Illuminati? NWO? 9/11!?? Coincidence?...WOW.

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

1) These planes melted buildings that were soo big, they had their own zip codes, but at the Pentagon, 2 normal fire trucks were able to put out 5300 gallons of jet fuel within the hour. How?

Seriously dude? Maybe because the twin towers are freaking skyscrapers and the fire was 800 feet in the air it's a little bit harder to put out the fire than a 5 story office building (that happens to be the biggest in the US, so it could have sustained a lot of damage) Obviously the fire is going to spread up a skyscraper faster than it would spread horizontally across a giant office building. Part of the Pentagon collapsed and it sustained considerable damage, it's not like the fire was magically put out.

And I've never seen anything concrete about it but I'm pretty damn sure they had more than 2 firetrucks for that fire
I bet the response for a plane crashing into the damn Pentagon was the same as my local grocery store catching fire

You missed the point. I didnt ask "how come they couldnt put out the fire at the twin towers?"

The point was this: That jet fuel was hot and powerful enough to melt reinforced steel and make buildings that massive collapse, yet normal fire trucks put thefire out like it was a tiny campfire. I know that couldnt have put that out if they even tried.

As far as the fire trucks go - Google some images. The most fire trucks you see at one time is 2. Pictures dont lie, right?
i want to believe but at the same time i dont. i think there was too much inconsistancy happening in what happened and what the government told us... remembercorey liddle who played for the yankees? he crashed his plane (rip) and made a huge dent in the building and that was it. yes the twin towers is 4 times biggerand the plane was 4 times bigger but that thing shouldnt of fell down... they even say that that building was built with the idea in mind. also that impactwould not melt the steal as some people said from the government. kinda suspect that the government
Originally Posted by tyeung53

remember corey liddle who played for the yankees? he crashed his plane (rip)

Flip it upside down...


Not perfect, but kinda freaky....
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Habitual Linestepper

Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

yea i know.. its crazy..

YOUR president is also a mason
Obama is not a mason, there is no proof of this. You're just talking nonsense.

And the OP is an armchair revolutionary. Yeah, get real deep about tings you dont know. The number 13 goes back to biblical times, it has to do with rebellion. In this case rebellion against Great Britain.

He is a Prince hall Mason, dont fool yourself.......
thank you

Spoiler [+]

Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

Do you believe EVERYTHING someone tells you? Especially someone you don't even know. I don't trust the government. I need someone to explain to me how WTC Building # 7 fell. It wasn't even touched.
That's the thing about you conspiracy theorists.. You're calling out people for "believing everything that's told to you", and you are taking what nutjobs post on the internet as fact.
Lies. They've "done the research" and they have "all the proof they need." On Youtube!

What? Like the interview with the owner of the building saying how he decided to "pull it" and watch it fall?

Or the video of Rumsfeld saying that the plane in Pennsylvania was shot down?

Or Rumsfeld slipping up and saying the missile, err, I mean plane into the Pentagon?

When you hear the OWNER of the building saying on VIDEO in an interview that it was demolished, why wouldnt you believe it?
When you hear Donald Rumsfeld HIMSELF on VIDEO in an INTERVIEW slip up TWICE about what happened that day, why wouldnt you believe it?

Oh thats right, I'm a nut job.

I dont listen to rumors, but when they are on film saying #!!% like that, how could you not believe that SOME of the stuff was false?

I would also like to know a few things...

1) These planes melted buildings that were soo big, they had their own zip codes, but at the Pentagon, 2 normal fire trucks were able to put out 5300 gallons of jet fuel within the hour. How?

2) How the hell do you fly a 757 going over 500 MPH just a few feet above the ground without hitting land?

3) After they combed the Pentagon lawn for debris, why did they have dump trucks full of sand cover the lawn? Doesnt that seem odd?

PS - I dont believe in this stuff OP is posting.
i feel the same way.. let people talk about conspriacys and the bigger picture if they want, I want to look at the common sense aspect. i dontcare WHO was involved, it just doesnt seem right and complete as in whats been told to american citizens
Originally Posted by Wikipedia

I don't know about the illuminati stuff or anything like that. However, the 9/11 stuff...I lived through it. I am from NYC and I watched everything on tv after I walked myself home from the Bronx to my home in Manhattan. My mom walked 130 blocks to get home. Now, this isn't anything to the amount of people that lost their lives. I just want someone to tell my, why Building Number 7 went down demolition style like it did. Did it get hit by a plane? NO!!

It has nothing to do with conspiracies when it comes to 7. Its common sense. If nothing hits a building, except for some debris here and there, how in the hell does it fall like the Twin Towers.

Now lets talk conspiracies..

9/11, the government either knew about it or had something to do with it. Do you think they would tell 300 million Americans some crap like that. Hell no. They're hiding so much crap from us right now because they're the government and they're "protecting us." You know how they say you could never trust politicians during campaigns? If you can't trust them then, then why trust and believe them when they're feeding you 9/11 lies.
Debunking 9/11 Myths

What do yall think about that article? I have no opinion one way or the other.
Again? Seriously? There are far too many people in the world who are oblivious to everything around them, you think NT is any different?
Originally Posted by john23friend85

Again? Seriously? There are far too many people in the world who are oblivious to everything around them, you think NT is any different?
The government did an investigation to see if any of the conspiracies were true. Yes, that's going to help. It's like my committing murder and I'mdoing the investigation on the crime. Seriously? Like I said, I don't know any of these politicians personally to trust them. People trust the governmenttoo easily.

Conspiracy theories exists when there are too many inconsistencies. Too many loose ends. I've seen the debunking conspiracies video of 9/11. I don'tthink they did a good job because I am still not convinced.

9/11 was the perfect excuse for Bush to invade the Middle East, better yet Iraq. Iraq didn't send those guys to do 9/11, but yet, the US invaded them. Youcan find Sadam in a hole but you can't find Bin Laden?

The Pentagon-Circular holes through the walls. Planes don't do that stuff! No engines, wings, seats, tail? The fire is not hot enough to melt 12 tons ofsteel.
Crash in PA- Where on Earth is the debris? Where is the large hole that happens in ALL crashes. It looked like someone sprinkled some metal and messed the areaup as much as possible.
WTC- Building Number freaking 7. Twin Towers fell straight down demolition style. Ughh.. the fires are on the top, the 80 floors below could have sustained theweight of the melted steel and damaged floors above. If it didn't, it would have fell to side because, remember, these buildings were over 100 storiestall.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

what a crazy tangled web you weave when you try to gain some info:

debunking the "debunkers":

back and forth.. back and forth..

�im more interested in 2-3 key isolated events that have not been answered... forever forgotten i guess. just so simple and in plain sight:
How you you know that flash couldn't have been from the impact of the plane hitting the building??

But I saw that google moovie Loose Change awhile ago... and I remember them saying something about how the airplanes didn't even have windows.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Wait, what is this? A little spider?

thats the MOLLOCK holmeslice thats what they whorship its an owl... some of the stuff is waaaaaay out there but i believe its the real deal holyfield:.
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