Introducing NikeTalk Mobile

very exciting news! now i have something to post while I wait in line for shoes. very helpful for those that need to scope out how long the lines are :lol:

Great job with the new site.

I cant wait for this.

My post count is about to go through the roof


Same here.

:lol: I actually hate using my phone (and ipod) to post on NT, but it's cool seeing all the stuff put out on the table like that, good job Meth
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now i can check out NT while piloting a 747..
Meth would we have the option of switching to desktop view?...90% of my NT browsing is done from my iPhone, I know some mobile sites don't allow you to go back and forth, really hoping this gives the viewer an option..
thats all i ask, other then that, good job.
Thank you...its a pain on my phone to browse....I was just thinking about this today :nerd:

did you read my mindz meth?
This here will be the game changer. Being able to take a pic where ever I'm at then upload for the NT community to see. Lots of different scenarios spawning through my head already.

My myTouch 4G Slide is ready
This!  Being able to upload phone pics is going to bring a whole new level to the "run home and post on NT" phenomena.  I'm laughing right now thinking about it.  

Thanks Meth and Huddler....the work you've done for the new NT is nothing short of amazing.  And to think I was pissed at the change back in July.  Now I couldn't imagine going back. 

Feels good seeing my internet home doing big things.  
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