Illuminati? NWO? 9/11!?? Coincidence?...WOW.

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

You can
all you want....your being fooled.

Just a tip, if you want people to listen to what you have to say, when you are claiming you have knowledge that others dont, learn to use "your" and"you're" correctly...
How did the know to move the gold before the towers would eventually fall?
[h1]Cache of gold found at WTC Two truckloads retrieved through tunnel in rubble[/h1]

Wednesday, October 31th 2001, 2:23AM

As a small army of federal agents with shotguns and automatic rifles stood guard, city cops and firefighters yesterday retrieved two trucks worth of gold from beneath the rubble of the World Trade Center.

The treasure was transported to an undisclosed location in separate deliveries last night.

Sources said the lode was found in the basement under 5 World Trade Center.

"They are taking gold out of there right now," one source said "They've brought in extra cops."

It wasn't immediately clear how much gold was buried under the complex after the Sept. 11 attacks. But the Toronto-based Bank of Nova Scotia has said its vault with more than $200 million in gold and silver was buried under what had been 4 WTC.

Bank spokeswoman Pam Agnew said last night that she was unaware any gold had been found.

Other companies are believed to have lost untold gold and cash in the disaster.

Construction workers directed by the feds had been clearing a delivery tunnel that runs under the complex for the past couple of days.

Officials got to the gold through that tunnel yesterday, after workers hauled out a 10-wheel truck, several crushed cars and mounds of other debris.

No bodies were recovered during the operation.

Authorities realized they were close to the gold yesterday morning and began restricting access to the north side of Ground Zero as FBI and Secret Service agents joined cops and firefighters at the site.

"If I tried to go down there, they would have shot me," said a construction worker shooed away from the tunnel.

A handful of heavy-machinery operators and other workers, under the watchful eyes of more than 100 armed officers, built and graded a ramp into the delivery tunnel early yesterday.

A small bulldozer then knocked down a wall inside the tunnel, and a Brink's armored truck drove in just before sunset.

It came out about 7 p.m. with the first load of gold, sources said. A second truck entered the tunnel a short time later and also was loaded with gold before leaving.

A handful of construction workers were held over from the day shift, which ends at 7 p.m., to help authorities in case the removal process got bogged down by falling debris or other problems.

"They sent most of us on our merry way," said one worker.
Like I said in my earlier post; a controlled demolition happens instantly. WTC 7 had been reported as unstable. It is completely natural for it to fall, and apparently some of NT's brightest don't agree, which irks me.
I agree, but when the owner of the building is on video, in an interview, and says "It was unstable, so we decided to pull it"... Was italready set up to be demolished, if needed?

"We decided to pull it" - Meaning "they" brought it down, not damages.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Like I said in my earlier post; a controlled demolition happens instantly. WTC 7 had been reported as unstable. It is completely natural for it to fall, and apparently some of NT's brightest don't agree, which irks me.
I agree, but when the owner of the building is on video, in an interview, and says "It was unstable, so we decided to pull it"... Was it already set up to be demolished, if needed?

"We decided to pull it" - Meaning "they" brought it down, not damages.

How would they exactly pull it after the chaos going on in the city? I'm sure it takes a while to set up demolitions if you decide to take a buildingdown...
Yeah i dont have solid proof, only ideas. thus being a conspiracy theory.
but answering your questions, here are some possibilities"
I know about the US funding Taliban, but im not talking about then. Im sayin that it iwould be verry easy for a secret service, government or even acorporation in a capitalistic state like the USA to "plant" a leader and brainwash young poor troubled hate filled kids in the Middle east, fundthem, train them to fly 747s,( because its pretty much impossible to learn VIA computer simulation games and books,)
There are terrorists in the world and its very easy to get one pumped up and to commit an attack, these guys don't know anything other than that from pureignorance and misguidance, and that alone for me, is enough to make it all more likley.

