I'm going to be Rich...but my children are going to be hood.

buddy went bacc 2 years worth of post

haze won btw
I'm going to raise my kids in the slums of a third world country, that should teach them.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I'm going to raise my kids in the slums of a third world country, that should teach them.
Word send them back to the homeland. When they come back, they will appreciate unlimited electricity and water 
so i have skimmed some of the pages..%#% is wrong with some of your people... You dont need to grow up in the "ghetto" to value another person.. Teach them to volunteer or go to the shelters and put some time into the kitchen......
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I'm going to raise my kids in the slums of a third world country, that should teach them.
thats damn near where I was raised, and you better believe I think it made me better than most of my peers in some way

SEND ONE  sums it up the best I think
Originally Posted by outforaction

so i have skimmed some of the pages..%#% is wrong with some of your people... You dont need to grow up in the "ghetto" to value another person.. Teach them to volunteer or go to the shelters and put some time into the kitchen......
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

If things fall into place I may be able to live a more affluent lifestyle (if I so choose)....

But my children will not be raised in the lifestyle of other children in my tax bracket.

They will be hood.

As a person that has been able to see both sides of the coin...I absolutely abhor the culture and the morals of the upperclass.

The ghetto has its faults (a lot of them) but most of those are born out of a reaction to the environment. The common thread of all "hoods" all overthe world is, aside from the criminal/violent element....you will find some the realest and most genuine population of humans on the Earth's surface.

And the common thread amongst most upperclass communities, aside from the picturesque surroundings/fine establishments....you will find some of the mostpompous, spoiled and arrogant douches this side of Galaxy.

My children will have more than adequate love, food, clothing and shelter...basically an upper middle class existence bu they will ration their childhoodexperiencing the ghetto. They are going to have to learn to interact with all children and experience the life of those less fortunate. I feel that is the bestway to raise a balanced and insightful child.

When I was younger I would always ask myself and God...why are we born into the circumstances that we are ?...but as I got older, I began thanking "God" for allowing me to grow up the way that I did.

"Pressure can bust pipes...pressure can also make a diamond"

If you are rich, will your children be born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth?
is this real life? 
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I'm going to raise my kids in the slums of a third world country, that should teach them.
thats damn near where I was raised, and you better believe I think it made me better than most of my peers in some way

SEND ONE  sums it up the best I think

If I'm going to bring children into this world I plan on doing the best for them, with that being said I don't plan on "spoiling" my kids. You can impart positive values of humility, social responsibility, altruism, hard-work/discipline, the worth of an education without exposing your children to abject poverty. I don't see the point of my mother making all the sacrifices she made so I can raise my children in the hood, it makes no sense. There's nothing glamorous about poverty and social/economic inequality.
Originally Posted by nublee

Originally Posted by outforaction

so i have skimmed some of the pages..%#% is wrong with some of your people... You dont need to grow up in the "ghetto" to value another person.. Teach them to volunteer or go to the shelters and put some time into the kitchen......

i think the OP's main objective was to sound cool... dude even said affluent like his $ was gonna be on par with the likes of the Johnson & Johnson clan. 
Originally Posted by Club29

why would anyone live in the hood if they dont have to?

Ironic ain't it? people complain about wanting social change yet they insist on glorifying the conditions in these hoods.
I 100% understand where OP is coming from with this idea. But you can live in a nice area and steer your kids in the right direction.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

HueyP in LouieV wrote:
See how easily I spotted that?

The arrogance and exaggeration gave you away.

Thanks for reinforcing my point.

you just seem upset that you weren't raised that way...

where do you see arrogance in his post? why wouldn't he take advantage of opportunities his parents worked hard to provide for him?

he suppose to not take advantage and apologize cuz everyone wasn't raised that way?
There is a thread about the best white tee brand and peeing & crapping in the shower on this same page.

Originally Posted by Nothin4ever


"look the hat comes right off"

na but i can see ur point OP but jus takin em to the hood wouldnt really do it. what if ur son suddenly becomes 'bout that life' wut then. u can raise ur kids right in the burbs as someone else said but wut it all comes down to is how good ur parenting skills are. btw i would do the same thing bein as most my fam live in the hood n so in order to visit i would have to go there. jus gotta prewarn them n hope they have a good head on their shoulders.
esp. ya daughter
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Club29

why would anyone live in the hood if they dont have to?

Ironic ain't it? people complain about wanting social change yet they insist on glorifying the conditions in these hoods.

I would, do, and will live in the hood for the rest of my life and I don't have to to anymore.

