Is apu a racist character?? VOL...THE PROBLEM WITH APU

Hmm Mindy from Mindy project I think fox/hulu
Obed I think his name was on Community. Nbc
That Quantico chick. Abc
I could be wrong bout all this, just going off top. Whatever Aziz be on, formely Parks n Rec...
Is Kumar still eating? Or Harold or whatever? The tall long nose one. He prolly on some show. I dunno

You can't tell the difference between Harold and Kumar from their names?
I wonder how Indians felt about the character pre social media. Nowadays there's always someone that can find an issue with anything. Most stereotypes are rooted in some truth, and there's nothing 'wrong' with apus character per se. If you ask me, Fam is a diligent and competent worker that takes care of his family. Characters like homer, comic book guy and otto are way worse imo.

I won't say people are too sensitive, but people are too smart for their own good these days and insist on finding an issue with something.

I'm assuming every race wants a billionaire boss on every show, calling the shots. But that just doesn't fit into the script and is somewhat like everyone getting a participation trophy. I don't see it as them mocking Indian people, it is what it is, he's a guy that works at a popular gas station.
Why was this funny in the 90s and no one cared but now it's this.
I mean a lot of things were okay in the past. Ex you used to be able to say “that’s so gay” or using ******ed aren’t acceptable parts everyday lingo anymore and it’s understandable
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I wonder how Indians felt about the character pre social media. Nowadays there's always someone that can find an issue with anything. Most stereotypes are rooted in some truth, and there's nothing 'wrong' with apus character per se. If you ask me, Fam is a diligent and competent worker that takes care of his family. Characters like homer, comic book guy and otto are way worse imo.

I won't say people are too sensitive, but people are too smart for their own good these days and insist on finding an issue with something.

I'm assuming every race wants a billionaire boss on every show, calling the shots. But that just doesn't fit into the script and is somewhat like everyone getting a participation trophy. I don't see it as them mocking Indian people, it is what it is, he's a guy that works at a popular gas station.
I like to live by the rule of if I’m not in the group that’s involved or don’t understand what’s going on I stay out of it and don’t comment on wether or not they should be offended ....hasn’t failed me yet and I wouldn’t want somebody else telling me what I should feel some type of way about or not
da grivenance industry is gonna be da eventual demise of modern comedy....
Yea, I agree.

Andrew Shultz speaks on this weekly on Brilliant Idiots.

He aaks, "Why are comedians being judged as if they are political figures."

I see both sides but if you can't talk **** about people, you lose a large chunk of potential humor
If South Park wasn't still kickin I'd agree. Only time I remember them giving in is not having Mohammed onscreen.

we're almost there though, there's no way you can do da comedy on da Simpsons or South Park with actual human beings..... go check da old national lampoon comedy albums...or old eddie Murphy joints...impossible to do in this current climate.
we're almost there though, there's no way you can do da comedy on da Simpsons or South Park with actual human beings..... go check da old national lampoon comedy albums...or old eddie Murphy joints...impossible to do in this current climate.

Oh yeah I def agree with this. Only people who MIGHT be safe-ish are comedians and I see them losing ground too.

People like Frankie Boyle and Jimmy Carr still outchea doin their thing.
I like to live by the rule of if I’m not in the group that’s involved or don’t understand what’s going on I stay out of it and don’t comment on wether or not they should be offended ....hasn’t failed me yet and I wouldn’t want somebody else telling me what I should feel some type of way about or not

I get what you're saying, I may not fully understand their perspective, but as a minority, I can empathize.

It's usually more about who says it. Imo people like plies and black youngsta are a modern day minstrel show, doing and saying ignorant stuff for entertainment, like all they're missing is the black face. They don't act like that in real life. But let some white people make a show with black people acting that exact same way and there will be a thread about how it's a racist character.
i still dont get

Here's a stepping stool


Their points flew over your head
I'm half Indian; my Indian relatives and I look and speak nothing like Apu. I've still been called Apu by racist white kids and heard plenty of gas station jokes when I was younger, despite my family being engineers, professors, doctors, etc.

It's kind of 50/50 with me. On one hand yeah it's racist caricature, but on the other hand, I know many of these anti-Indian jokes stem from jealousy. Gas station/small shop owners make $$$; My parents live in a multi-million dollar homes neighborhood, and they have neighbors who own the local gas stations and convenience stores. So even though I've been somewhat offended, I never get straight up MAD. I always reminded those broke *** racists how these people they look down are really living. They think that because they see a brown dude in a gas station uniform with a thick accent, he must be an illiterate broke immigrant they can clown on.

Honestly I'm more offended when the media only reports nonsense like "MAN MARRIES COBRA IN INDIA" from some remote wasteland to stereotype Indian people, as if 99.9% of Indian people don't live in modern metro areas (although with HUGE income disparities and massive corruption that make life for them 100x worse, but that's a different story). I mean, with all the Indian engineers, businessmen, and CEOs in this country, you'd think they'd realize that :lol:
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I'm assuming every race wants a billionaire boss on every show, calling the shots. But that just doesn't fit into the script and is somewhat like everyone getting a participation trophy. I don't see it as them mocking Indian people, it is what it is, he's a guy that works at a popular gas station.

It doesn't fit into what script? Who's script? Maybe that's part of the problem.
Its not that deep at all bro lol

You saying some things ppl just need to accept. I'm saying nah to that notion.
One of the problems with Apu is is that it's played for laughs by a white guy

Jimmy O. Yang wrote a book "How to American"
Amazon product ASIN 0306903490
He said it's important for there to be minority characters with accents as he plays one on Silicon Valley
One of the problems with Apu is is that it's played for laughs by a white guy

Jimmy O. Yang wrote a book "How to American"
Amazon product ASIN 0306903490
He said it's important for there to be minority characters with accents as he plays one on Silicon Valley

I saw Jimmy Yang in SF a few weeks ago, and he was mentioning this. He was talking about how it's important to normalize people with accents, because that's reality. There really are Chinese, Indians, etc. with thick accents coming to the US for work.

The problem is white people think that Asian accents are hilarious and deserve mockery, while they call French, British, and most other white accents "sexy".
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