Is apu a racist character?? VOL...THE PROBLEM WITH APU

I don't think they are saying normalizing disrespect. It seems they are saying normalizing that foreign people have accents
I don't think they are saying normalizing disrespect. It seems they are saying normalizing that foreign people have accents

Yeah, this is what I meant; don't know if I worded it wrong. What Yang was saying is that we should get to the point where characters like Apu aren't funny anymore because foreign non European accents are considered normal.
“Snapping” “Clapbacks” whatever you want to call it is ingrained in American culture, has been for a long time. At this point it’s the primary reason Twitter is still around. If anything, Apu is resilient af and the jabs are a cheeky salute to that.
Why was this funny in the 90s and no one cared but now it's this.
societies change and evolve. comparing today's society to the 90s is a very naive way to look at this. it's a slippery slope when you start saying that because something was fine in the past it should be ok in the present. I won't point out the many obvious examples, as I hope you can think of them yourself.
Case by case basis. Some things are worth peeling back layers and some are not, imo.
so you say apu is hardworking and whatnot but that's obviously not what the simpsons are trying to portray. they do not humanize apu until later when he gets his own episode but at face value its an obvious stereotype.
it's getting laughs and making fun of people based on their ethnic background.

now, is that right or acceptable in a comedic manner? i don't 50/50
but the question of is it racist or not? there's no debate at all... it's racist.
Never gave it in depth thought when I was a child and stopped watching when I got older but yeah, white guy doing typical Indian voice, entire character super stereotypical.

May watch this Hari guys movie to get a better understanding of how offended some Indian ppl feel about it.
Folks are saying "why now not then" like they weren't likely offended from the get go but clearly didn't have the representation, platform or the obvious social media. There's probably a **** ton of newspaper articles from the 90s addressing offensive **** that have been buried.
Always the same bs with some of you

Thread isnt even about you but you feel the need to throw in "well we got it worse" pity remarks. Then got the damn nerves to call anyone sensitive.

Nt is the land of the double standard and people who thrive off playing the victim.
Yeah the first page got a lot of ppl showing their ***.

If you read the OP and your first thought is but what about my [insert race] or it ain't as bad/the same as when its done to [insert race] you're not real.

1st page clown ****.
Yes, I am middle eastern.

Well first off... Apu is Indian, he is south asian not middle eastern.

"Simply being a gas station owner "

That's it. For the longest time he was the only Indian character on TV. People associated and assumed all folks of that background work at a kwik-e Mart, which isn't the case. Similar to how you're offended when black folks are portrayed as thugs, when clearly that isn't the case.

Personally, I think the Simpsons fell off hard. Been trash for bout a decade if not more, shoulda ended it a long time ago.
Damn, it must ******* suck to have to correct ppl when they constantly assume both are one in the same when talking about something that is offensive.
It's just for title sake lol

But like I said...where was this in the 90s
In the same place other racist **** of 90s; pushed to the side and ignored, drowned out, no accountability.
Damn, it must ****ing suck to have to correct ppl when they constantly assume both are one in the same when talking about something that is offensive.

Man you have no idea.

I've had people assume I'm all types of things, from damn near every country in the Middle East/North Africa, Italian, Hispanic to even lightskin black (that one blew my mind).

I've had folks think I'm the same ethnicity as them and they start talking to me in their language. When I tell them I don't understand they get offended til I tell them I'm not from the same place as them

The strangest one was when I worked in a factory years ago in Virginia. This man and woman that worked there introduced themselves when I first started. The woman asked me what my favorite food was, I thought it was an absolutely bizarre question to ask someone you just met. I said I dunno I like a lot of food. She responded by saying we were guessing, I guessed Mexican and he guessed Italian.

I just looked at them, chuckled, and said neither and walked away.
at this rate portraying anyone with a accent is gonna be a crime against humanity...

if some of ya actually bothered by Apu, i suggest never watching international programming...PC culture hasn't escaped American borders, its a free for all everywhere else.
Damn :smh:

Almost all of us got our own struggle.

Common decency is lacking.
at this rate portraying anyone with a accent is gonna be a crime against humanity...

if some of ya actually bothered by Apu, i suggest never watching international programming...PC culture hasn't escaped American borders, its a free for all everywhere else.
Most of it is trash anyway.
Artificial processing units racist nah, just work better than a central processing unit on a different scale.
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I'm wondering if you ****** ******ed, or the whole white dude portraying a stereotype thing is over ya'll head.
I noticed that you take the opposite side/ "play devil's advocate" EVERY time minorities are offended, despite claiming to be black. I mean it's not even an exaggeration; I can go back to any thread on NT, and you're on the first 1-2 pages talking about how "it's not offensive" or "people are sensitive"
Either that or just “we gotta do better” nothing else matters
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