Is Cam wrong VOL.....ROUTES

thats not what im trying to do at all im just trying to make it clear who is on the bottom of the totem pole when I hear this black women has it so hard narrative.

the gender wage gap has been debunked so many times. When you look into what fields men go into, how many hours men work vs women. Men are most likely to die on the job , but some women working a cushy government job out of harms way is suppose to get paid the same as a fireman or logger.

I am an economist, I have done labor economic research in the past. The gender wage gap has not been debunked, you just probably don't understand it.
Your rather argue over who has less crumbs, than who focus on who is denying you a piece of the cake.

Like if black women were doing even worst, how does help black men?

What, you get to feel superior?
naw but stop the black women have it harder narrative because its false. White supremacy is on the way out any way China taking over for the 99 and 2000s.
naw but stop the black women have it harder narrative because its false. White supremacy is on the way out any way China taking over for the 99 and 2000s.
Why are you so dense.

People are trying to tell you both groups have it horrible, and you are tying yourself in knots to make people acknowledge black men have it worst.

Why this is so important to you, or why you think it is productive, is beyond me.
I am an economist, I have done labor economic research in the past. The gender wage gap has not been debunked, you just probably don't understand it.
whats the gender gap a woman gets paid less for working the exact same job that a man does. or you think men that put their lives on the line shouldnt make more money.
Why are you so dense.

People are trying to tell you both groups have it horrible, and you are tying yourself in knots to make people acknowledge black men have it worst.

Why this is so important to you, or why you think it is productive, is beyond me.
because I saw a false narrative being spread.
Stop it dude, I said black women have to battle racism and sexism in the work place.

That's not a false narrative you crab bucket *** dude. :lol:
you said they have it harder because and thats false they do not have it harder than black men. but I already see this is the gynocentric crowd so I bid yall farewell stats back up what I said. Black boys and Black men are at the bottom of dang near every category.
whats the gender gap a woman gets paid less for working the exact same job that a man does. or you think men that put their lives on the line shouldnt make more money.
Like I thought, you clearly don't understand the gender wage gap. Quick economic explanation....

The a wage gap, whether it be between black v. white or man vs. woman, or black man v. black women means that controlling for industry, job, hours worked, education level and other observable characteristic that one group make less than other, for the same work. That is what the econometric decomposition literally does. It literally answers the question that given the data, what happens to the wage when only the gender( or race) is changed.

It is the same models that are used to show a black-white wage gap. You believe that exist don't you? Welp, the same data and econometrics show there is a gender one too.

Controlling for observable characteristic women generally make less than men for the same work. Models have gotten more refined to control for things like dropping out of the labor market to raise children (this is generally called the explained part of the gap), but there is another part of the gender wage that persist that remains unexplainable my current models and using current econometric techniques. This suggest discrimination.

Furthermore, newer research is starting to show that it is the economic cost of motherhood that is really a major part and maybe policy interventions should be made in this area especially since women take on an unequal about of household labor and child-rearing responsibilities, much of which unpaid. And we need these kids to keep our economy growing. And then there is the aspect that men have a monopoly, and create barriers to entry, for mainly high paying jobs. Plus there is a generally hostility towards high paying women dominated jobs like being a teacher.

So please, don't yell you incoherent red pill **** at me. The subject is way more nuance that people like you believe. Matter of fact, you are clearly ignorant of the basics
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Can somebody please explain to me why people always got to argue about how they have it worse? Almost like this is something to brag about.
its only the opession olympics
Like I thought, you clearly don't understand the gender wage gap. Quick economic explanation....

The a wage gap, whether it be between black v. white or man vs. woman, or black man v. black women means that controlling for industry, job, hours worked, education level and other observable characteristic that one make less than other. For the same work.

Controlling for observable characteristic women generally make less than men for the same work. Models have gotten more refined to control for things like dropping out of the labor market to raise children (this is generally called the explained part of the gap), but there is another part of the gender wage that persist that remains explainable my current models and using current economic technology.

Furthermore, newer research is starting to show that it is the economic cost of motherhood that is really a major part and maybe policy interventions should be made in this area especially since women take on an unequal about of household and child-rearing responsibilities, much of which unpaid. And then there is the aspect that men have a monopoly and create barriers to entry for mainly high paying jobs, and there is a generally hostility towards high paying women dominated jobs like being a teacher.

So please, don't yell you incoherent red pill **** at me. The subject is way more nuance that people like you believe. Matter of fact, you are clearly ignorant of the basics

Nobody makes a woman become a mother or forces her to have children. So because you are a mom you suppose to get paid extra what kind of feminist nonsense is this. Where are all these jobs where women make less than men and they are as productive as men ? you on that gynocentric bs fam. I have to bid you farewell. Acting like men dont work more dangerous jobs or die more trying to make that money but parts like that are ignored because it doesnt fit the feminist narrative. Bunch of women fighiting to be ceos barely any of them want to be garbage men though.
its only the opession olympics

Nobody makes a woman become a mother or forces her to have children. So because you are a mom you suppose to get paid extra what kind of feminist nonsense is this. Where are all these jobs where women make less than men and they are as productive as men ? you on that gynocentric bs fam. I have to bid you farewell. Acting like men dont work more dangerous jobs or die more trying to make that money but parts like that are ignored because it doesnt fit the feminist narrative.

Dude shut the **** up.

I give you a basic economic breakdown and all you spew in return is some red pill garbage. I was breaking down the economics of why they get paid less and why that is unfair to them and would be wise to remedy. It clearly went over your head, or you are so close minded you ignored it.

I addressed your silly deflection, you have no cogent comeback, so you're just repeat you silly deflection.

