ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - What's your position NT?

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.

You really think people working is what's wrong with the US 
Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.

You really think people working is what's wrong with the US 
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


Pay taxes
but a lot of illegal immigrants do pay taxes.

when they go to the corner store to buy a couple of tallboys, do you think the cashier rings em up without sales tax?

there are illegal immigrants who own homes in the US.  If they are homeowners they are definitely paying property tax.


They don't pay Federal/State INCOME Taxes - the taxes that matter because they fund the programs that should be regarded for our own legal citizens.

Yeah they pay SALES tax, no one gets around that unless they're stealing.

How do you know they're paying property taxes??? The reason they "own" a house in the first place is because they're using stolen identities.

And for the guy that said they're paying PAYROLL TAXES, what company do you know has illegal immigrants on their payroll homie?
99% is under the table - untaxed. The ones that are on payroll have stolen identities.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


Pay taxes
but a lot of illegal immigrants do pay taxes.

when they go to the corner store to buy a couple of tallboys, do you think the cashier rings em up without sales tax?

there are illegal immigrants who own homes in the US.  If they are homeowners they are definitely paying property tax.


They don't pay Federal/State INCOME Taxes - the taxes that matter because they fund the programs that should be regarded for our own legal citizens.

Yeah they pay SALES tax, no one gets around that unless they're stealing.

How do you know they're paying property taxes??? The reason they "own" a house in the first place is because they're using stolen identities.

And for the guy that said they're paying PAYROLL TAXES, what company do you know has illegal immigrants on their payroll homie?
99% is under the table - untaxed. The ones that are on payroll have stolen identities.

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is *#!%%+ UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a *#!%%+ up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.


And I do agree that if they continue to reside here illegally, THE LEAST they could do is learn English.

Why do our stores and signs have to cater to them and their language barrier?

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is *#!%%+ UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a *#!%%+ up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.


And I do agree that if they continue to reside here illegally, THE LEAST they could do is learn English.

Why do our stores and signs have to cater to them and their language barrier?

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.

damn brother, tell em why you mad.

i understand your frustration, but I think it is misguided.

as others have mentioned before, its a fallacy that illegal immigrants dont pay taxes.  not every immigrant has some cash under the table type of gig.  a lot of them work regular jobs and are on company payrolls.  since they are on payroll, the taxes get automatically deducted from their paychecks.  since they dont have real valid ssn's, when its time to file taxes (and potentially get a tax return) guess what happens?  That tax return goes uncollected.

in regards to your gripe about hospital bills, man if you are paying $15K you need to get better health insurance (sorry, bad joke).  but seriously, my mother complains about the same thing almost everytime i see her so i know what you're talking about.  shes been working as a RN in Santa Ana area hospitals for the last 15+  years (for those that dont know, it is a hispanic dominated area).  but you know what? if you really wanted to, YOU could do take advantage of the same "perks" that these mexican gangbangers do.  if you are broke and you require medical assistance, the hospital wont turn you away.  If you dont care about your credit, you can walk in, get all the medical care you need, then peace out just like they do.  sure you will rack up thousands upon thousands in medical collections.  you might even get sued by the hospital, but who cares?  if you are like that gangbanger who either cant pay it, or outright refuses to pay it, you effectively got treated for free.  fwiw, i know dirtbag LEGAL white americans who do this all the time just because they are dirtbags.  cheating the medical system is not unique to illegal immigrants.