And as for the planes going off route, why wouldnt they send out evacuation notices, why couldn't they at least send fighter jets, not sayiong they shouldshoot down the planes but just as a protocol

and as for killing large numbers of people to go to war, i wouldn't put it passed people to do it. i dont have exact quotes sorry, but ive read aboutpoliticians in previous administrations actually talking about things like large scale attacks to gain support from people and other nations. heres the thing,the Afghanistan situation just got out of pocket around the same time, id even say that afghanistan was irrelevant to the agenda, it was just one of thosethings we as a country had to do, clean up. but it played fairly well into the bigger plan, go into a country with Oil, now i think we could have just jumpkedright into Iraq, but by us going to afghansitan it gave a legitamiate reason to up overseas military actions, and we labeled it the "war againstterror"

your asking why all this stuff, and why we couldnt just skip it, but in the end you gotta see that it is real life politics, it would be too easy for peopletoo see the big plan, and it would be too easy for people to oppose war. by coloring the warr on terror red white and blue, were able to go anywhere we wantand do what ever.

people dont care about reasonability, they just want the money, lose some money know, but gain a long term economical power(oil).

lol we can argue and debate all we want, and our opinions wont change.but as long as you see where im coming from, regardless of the flaws of my theories, andas long as i see what your tryna say, and where your coming from despite your faults in your arguements, im content.

again, its all theory, there wont be proof for a long ime, maybe never.
for you, its based on things taht are given, to you things that are proven, and your basing your arguements on that. But me im like, says who? whos provingit? and why should i just flat out beleive it?
sorry to say but this debate would just keep going in circles so im a just give you props for kicking knowledge and holding your opinion
Originally Posted by DunkeDinSaucE

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by DunkeDinSaucE

Dynamic, i feel you sometimes people reach for spectacular explanations, but u gotta appreciate the fact that people are challenging the norms, and NOT accepting what is told to us. if we lose the ability to try to assess or even imagine of what could, would or did happen then we're limiting ourselves and our knowledge. If we just accept things as "they are" we're gonna end up getting things pulled on us all the time. The fact of the matter is we gotta be on our toes, there are people who can't be trusted in places of power and people who question things make those people uncomfortable and makes it harder for the people in power to pull off scandals, right in front of us without us having a clue.

Btw its an Owl on the dollar bill not a shooter.
No. I completely agree with the notion on challenging the government. Like Voltaire said, I may not agree with you, but I'll defend your rights to speak it. I agree that everyone has an opportunity to speak out, but what I'm arguing against is how conspiracists on this forum reject any form of knowledge that goes against what they speak. I was challenged by many in my thread against affirmative action. I didn't refuse what they said, in fact I was actually better informed after that thread. I didn't know exactly what I was talking about, so I backed down and learned what they had to say. Now conspiracists on the other hand, NORMALLY, in my opinion, just take information they would like to hear, enticing information they think is interesting, spice it up, and sell it off as a conspiracy related to governments. I can't stand any of that stuff. On hindsight, they may include some small details that are actually true, but then stray right off the track back to the conspiracy that they have made.

I'm not saying they're liars, I'm just saying they don't have enough legitimate proof to show it. With my 9/11 anti-conspiracy proof, not only did I rebuff what they said, I included hard facts about what happened in 9/11 and then proceeded to say why it's not a conspiracy. I watched some video on how 'perfect' they thought the WTC 7's collapse was by comparing it to a controlled demolition. They showed points like how it similar the drop speed was. It is completely unrelative to the WTC 7 collapse. Like I said in my earlier post; a controlled demolition happens instantly. WTC 7 had been reported as unstable. It is completely natural for it to fall, and apparently some of NT's brightest don't agree, which irks me.

