonderful place? Only those covered by the blood of Yeshua. That may be hard to hear, but those are God’s rules, my job is only to be the messenger.

Oh also, im sure it will come up, but: little babies, kids, those under the age of accountability, old testament believers, etc, aren’t out of luck. The blood of Christ transcends time. But you do have to trust God on that point to sort out all of that however he pleases to. Because he flatly says that to everyone that’s ever lived, he has made himself known to him and given them the same choice, at least once, and prolly many times beside. Do I know the details? Not specifically, but that is in no way an excuse for you to throw that back in his face and call him unfair. That’s not really even material to you at all you know, your just using that as a cop out to keep from having to be accountable to him. Do not gamble with Eternity and frak your life away on the lust of this world. No one goes to heaven to the Father unless he goes through his Son Yeshua, no ifs, ands, or buts; no passing go and collecting 200$.  

If you wanna know more, there is a certain book totally devoted to all these things. You know what I mean. Romans is the definitive statement on Christian doctorine, go have a read. If you cant bear to wade through the old testament first, just start wherever and let the Spirit speak. You have heaven to gain and hell to lose, with so little required on your part too.

If, like me, you’re a really slow reader, go to youtube, and search for this: “learn the bible in 24 hours
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