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.

damn brother, tell em why you mad.

i understand your frustration, but I think it is misguided.

as others have mentioned before, its a fallacy that illegal immigrants dont pay taxes.  not every immigrant has some cash under the table type of gig.  a lot of them work regular jobs and are on company payrolls.  since they are on payroll, the taxes get automatically deducted from their paychecks.  since they dont have real valid ssn's, when its time to file taxes (and potentially get a tax return) guess what happens?  That tax return goes uncollected.

in regards to your gripe about hospital bills, man if you are paying $15K you need to get better health insurance (sorry, bad joke).  but seriously, my mother complains about the same thing almost everytime i see her so i know what you're talking about.  shes been working as a RN in Santa Ana area hospitals for the last 15+  years (for those that dont know, it is a hispanic dominated area).  but you know what? if you really wanted to, YOU could do take advantage of the same "perks" that these mexican gangbangers do.  if you are broke and you require medical assistance, the hospital wont turn you away.  If you dont care about your credit, you can walk in, get all the medical care you need, then peace out just like they do.  sure you will rack up thousands upon thousands in medical collections.  you might even get sued by the hospital, but who cares?  if you are like that gangbanger who either cant pay it, or outright refuses to pay it, you effectively got treated for free.  fwiw, i know dirtbag LEGAL white americans who do this all the time just because they are dirtbags.  cheating the medical system is not unique to illegal immigrants.

Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is *#!%%+ UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a *#!%%+ up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.


And I do agree that if they continue to reside here illegally, THE LEAST they could do is learn English.

Why do our stores and signs have to cater to them and their language barrier?


Amen.  I'm all for eracism, but I believe they should go through the same channels as we and they should make an effort to learn the language.  Hell.  I'm Afro-American and I've made an effort to learn Espanol.

I live in a neighborhood that has tons of Mexicans, and I was a census taker.  Let's just say that I didn't have much success.  And the houses/apts I did visit.....
Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is *#!%%+ UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a *#!%%+ up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.


And I do agree that if they continue to reside here illegally, THE LEAST they could do is learn English.

Why do our stores and signs have to cater to them and their language barrier?


Amen.  I'm all for eracism, but I believe they should go through the same channels as we and they should make an effort to learn the language.  Hell.  I'm Afro-American and I've made an effort to learn Espanol.

I live in a neighborhood that has tons of Mexicans, and I was a census taker.  Let's just say that I didn't have much success.  And the houses/apts I did visit.....
Why are illegals coming here? Because our country pays them to. If illegal jobs dry up, then so will illegal immigration. This is the most inefficient argument I have ever seen. Every one of these speeches need to be redirected at the citizens and government policies that enable desperate people to risk their lives, without adequate food or water, for labor that most Americans snub their noses at, for wages few would take seriously. If we spent half as much time shutting down or severely fining corporations responsible for illegal hiring as we do demonizing poor people this problem would be solved already. Are you ready to pay the extra money at the grocery store (which will probable be more than double the current price for fruits, vegetables and meat) to ensure a legal wage? Are you prepared to put up with the rising costs of production and services that would come with an effective 0% policy on illegal immigration? Go make sure your elected representatives know you supporters of reinforced immigration laws are all willing sacrifice to make this happen. Direct your attention at the source...not at the product.
Why are illegals coming here? Because our country pays them to. If illegal jobs dry up, then so will illegal immigration. This is the most inefficient argument I have ever seen. Every one of these speeches need to be redirected at the citizens and government policies that enable desperate people to risk their lives, without adequate food or water, for labor that most Americans snub their noses at, for wages few would take seriously. If we spent half as much time shutting down or severely fining corporations responsible for illegal hiring as we do demonizing poor people this problem would be solved already. Are you ready to pay the extra money at the grocery store (which will probable be more than double the current price for fruits, vegetables and meat) to ensure a legal wage? Are you prepared to put up with the rising costs of production and services that would come with an effective 0% policy on illegal immigration? Go make sure your elected representatives know you supporters of reinforced immigration laws are all willing sacrifice to make this happen. Direct your attention at the source...not at the product.
Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


Pay taxes
but a lot of illegal immigrants do pay taxes.

when they go to the corner store to buy a couple of tallboys, do you think the cashier rings em up without sales tax?

there are illegal immigrants who own homes in the US.  If they are homeowners they are definitely paying property tax.


They don't pay Federal/State INCOME Taxes - the taxes that matter because they fund the programs that should be regarded for our own legal citizens.

Yeah they pay SALES tax, no one gets around that unless they're stealing.

