I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

wow this thread is ridiculous

exposing your children to the hood every now and again =/= being 'hood'

i came in here to basically say what wawaweewa has been saying . a beautiful haze (and OP and Chi Ill for that matter) name ONE good human trait that can onlybe learned in the hood .
all that 'the hood teachesyou EXPERIENCES that you wont have anywhere else' because that statement doesnt hold weight . experiences are just a means to an end , so unless ur moreconcerned and obsessed with the means by which your children acquire these good traits at the risk of putting them in danger than your logic makes no sense

its become apparent to me that some of you who either live in the hood or were raised in the hood have clearly mind
yourselves into thinking the hood is great . youcritique and bad mouth rich kids for being 'pompous and arrogant' yet youve been arguing in this thread for 20 pages for why YOUR mentality andupbringing is better than any other alternative . doesnt get much more pompous and arrogant than that
Originally Posted by Chi ILL


Remember that our President came from the same area I live in ...

& I'm also doing well for myself academically , so I really don't care what "LLC Money" thinks about me ... clown .
Word you're from Hawaii?


The fact that you don't even know that Obama was born in Hawaii and subsequently raised in Hawaii and Indonesia until the age of 18 speaks volumes aboutyour ignorance. He didn't even move to Chicago until he was about 25.

Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Chi ILL


Remember that our President came from the same area I live in ...

& I'm also doing well for myself academically , so I really don't care what "LLC Money" thinks about me ... clown .
Word you're from Hawaii?


The fact that you don't even know that Obama was born in Hawaii and subsequently raised in Hawaii and Indonesia until the age of 18 speaks volumes about your ignorance. He didn't even move to Chicago until he was about 25.


And it continues
Originally Posted by boxer

Originally Posted by Chi ILL


Remember that our President came from the same area I live in ...

& I'm also doing well for myself academically , so I really don't care what "LLC Money" thinks about me ... clown .
Word you're from Hawaii?


The fact that you don't even know that Obama was born in Hawaii and subsequently raised in Hawaii and Indonesia until the age of 18 speaks volumes about your ignorance. He didn't even move to Chicago until he was about 25.


im done
Originally Posted by Nawth21

I'm going to be rich and not have any kids so it can be all mine

You better share with that puppy. Top boarding kennels when you go out of town.

Why dont you raise your kids to be hard working, humble, and morally upstanding people?

Im not saying nothing good comes out the hood, but why subject your children to that if there is an alternative?

People (expecially minorities) need to stop glorifying the hood.
Didnt have time to read the whole thread, but as someone who has recently graduated to the upper tax bracket, but certainly wasnt raised anywhere near it, Iagree 100%.... Ive got a son coming by Halloween and lately Ive been thinking alot of the same things....

I live in a upscale development right on the Hudson River facing Manhattan and the people that live here and their kids are not good people at all. They areextremely stuck up and think theyre better then everyone. In the past few years I have bought a lot of overboard flashy things like a Bentley and plenty ofJewelry, stuff that I had promsied myself that I would treat myself to when I could easily and comforatably afford it, but now that I have a kid coming I amconflicted. I dont want him to grow up in this super spoiled environment and become one of these bratty kids because thats not how I was raised and I think myparents did a great job raising me. My wife grew up in the D. R. and they didnt have much money but they are some of the happiest and best people I have evermet. When I go there to visit I realize how materialistic I have recently become and how it doesnt even make me happy inside. Its cool for a little bit but itdoesnt mean anything at the end of the day...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I'm going to be rich and not have any kids so it can be all mine

You better share with that puppy. Top boarding kennels when you go out of town.

that dog is so damned spoiled already it's not even funny.
I feel you Haze.

Like, I wish my kids could go to a school like the HS I went to.

Public school, in the MIDDLE (no exaggeration) of the 'hood', but was a Magnet/IB school too.

So it had people from all walks of life, all colors, all different background.

From the 'thugs' to Ms. Silverspoon who has the brand new benz and the $900,000 house.
Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by boxer

Chi ILL wrote:

Remember that our President came from the same area I live in ...

& I'm also doing well for myself academically , so I really don't care what "LLC Money" thinks about me ... clown .
Word you're from Hawaii?


