Inside the red-light Filipino slum filled with children fathered by Australian sex trade tourists wh

^All hope is not lost. Seems like their attitudes are changing on the subject and they have passed recent laws to make birth control more readily available (free in gov't health centers) as well as mandating sex education be taught in schools.

Surprise surprise the catholic church is fighting them on this :smh: Hopefully its a losing battle for those clowns.

Will take years/decades but I guarantee **** like this will change slowly
Yeah, religion is to blame for this..


Religion plays a hand in this. Birth control is "sinful". Really? :stoneface:

Religion IS to blame for their current views on contraception though.

Need a counter-culture, or Islam or something. Who knows.

- The males don't want to use condoms
- they offer a higher price to women if they can go barebacj
-the women agree and gets pregnant

Birth Control is expensive for the women since they are poor. Also, since they're uneducated, they do not realize the risk they are taking.

This is what happens when you are desperate for money because you have nothing to eat.
i cant believe you guys are somehow turning this into an issue of condoms and manny/PBF.

the issue is sex trafficking and exploitation.

i was born in Apalit, Pampanga about 15-30min away from Angeles City.

the article just got me really sad and some of the comments made me even sadder.

have a good weekend guys/
well all of this has to do w/ politicians......isn't Manny a politician????????????????? Why don't they try to stop it?

this can be stopped but lets be honest Philippine politicians are crooked .....and this isn't my opinion but the opinion of many Filipinos I know 

they're all about a quick dollar....from the government all the way down to their professional basketball league 

it's just a shame people at the bottom of the totem pole are ****** over like this. You would think Manny would advocate for these folks since he came from those beginnings 
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Yeah, religion is to blame for this..


Religion plays a hand in this. Birth control is "sinful". Really? :stoneface:

Religion IS to blame for their current views on contraception though.

Need a counter-culture, or Islam or something. Who knows.

I disagree. When it comes to sex, religion is thrown out of the window. If they were religious, they would abstain from sex.

I lived there and when you're that poor, you will do whatever it it takes to have food on the table. The local officials get kickbacks from the brothels in Angeles City. So why would they stop it. If you visit that red light district area and go in those brothels, it is so sad. You can feel the souls of those girls being destroyed minute by minute.

This is what happens when you have a corrupt government. The seperation between rich and poor is huge. That's why it's a big deal when we talk about the decrease of the middle class.

And the girls in Angeles don't get paid high like the ktv/brothels in Manila (like what Manny Pacquiao co-owns). Of course, the higher $$ , the hotter thr girls. But in Angeles, they are all ugly and just desperate to survive.
i cant believe you guys are somehow turning this into an issue of condoms and manny/PBF.

the issue is sex trafficking and exploitation.

i was born in Apalit, Pampanga about 15-30min away from Angeles City.

the article just got me really sad and some of the comments made me even sadder.

have a good weekend guys/
well all of this has to do w/ politicians......isn't Manny a politician????????????????? Why don't they try to stop it?

this can be stopped but lets be honest Philippine politicians are crooked .....and this isn't my opinion but the opinion of many Filipinos I know 

they're all about a quick dollar....from the government all the way down to their professional basketball league 

it's just a shame people at the bottom of the totem pole are ****** over like this. You would think Manny would advocate for these folks since he came from those beginnings 

Power corrupts people.
Do you think that the kids will have some "AUSSIE" Accent or something???

I meet people from Minnesota all the time. And they have very Nondistinct (ROBOTIC) accents. They don't have that Traditional "Fargo" Annoying "AY" thing going on. It's like a Monotone accent.
Do you think that the kids will have some "AUSSIE" Accent or something???

I meet people from Minnesota all the time. And they have very Nondistinct (ROBOTIC) accents. They don't have that Traditional "Fargo" Annoying "AY" thing going on. It's like a Monotone accent.
this is what came to your mind after you read the original post? 

Australians using this country to fulfill their sick fetishes and you're worried about the kids god damn accent?

I know philipinos who look Spanish / Mexican / Korean / Japanese / Chinese .......... So how you gonna' pin all this on the Aussies??
This is more of a socio-economic situation than a religious one. We talkin' about the poorest of the poor living in desolate situations. Easy for you to say "strap up" but when the Aussie says "$25 instead of $10" what you going to do then? It's that ****** up.
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- The males don't want to use condoms
- they offer a higher price to women if they can go barebacj
-the women agree and gets pregnant

Birth Control is expensive for the women since they are poor. Also, since they're uneducated, they do not realize the risk they are taking.

This is what happens when you are desperate for money because you have nothing to eat.

Yes. Having a kid is much cheaper. Who said it had to be condoms? Although for their own health they should be doing that

I disagree. When it comes to sex, religion is thrown out of the window. If they were religious, they would abstain from sex.

Still religions fault they cant get the contraceptives they need easily and cheaply.
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- The males don't want to use condoms
- they offer a higher price to women if they can go barebacj
-the women agree and gets pregnant

Birth Control is expensive for the women since they are poor. Also, since they're uneducated, they do not realize the risk they are taking.

This is what happens when you are desperate for money because you have nothing to eat.

Yes. Having a kid is much cheaper. Who said it had to be condoms? Although for their own health they should be doing that

I disagree. When it comes to sex, religion is thrown out of the window. If they were religious, they would abstain from sex.

Still religions fault they cant get the contraceptives they need easily and cheaply.

The local condoms are 1/3 of the price than the brands know of (durex, trojan etc). Its available everywhere there like it is here. No entity is stopping the sale of contraceptives to the public.
- The males don't want to use condoms
- they offer a higher price to women if they can go barebacj
-the women agree and gets pregnant

Birth Control is expensive for the women since they are poor. Also, since they're uneducated, they do not realize the risk they are taking.

This is what happens when you are desperate for money because you have nothing to eat.

Yes. Having a kid is much cheaper. Who said it had to be condoms? Although for their own health they should be doing that

I disagree. When it comes to sex, religion is thrown out of the window. If they were religious, they would abstain from sex.

- The males don't want to use condoms
- they offer a higher price to women if they can go barebacj
-the women agree and gets pregnant

Birth Control is expensive for the women since they are poor. Also, since they're uneducated, they do not realize the risk they are taking.

This is what happens when you are desperate for money because you have nothing to eat.

Yes. Having a kid is much cheaper. Who said it had to be condoms? Although for their own health they should be doing that

It's a penny-wise pound foolish decision. They are not educated properly because they were most likely forced to drop out of schoool by their own parents to work on the streets to make money. So they can't assess properly how much risk they will take when they go bareback for an extra 20$ worth. Better yet, the hardship of having a kid - they already have a tough life, how much worse do they think it can get ? They may think that it doesn't get worst than their current situation.

Plus, you actually think they plan to get pregnant ? The only situation I can think of is so that they can get a windfall and think the guy will stick with them or provide child support. Why do they have this mentality this ? Because that situation also happens. Guy sticks around and commits, or pays consistent child support.
The situation is sad, and this is a minor detail but it still stood out to do these chiccs have internet connections and time to spend in chatrooms and on social media, but they living in slums made from garbage...
Internet cafe's are pretty cheap over there from what I remember or they just use the computer of someone they know. The hassle is worth it to them if a client is going to give them decent money.
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