It's the approach that everyone should simply abandon their community as soon as they're economically able to do so in favor of a "better" community that has been instrumental in the deterioration of so many urban communities since the late 1960s (among many other factors, obviously).  Now you have a situation where the number of adults that have steady, legitimate work through which they are able to support their families is virtually zero on some blocks and in some neighborhoods.  Now the youth have virtually no one to "look up to" that is supporting their family through a regular job as opposed to the underground economy, government assistance, etc.; they don't even know anyone who has a college degree in their neighborhood because everyone who earned a degree left.

So essentially all of the well-educated and gainfully employed people have left the community... but the goons are still there... the drugs are still there... the hustlers are still there... the street organizations are still there... That's the reality that these kids see and experience everyday.  They feel like education isn't relevant to them because they don't know anyone who graduated college.  They feel like work isn't relevant to them because they don't see anyone in their neighborhood going to work everyday and making ends meet, and no one is coming into the neighborhood to work because there aren't any jobs there.  So who are these young people going to emulate?

I don't just want social change, I'm working for social change, and I'm living social change.  My career and passion is working with young people in the hood helping them to organize themselves and their peers to create social change in their schools, communities, and city.  And guess what?  They see that it's someone who came from a situation like theirs and that lives in their community that's helping them to do that.  THAT'S why I live in the hood even though I don't have to.  It has nothing to do with "glorifying" anything.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Club29

why would anyone live in the hood if they dont have to?

Ironic ain't it? people complain about wanting social change yet they insist on glorifying the conditions in these hoods.

I would, do, and will live in the hood for the rest of my life and I don't have to to anymore.

It's the approach that everyone should simply abandon their community as soon as they're economically able to do so in favor of a "better" community that has been instrumental in the deterioration of so many urban communities since the late 1960s (among many other factors, obviously).  Now you have a situation where the number of adults that have steady, legitimate work through which they are able to support their families is virtually zero on some blocks and in some neighborhoods.  Now the youth have virtually no one to "look up to" that is supporting their family through a regular job as opposed to the underground economy, government assistance, etc.; they don't even know anyone who has a college degree in their neighborhood because everyone who earned a degree left.

So essentially all of the well-educated and gainfully employed people have left the community... but the goons are still there... the drugs are still there... the hustlers are still there... the street organizations are still there... That's the reality that these kids see and experience everyday.  They feel like education isn't relevant to them because they don't know anyone who graduated college.  They feel like work isn't relevant to them because they don't see anyone in their neighborhood going to work everyday and making ends meet, and no one is coming into the neighborhood to work because there aren't any jobs there.  So who are these young people going to emulate?

I don't just want social change, I'm working for social change, and I'm living social change.  My career and passion is working with young people in the hood helping them to organize themselves and their peers to create social change in their schools, communities, and city.  And guess what?  They see that it's someone who came from a situation like theirs and that lives in their community that's helping them to do that.  THAT'S why I live in the hood even though I don't have to.  It has nothing to do with "glorifying" anything.
well more power you to you, there are however people that DO glorify it. no names.

Like I said I'm taking it even further than the hood, because this also gives me the impression that most "hoods" are actually not that bad if people want to live there. That's why I used the example of diseased ridden slums in third world countries. If I came from one of those parts of the world. If my mother sacrificed to remove me from that environment so I can pursue and education and have a brighter future why the hell would I wanna take me kids back to live there.

People should be creating a culture and mentality that it is not ok to live in certain conditions and unfortunately this isn't the case in many hoods. Look at rappers making money and rapping about how they stay in the hood 24/7 pitching rocks, come on son. You can work for social change but you do not have to put your kids through that. You can still be involved in these social programs without making your kids hood in the process.
I understand what Haze is tryna say...these suburban kids are out of control in a lot of ways..

Its all about values and what you instill in your child. Nothing can compare to rising up...ascension from those conditions gives you instinct and experience.

Like I said I'm taking it even further than the hood, because this also gives me the impression that most "hoods" are actually not that bad if people want to live there. That's why I used the example of diseased ridden slums in third world countries. If I came from one of those parts of the world. If my mother sacrificed to remove me from that environment so I can pursue and education and have a brighter future why the hell would I wanna take me kids back to live there.

Your background is different from an African American. Of course your going to hold your experience of American life in a better light considering the example you just provided is something you can relate to based on your own genetic/family history.

What I don't understand is how you always end up on the defensive side of these kind of arguments, when you should know the DIRECT causes of the present, and overall modern condition and treatment of the continent and peoples of Africa. I truly expect better from you Anton.

It's not about glorifying the hood. It's about staying true to who you are.
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