The fact that you don't even know that Obama was born in Hawaii and subsequently raised in Hawaii and Indonesia until the age of 18 speaks volumes about your ignorance. He didn't even move to Chicago until he was about 25.


im done

Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Didnt have time to read the whole thread, but as someone who has recently graduated to the upper tax bracket, but certainly wasnt raised anywhere near it, I agree 100%.... Ive got a son coming by Halloween and lately Ive been thinking alot of the same things....

I live in a upscale development right on the Hudson River facing Manhattan and the people that live here and their kids are not good people at all. They are extremely stuck up and think theyre better then everyone. In the past few years I have bought a lot of overboard flashy things like a Bentley and plenty of Jewelry, stuff that I had promsied myself that I would treat myself to when I could easily and comforatably afford it, but now that I have a kid coming I am conflicted. I dont want him to grow up in this super spoiled environment and become one of these bratty kids because thats not how I was raised and I think my parents did a great job raising me. My wife grew up in the D. R. and they didnt have much money but they are some of the happiest and best people I have ever met. When I go there to visit I realize how materialistic I have recently become and how it doesnt even make me happy inside. Its cool for a little bit but it doesnt mean anything at the end of the day...

but is where you live the BURBS ? trust , i plan on living comfortably when im older but i would NEVER wanna raise my kids in the rich areas in NYC ...watching shows like NYC Prep make me sick to my stomach at how obsessed these kids are with class (show is still entertaining though
) thats not tosay that you cant grow up on the upper east side or affluent places in NYC and come up hard working , humble , down to earth etc etc but its just not my cup oftea
Originally Posted by BigLescobar

Didnt have time to read the whole thread, but as someone who has recently graduated to the upper tax bracket, but certainly wasnt raised anywhere near it, I agree 100%.... Ive got a son coming by Halloween and lately Ive been thinking alot of the same things....

I live in a upscale development right on the Hudson River facing Manhattan and the people that live here and their kids are not good people at all. They are extremely stuck up and think theyre better then everyone. In the past few years I have bought a lot of overboard flashy things like a Bentley and plenty of Jewelry, stuff that I had promsied myself that I would treat myself to when I could easily and comforatably afford it, but now that I have a kid coming I am conflicted. I dont want him to grow up in this super spoiled environment and become one of these bratty kids because thats not how I was raised and I think my parents did a great job raising me. My wife grew up in the D. R. and they didnt have much money but they are some of the happiest and best people I have ever met. When I go there to visit I realize how materialistic I have recently become and how it doesnt even make me happy inside. Its cool for a little bit but it doesnt mean anything at the end of the day...
Truth but it's all about balance at the end of day. You didn't really need that Bentley or those jewels. You just wanted it to showEVERYBODY ELSE you had reached a certain level where you could afford that.
Originally Posted by Prez T

wow this thread is ridiculous

exposing your children to the hood every now and again =/= being 'hood'

i came in here to basically say what wawaweewa has been saying . a beautiful haze (and OP and Chi Ill for that matter) name ONE good human trait that can only be learned in the hood .
all that 'the hood teaches you EXPERIENCES that you wont have anywhere else' because that statement doesnt hold weight . experiences are just a means to an end , so unless ur more concerned and obsessed with the means by which your children acquire these good traits at the risk of putting them in danger than your logic makes no sense

its become apparent to me that some of you who either live in the hood or were raised in the hood have clearly mind
yourselves into thinking the hood is great . you critique and bad mouth rich kids for being 'pompous and arrogant' yet youve been arguing in this thread for 20 pages for why YOUR mentality and upbringing is better than any other alternative . doesnt get much more pompous and arrogant than that
QFMFT. Realest thing ive read in this thread. This has got to be one of the dumbest threads ive ever read on NT before....its laughable
Why are y'all acting like he said he was going to raise them in the hood?

He just said that they will spend time in said types of areas. TO get a first hand account on the other side of the coin.

Dude literally said he was NOT going to raise them in the 'hood'
i swear every thread I go in that involves Chi iLL ends up w/ her making a stupid statement and her catching a L
Originally Posted by dreClark

Why are y'all acting like he said he was going to raise them in the hood?