How do you know they're paying property taxes??? The reason they "own" a house in the first place is because they're using stolen identities.

And for the guy that said they're paying PAYROLL TAXES, what company do you know has illegal immigrants on their payroll homie?
99% is under the table - untaxed. The ones that are on payroll have stolen identities.


i'm not tryin to be a **** but cmon man... you cant just be pullin numbers like "99% of them dont pay taxes" out of thin air and believing it to be fact just cause you said so

Regarding your question about property taxes.  Admittedly, I don't know with 100% certainty but it would make logical sense that they do.  Regardless of who buys the house (stolen identity, fake identity, real identity) virtually all properties are assessed some form of property tax.  If you dont pay those property taxes, then those past due taxes will turn into tax liens attached to the property itself.  It doesnt matter WHO owns the property, the tax liens are there.  If the tax liens continue to amass and go unpaid, guess what?  the lienholder (the city, county, state, federal government) can FORECLOSE on their tax lien.  So do you really think these illegals are droppin good money to buy a house only to potentially lose it by not paying their 1-2% property tax bill each year? 

Originally Posted by HustlinFlip

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1


Pay taxes
but a lot of illegal immigrants do pay taxes.

when they go to the corner store to buy a couple of tallboys, do you think the cashier rings em up without sales tax?

there are illegal immigrants who own homes in the US.  If they are homeowners they are definitely paying property tax.


They don't pay Federal/State INCOME Taxes - the taxes that matter because they fund the programs that should be regarded for our own legal citizens.

Yeah they pay SALES tax, no one gets around that unless they're stealing.

How do you know they're paying property taxes??? The reason they "own" a house in the first place is because they're using stolen identities.

And for the guy that said they're paying PAYROLL TAXES, what company do you know has illegal immigrants on their payroll homie?
99% is under the table - untaxed. The ones that are on payroll have stolen identities.


i'm not tryin to be a **** but cmon man... you cant just be pullin numbers like "99% of them dont pay taxes" out of thin air and believing it to be fact just cause you said so

Regarding your question about property taxes.  Admittedly, I don't know with 100% certainty but it would make logical sense that they do.  Regardless of who buys the house (stolen identity, fake identity, real identity) virtually all properties are assessed some form of property tax.  If you dont pay those property taxes, then those past due taxes will turn into tax liens attached to the property itself.  It doesnt matter WHO owns the property, the tax liens are there.  If the tax liens continue to amass and go unpaid, guess what?  the lienholder (the city, county, state, federal government) can FORECLOSE on their tax lien.  So do you really think these illegals are droppin good money to buy a house only to potentially lose it by not paying their 1-2% property tax bill each year? 

I don't understand the stolen land argument. It doesn't seem very productive.

WhatI do understand is the lack of economic evidence against illegal immigration.
I don't understand the stolen land argument. It doesn't seem very productive.

WhatI do understand is the lack of economic evidence against illegal immigration.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.

damn brother, tell em why you mad.

i understand your frustration, but I think it is misguided.

as others have mentioned before, its a fallacy that illegal immigrants dont pay taxes.  not every immigrant has some cash under the table type of gig.  a lot of them work regular jobs and are on company payrolls.  since they are on payroll, the taxes get automatically deducted from their paychecks.  since they dont have real valid ssn's, when its time to file taxes (and potentially get a tax return) guess what happens?  That tax return goes uncollected.

in regards to your gripe about hospital bills, man if you are paying $15K you need to get better health insurance (sorry, bad joke).  but seriously, my mother complains about the same thing almost everytime i see her so i know what you're talking about.  shes been working as a RN in Santa Ana area hospitals for the last 15+  years (for those that dont know, it is a hispanic dominated area).  but you know what? if you really wanted to, YOU could do take advantage of the same "perks" that these mexican gangbangers do.  if you are broke and you require medical assistance, the hospital wont turn you away.  If you dont care about your credit, you can walk in, get all the medical care you need, then peace out just like they do.  sure you will rack up thousands upon thousands in medical collections.  you might even get sued by the hospital, but who cares?  if you are like that gangbanger who either cant pay it, or outright refuses to pay it, you effectively got treated for free.  fwiw, i know dirtbag LEGAL white americans who do this all the time just because they are dirtbags.  cheating the medical system is not unique to illegal immigrants.


