Inside the red-light Filipino slum filled with children fathered by Australian sex trade tourists wh

But who really gives a **** about the rate at which this happens? It's happening, and going to continue to happen.

Can't believe this needs to be stated but the issue is that these childrens' lives are being taken before they know it and are then thrown into a viscous cycle to continue the disgusting debauchery of child prostitution.
But who really gives a **** about the rate at which this happens? It's happening, and going to continue to happen.

Can't believe this needs to be stated but the issue is that these childrens' lives are being taken before they know it and are then thrown into a viscous cycle to continue the disgusting debauchery of child prostitution.

I give a ****. It happening less is obviously better than it happening more.

Thank you for that second paragraph. Another mystery solved thanks to Sherlock Holmes.
This is why we can't have nice things.

Yes prostitutes who continue this cycle by not taking birth control is not a problem. Me pointing it out is why we can't have nice things
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Another reason why religion is garbage. This Catholic poison has influence on the government and makes the smart thing (contraception, abortion) impossible both financially and morally through brainwashing. All for the sake of more recruits. Meanwhile the corrupt govt turns the other cheek to these crimes against women due to the money coming in.

Here's an article on that piece of dog **** Manny Pacquiao flexing his political power to oppose a contraceptive bill that would give the poor more access:

I really wish there was a Hell. I'd be happy to go there myself with a bag of jumbo marshmallows just so I can see all these degenerates burn.

Yeah, religion is to blame for this..

That's why I laugh when Filipinos talk **** about Floyd DV

While it's bad, PAC got more dirt/filth on his hands.
i cant believe you guys are somehow turning this into an issue of condoms and manny/PBF.

the issue is sex trafficking and exploitation.

i was born in Apalit, Pampanga about 15-30min away from Angeles City.

the article just got me really sad and some of the comments made me even sadder.

have a good weekend guys/
Philippines government needs to stand up for its people and enforce child support payments with Australia. Clearly seeing their people being exploited by foreigners, but don't do anything. At least make travel for Australians into the Philippines more difficult and hold those folks accountable once they leave.
Exactly my point.
How is birth control even close to the most sinful thing in this entire article?
Thank you! I wish other people would see this.

Yes I know some people hate religion.

But the sex trafficking and exploitation is what the real issue is.
The exploitation would be hugely impacted if contraception was made readily available. This is real life.

That is the most immediate solution with the greatest impact.

I don't mean to be grim, but it looks like people with power whom seem to be making the decisions on this (Australia) seem to have no problem with this situation.

It's going to go on for quite awhile. Similar stories for a lot of other impoverished places.

What would be your solution then, if the institution guaranteeing the continuation of the cycle isn't disestablished?
Even if the exploitation continued, the cycle wouldnt be as rampant with birth control.
You know what else is a sin? Prostitution and premarital sex. But I forgot, that keeps tourist coming which makes the country money. But as usual with religion follow what you want to follow with the utmost strictness. Ignore everything you dont like.

Not dissing prostitution btw. I am just pointing out flawed logic.

Im pretty sure Australia does not make the decisions when it comes to their birth control as Australia has birth control itself. But I might be misunderstanding what you are getting at. How is Australia making the decisions?
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Great read thanks for sharing OP. 

Really opened my eyes to whats out there. 
Dam man just looking at the photos of those kids man. So sad.
S/O my grandma just had her 82nd birthday she was from the slums before, she came over with my grandpa RIPto my grandpa Mac View media item 1634018
Phillipines sounds so corrupt much like Thailand. Though
The whole Thailand sex trade thing has gotten light shed on it by MSNBC multiple times.
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shout out to your lola.

im heading to the PI to celebrate my lola's 90th bday this august
Haha thank you brah she a gambling addict we spent her whole birthday at the casino.

Just penny slots tho. 90 man wow congratulations.
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Philippines government needs to stand up for its people and enforce child support payments with Australia. Clearly seeing their people being exploited by foreigners, but don't do anything. At least make travel for Australians into the Philippines more difficult and hold those folks accountable once they leave.

It's not just people from Australia b. People flying from all over the world to partake in this kind of stuff, not just the Philippines either all throughout Asia.
Main reason the country's do nothing is money, another is because the locals also indulge.
You really think these prostitutes are worried about sinning by using condoms?


You guys bash religion just to do it. Get your head out your *****.

Get your head out of your ***. What they think about religion does not matter. It is expensive and not easily available because of the people who do think its sinful.

Im bashing religion because it is relevant to this story. It's not my fault people cant be religious and possess critical thinking skills.
Religion is a big thing in the Philippines. Not a good balance though if some don't want to use contraception because of religious reasons but are having pre-marital, prostitute sex. Regardless of this stuff it's sad to see my people being used like this. The poor suffer a lot over there.
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