totally agree with what you said there, but you're never gonna win the arguments, us conspiracy believers will find any possible thing to question, and it satisfies me just asking. But if there's solid proof about something, and people disregard the solid truth, not the most likely truth, but the raw facts then i'd say people are doing too much. I say question the bigger picture, and think about the conspiracy, but keep it real. for example, i beleive 9/11 was fixed, i beleive that the terrorists were brainwashed by US paid tribal leaders or planted leaders, who then trained the terrorists to fly planes and crash'em. i think that its fishy that the FAA didnt see 747s going off route the minute they went off route, and that coincidently the plane headed to the white house crashed before it got there. i think its believable that someone with political influence would want a catastrpohic event to spark support for a war in the Middle East only to pursue Oil, the most vaulable resource and soon to be very limited resource in the world. ask me about healthcare, ill give you a reason why "they" dont want it, ask me about college and "how it works".
But I wont go around saying that the towers were demolished and a rocket hit the towers or missiles hit the pentagon, etc etc because at some point it becomes unreal. This brings me back to your point, people will disregard reality and logic in many conspiracy theories and the theorists fail to see that. Then people, like yourself, see it and call it out only causing total polarization in opinions.

OP, illuminati stuff is crazy and wayyy to coincidental to be overlooked. good to see people catching and qusetioning these things
See, this is the type of stuff that i would buy. I'm not gonna believe that the government is dumb enough to launch missiles at their ownbuildings and pass it off as a plane. Honestly i saw the news, i lived in NYC i'm not going off in that type of a tangent. Besides, what good wouldlaunching a missile in on of the most populated areas in the country be? But a inside job while there is chaos is not as easy to detect, not to say it isdefinite but we should consider certain facts.


Pictures don't lie, they are fact (unless we ps, but i'm gonna assume these are not and there are confirmed sitings of molten steel)
Molten steel requires a temperature of about 2750 F
Jet Fuel burns at 1800 F maximun. Factor in wind, other items, etc to increase temperature and we might get to 2000 F
This tempurature would be enough to weaken the steel frames but they collapsed at FREE FALL SPEED and the molten steel was found even days after the tragedy.

Appause to Dynamic X, very respectable comments and please feel free to attack my side od the story because only then can we see the truth.
the Afghanistan situation just got out of pocket around the same time, id even say that afghanistan was irrelevant to the agenda, it was just one of those things we as a country had to do, clean up. but it played fairly well into the bigger plan, go into a country with Oil, now i think we could have just jumpked right into Iraq, but by us going to afghansitan it gave a legitamiate reason to up overseas military actions, and we labeled it the "war against terror"

your asking why all this stuff, and why we couldnt just skip it, but in the end you gotta see that it is real life politics, it would be too easy for people too see the big plan, and it would be too easy for people to oppose war. by coloring the warr on terror red white and blue, were able to go anywhere we want and do what ever.
But again, that's where you're wrong. We didn't have to clean up anything in Afghanistan. We had already cause enough harm to thatcountry in the past. We put the Taliban in power. Also, it was STILL easy for people to oppose war in Iraq, because there was no undeniable proof that therewere weapons of mass destruction or chemical weapons in Iraq. We could have done the exact same thing in 2000, or after 9/11 and gotten the same reaction. Thefact is, Al Qaeda and Iraq had nothing to do with one another, but the threat that they did and the fact that at many points the government tried to place themhand in hand had a great deal to do with many people favoring the Iraq war. But again, we could have done this anyway because of the countless other attacks AlQaeda carried out against U.S. targets.
America is based off of scare tactics .

Blacks ... White Americans (after Bacon's Rebellion) believed that all Blacks were going to kill them .

Indians ...

9/11 ...

Swine Flu ...

Terrorism ...
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

America is based off of scare tactics .

Blacks ... White Americans (after Bacon's Rebellion) believed that all Blacks were going to kill them .

Indians ...

9/11 ...

Swine Flu ...

Terrorism ...
QFT but we still have to who implements the plans.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by MJsaver

i agree for real.

This democracy is nothin but an illusion, people thinkin we actually got a say in what the govt does.

I agree here. I say why do we vote these guys in if we have to contact them to vote or make decisions with our best interest? Isn't that why they got our vote in the first place?
Co-sign... I'm worried about our next generation....
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Notice how everytime we make progress towards something great, some big thing comes raining on ourparade? The media and the gov't are evil,[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Notice how everytime we make progress towards something great, some big thing comes raining on our parade? The media and the gov't are evil,[/color]

Stop making blanket statements that make no sense people.
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