Whatever made you this ignorant and closed minded, try to get past it. Please seek help from a qualified mental health professional in your area. Srs
Dude shut the **** up.

I give you a basic economic breakdown and all you spew in return is some red pill garbage. I was breaking down the economics of why they get paid less and why that is unfair to them and would be wise to remedy. It clearly went over your head, or you are so close minded you ignored it.

I addressed your silly deflection, you have no cogent comeback, so you're just repeat you silly deflection.

Whatever made you this ignorant and closed minded, try to get past it. Please seek help from a qualified mental health professional in your area. Srs

son you tried to argued that being a mom is not fair for women. Thats their choice they have control of that you know ? abortion, adoption, plenty of sexual reproductive control way more than men have. but ok im suppose to take you serious with your feminist dribble

son really tried to argue that being a mom aint fair :rofl: feminism has gotten out of control.

life aint fair thats why men are thrown in jail when they cant afford their kids , but women are given government assistance.
son you tried to argued that being a mom is not fair for women. Thats their choice they have control of that you know ? abortion, adoption, plenty of sexual reproductive control way more than men have. but ok im suppose to take you serious with your feminist dribble
I said that women do an unequal amount of work raising children and in the household that men, and that work is unpaid.

Men since they do less work in the household are free to work more outside the household, which raises the wages in the short and long term. Tenure is a big part of compensation.

If men and women dropped out the the labor force at equal rates when a new child is born, and men did the same amount of work in the household and raising the child as women, then women could work more outside the home which would raise the short and long term wages. That doesn't happen. That is the unfair part when it comes to wages and earnings. The work done to raise a child falls mostly on the women and it is unpaid, on a macro level that drives women's' wages down. Also like I said, everyone benefits from mothers raising health kids because these kids become workers and a growing labor force is needed to fuel the economy. Especially with age demographic as they are now.

Policies that paid maternity and paternity leave would help. A universal childcare system would help, more opportunities to work from home or away from the office would help. And these things would help men, especially minority men and families a ton relative to whites.

I am speaking in economic terms, discussing policy that would make the labor market more equitable and structurally stable. Clearly you can't comprehend or refuse to understand, because that means letting go of this red pill garbage you are so caught up on.

You call it feminist dribble, other people call it labor market economics, and many others call it reality. Sorry if it is so offensive to your *** and sorry worldview.
Serious question, why is it acceptable for the president to be sexist but not an NFL player ?
Ask Trump supporters.
There are millions of people that find Trump and his sexism vile. He doesn't get a universal pass, far from it.

Secondly, every adult should hold themselves to a higher standard that Donald Trump. He is an utter buffoon.
Low key Rust, this is gonna be a serious problem in the future. Like fighting against a wave. Just by being elected, many are pretending/assuming/legitmately believing Trump is the new standard.

So now they got free reign to be as vile as he is.
Rusty Shackleford said:
I find it silly and counterproductive for any black man to focus any energy on ****ting on black women..
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The gender wage gap has not been debunked


When men and women finish school and start working, they’re paid pretty much equally. But a gender pay gap soon appears, and it grows significantly over the next two decades.

So what changes? The answer can be found by looking at when the pay gap widens most sharply. It’s the late 20s to mid-30s, according to two new studies — in other words, when many women have children. Unmarried women without children continue to earn closer to what men do.

Dude really edited his post to dog whistle some welfare queen nonsense. I can't, I done

Ole boy is a bigger asset to white supremacy than he realizes.
I said that women do an unequal amount of work raising children and in the household that men, and that work is unpaid.

Men since they do less work in the household are free to work more outside the household, which raises the wages in the short and long term. Tenure is a big part of compensation.

If men and women dropped out the the labor force at equal rates when a new child is born, and men did the same amount of work in the household and raising the child as women, then women could work more outside the home which would raise the short and long term wages. That doesn't happen. That is the unfair part when it comes to wages and earnings. The work done to raise a child falls mostly on the women and it is unpaid, on a macro level that drives women's' wages down. Also like I said, everyone benefits from mothers raising health kids because these kids become workers and a growing labor force is needed to fuel the economy. Especially with age demographic as they are now.

Policies that paid maternity and paternity leave would help. A universal childcare system would help, more opportunities to work from home or away from the office would help. And these things would help men, especially minority men and families a ton relative to whites.

I am speaking in economic terms, discussing policy that would make the labor market more equitable and structurally stable. Clearly you can't comprehend or refuse to understand, because that means letting go of this red pill garbage you are so caught up on.

You call it feminist dribble, other people call it labor market economics, and many others call it reality. Sorry if it is so offensive to your *** and sorry worldview.
son but isnt getting pregnant and having a baby a choice in Western Civ. Women can choose to focus on their careers and not have children.

When men and women finish school and start working, they’re paid pretty much equally. But a gender pay gap soon appears, and it grows significantly over the next two decades.

So what changes? The answer can be found by looking at when the pay gap widens most sharply. It’s the late 20s to mid-30s, according to two new studies — in other words, when many women have children. Unmarried women without children continue to earn closer to what men do.

I literally address this in a post, and the article clearly states that a gender exist. In the damn sentence you quoted

And then there is this....

People without college degrees start out with a slightly larger pay gap, but it is smaller throughout their careers. Part of the reason is that less educated men have fewer high-paying job options than they used to. “The pay gap is not because non-college-educated women do so well, but because non-college-educated men are not doing well,” Ms. Kerr said.

So another demographic sees a their gap behave in different ways. But it exist

Like I have explain to you in the past, the gender wage gap is just defining the difference in wages. It is just a differential. The gap takes the form of factors that can be explained with observable characteristic and a part that doesn't.

You literally quoted the article to say noting new on the subject.

Thanks for the contribution though. :rolleyes :smh:
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