Illuminati? NWO? 9/11!?? Coincidence?...WOW.

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

steel doesnt melt till it reaches 2500 degrees

and jetfuel burns at a little over 1200.
The buildings were hit by airliners. Also, the planes put a great deal more weight on the structure of the towers. But of course both of thesethings have nothing to do with the buildings collapsing. Oh wait.... This is logic people, not that hard to understand.

You missed the point. I didnt ask "how come they couldnt put out the fire at the twin towers?"

The point was this: That jet fuel was hot and powerful enough to melt reinforced steel and make buildings that massive collapse, yet normal fire trucks put the fire out like it was a tiny campfire. I know that couldnt have put that out if they even tried.

As far as the fire trucks go - Google some images. The most fire trucks you see at one time is 2. Pictures dont lie, right?
You just refuted your own point. The fire was able to burn for MUCH longer in the towers than it was in the Pentagon. That means that if was ableto weaken the structure for a longer period of time. Add that to the factors I mentioned above and it makes sense, to people that can use logic.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
so were the last 2...and the other 30 something..

and the 13 colonies? belonged to the 13 is your best friend...

Rockefeller, Li, Krupp, Kennedy, Disney, Collins, Bundy, Astor, DuPont, Freeman, Onassis, Reynolds, Rothschild, Van Duyn....

it's all about educating yourself. people can believe it, be scared of it, or whatever... most people live under the sand but a few people actuallyknow what's going on.
Originally Posted by Habitual Linestepper

Originally Posted by cartune

1. Builderburg Group conspiracy started as a joke by an activist idiots took that and ran with it

Exposing Illuminati

I respect Bill Schnoebelen to a degree, I seen this documentary like 3 times. The #%@@+ says he was a vampire and drank blood and couldn't go outside during the day..come on man.
You got to take everything with a grain of salt but this dude has degress and pics from the 70s had me like
I was like he been planning to capitalize off this from the start but hes onlyselling it for $25. Alot of what hes saying seems interesting tho
man idk what to believe, all i know is government does some messed up stuff

on the real tho anyone see the fairly new spongebob episode about the ''lodge'' and everyone is wearing these robes and has hats with the allseeing eye on it , it may not be signficant at all but still ...
Originally Posted by MoodMuzik75

man idk what to believe, all i know is government does some messed up stuff

on the real tho anyone see the fairly new spongebob episode about the ''lodge'' and everyone is wearing these robes and has hats with the all seeing eye on it , it may not be signficant at all but still ...

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

steel doesnt melt till it reaches 2500 degrees

and jetfuel burns at a little over 1200.
The buildings were hit by airliners. Also, the planes put a great deal more weight on the structure of the towers. But of course both of these things have nothing to do with the buildings collapsing. Oh wait.... This is logic people, not that hard to understand.
Even if the airliners impacted the structures hard enough, the way that the building was set up was so that it would take over 2 minutes for it tocollapse pancake-style. However, due to the fact that it was imploded, it only took mere seconds. Eyewitness firefighters heard noises while it collapsed,and described them as "methodical implosions" (not knowing any better).
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

nwo 4 life
Originally Posted by Angryostrich

Epidemic ? Swine Flu??? dum dum dum....
Spanish Flu, Asian Flu, SARS outbreak, Bird Flu, Black Plague, Peanut Butter, etc. CHILL
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I don't understand how people don't see the obv facts....since when has there been planecrashes w. no debris/black box found? A huge building in fall down straight in free fall? A 16 ft hole in the pentagon that a 100+ ft plane crashed into? ahuge crater in penn that everything just so happened to disintegrate? How about the unconstitutional laws that seemed to be easily passed giving th govt powerbeyond ever before?[/color]
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I don't understand how people don't see the obv facts....since when has there been plane crashes w. no debris/black box found? A huge building in fall down straight in free fall? A 16 ft hole in the pentagon that a 100+ ft plane crashed into? a huge crater in penn that everything just so happened to disintegrate? How about the unconstitutional laws that seemed to be easily passed giving th govt power beyond ever before?[/color]
Those boxes are built tugh but they cant survive everything theiir built for buildings to fall on them

The one they found in Pennsylvania that landed in grass revealed someone in Arabic, "Shall I bring it down (crash the plane)?" then "Allah isthe greatest" again & again until the crash
Weird. Today on the ave some dude was handing flyers out on the ave ( I posted a pic on twitter if you want to see the whole thing)
Basically it says that the dollar will collapse, they want a cashless society and if we riot they have FEMA concentration camps awaiting our arrival...
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