He just said that they will spend time in said types of areas. TO get a first hand account on the other side of the coin.

Dude literally said he was NOT going to raise them in the 'hood'
theres a difference between 'getting a first hand account on the other side of the coin' (which i see nothing wrong with) andmaking the claim that you will raise your kids with the INTENTION of making them become 'hood' . the latter was his original claim , and over thecourse of the thread hes tried to morph his original claim into the former
^ Who are you to tell that man how he should raise his kids?

And I feel you Prez. Though, I thought that's what he was trying to get at from jump, but its whatever. I didn't read through the entire thread.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I'm going to be rich and not have any kids so it can be all mine

You better share with that puppy. Top boarding kennels when you go out of town.

that dog is so damned spoiled already it's not even funny.
Naw you gotta let him him roam around the hood for a while, maybe even see a Vick fight or else ol doggy won't be anything in life.
Originally Posted by LLC Money

You are trying to ride him too hard.
Regardless of my opinion or my situation, "that man" is going to raise his kids the way he wants and I clearly will have no control over any of it. I don't have a child of my own through conception, however me and my gf raise my god daughter due to a rather tragic situation, and the last place I'd allow her to grow up is the hood. But you can take this battle fam, raise your kids your way my G. I've said everything I have to say on the ignorance of certain people in this post. It is what it is, you're right, who am I to tell another person how to raise his or her little dirtball.

Oh now I'm riding him? Right.

I asked you a simple question.

Can't even have a basic back and forth convo, w/o people getting out of pocket. _'s always got to be so extra I swear.


If I saw a post in here where he outright TOLD you how to raise/what to do w/ your kid I woulda asked him the same question.

But I wish you and your GF the best of luck and your a good dude for raising that youngin'.

Hopefully she grows to be a beautiful and upstanding woman.


Naw you gotta let him him roam around the hood for a while, maybe even see a Vick fight or else ol doggy won't be anything in life.
Just live beneath your means.

keep it low key and have a nice retirement fund

But ultimately you can do whatever, but its how well they are raised by thier parents that counts
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

Originally Posted by Prez T

Originally Posted by boxer

Chi ILL wrote:

Remember that our President came from the same area I live in ...

& I'm also doing well for myself academically , so I really don't care what "LLC Money" thinks about me ... clown .
Word you're from Hawaii?


The fact that you don't even know that Obama was born in Hawaii and subsequently raised in Hawaii and Indonesia until the age of 18 speaks volumes about your ignorance. He didn't even move to Chicago until he was about 25.


im done



I'm re-reading this, trying not to be rash or pompous, but *%%? Who says this about their children? I'll be able to afford them a great life but I'll subject them to the hood b/c that's where the best people on the planet come from?
Parents around the world bust their !$! to ensure their children have a better life than them, no matter what their class is. Why would you succumb your heirs to a life that was less than what you were capable of providing them? You can't expect your child to get "hood values" just because you take them to get a haircut in the bricks every now and then
You are either all the way in or all the way out of the hood, there is no such thing as weekend warriors in the slums. At the end of the day I wish you the best of luck, success, and respect you for actually owning something, but I seriously hope you change your mindset before having children.

You know what it is? Haze is afraid that his kids may end up "talking white" and may not be "authentically black". It's not even aboutthem being "hood" it's about them being authentic enough for his expectations.
Originally Posted by LLC Money

Appreciate it G, I'm sure you'd do the same, and we can go back and forth all day NH, I'm just not taking anything OP said seriously anymore when he continuously dodges the most legit comments in the post and highlights comments to his likings and changes his stance nh from post to post. I don't see how I was being "extra," from all your posts I've seen before you seem capable of taking a little criticism and sarcasm, if I misunderstood that or you took offense, well, my bad I suppose. Regards.
I can take criticism/sarcasm, but I didn't detect said sarcasm in your statement. That's why I said what I said. But it's whateversince it seems like you meant no harm.

At the end of the day, I see where both sides are coming from. In some posts, Haze sensationalizes or over-emphasizes some things and people against himunder-emphasize the importance of some things.

No way is right or wrong, Just do whatever is right to you based on what you want, your morals and your experiences.
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