dude, you are talking out of your $!!.
ive grown up with mexicans, illegal and legal my entire life. 

my brother is married to a "Now legal" formerly illegal immigrant who's entire family is illegal.

i know EVERYTHING that illegal immigrants do. ive been at the house when theyve sent 100k worth of electronics to mexico because they dont get the same stuff we have here.

ive been there when the fathers "employees" came to collect their money and he pulled out a big wad of money and paid them on the spot.

yeah he pays his little taxes and doesnt get a return. oh wow... the government gets to keep 7,000 dollars. we finally back on track right?

i know all this stuff first hand and if i really got to talking, every mexican NTer and the mods would get involved and end up with me banned and labeled a racist.

but you guys dont get to see it from my point of view, living in the proverbial "jungle"

im in the thick of it right now. every day. you guys get the luxury of reading about it then saying whats good and whats not.

come to Azusa and lets walk by where the mexicans "kick it foo". Then let me take u to the home depot on wilshire blvd in LA. THEN let me take you to Hill and Olympic to the sweat shops at 5pm everyday and tell me you dont see 4000 mexican women walking out of a unmarked building looking exhausted.

ya'll think im saying this out of hate. im saying this cause its the truth. take it how u want it. im just giving you the point of view of someone who is negatively affected by illegal immigrants.

you guys acting like all they wanna do is come here, work, make the world better and love their fellow man.

no. they hate blacks. they want to use the system cause its set up for abuse.

and yes, i care about my credit. im not some piece of !$%+ who will leave a bill for services rendered.

that would make me no better than the POS mexican gangbanger who did not pay. because since im black it was already expected.

and i have no health insurance. who can afford 400 a month for something that might or might not happen.

and oh wow property taxes. everyone in the US knows the majority of taxes come from taxing your earned wages.

stop being stupid and trying to use the taxes that NO ONE can avoid like sales tax (lol) and property tax.

like .00000007% of illegals own homes.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by likethematrix

all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.

damn brother, tell em why you mad.

i understand your frustration, but I think it is misguided.

as others have mentioned before, its a fallacy that illegal immigrants dont pay taxes.  not every immigrant has some cash under the table type of gig.  a lot of them work regular jobs and are on company payrolls.  since they are on payroll, the taxes get automatically deducted from their paychecks.  since they dont have real valid ssn's, when its time to file taxes (and potentially get a tax return) guess what happens?  That tax return goes uncollected.

in regards to your gripe about hospital bills, man if you are paying $15K you need to get better health insurance (sorry, bad joke).  but seriously, my mother complains about the same thing almost everytime i see her so i know what you're talking about.  shes been working as a RN in Santa Ana area hospitals for the last 15+  years (for those that dont know, it is a hispanic dominated area).  but you know what? if you really wanted to, YOU could do take advantage of the same "perks" that these mexican gangbangers do.  if you are broke and you require medical assistance, the hospital wont turn you away.  If you dont care about your credit, you can walk in, get all the medical care you need, then peace out just like they do.  sure you will rack up thousands upon thousands in medical collections.  you might even get sued by the hospital, but who cares?  if you are like that gangbanger who either cant pay it, or outright refuses to pay it, you effectively got treated for free.  fwiw, i know dirtbag LEGAL white americans who do this all the time just because they are dirtbags.  cheating the medical system is not unique to illegal immigrants.


dude, you are talking out of your $!!.
ive grown up with mexicans, illegal and legal my entire life. 

my brother is married to a "Now legal" formerly illegal immigrant who's entire family is illegal.

i know EVERYTHING that illegal immigrants do. ive been at the house when theyve sent 100k worth of electronics to mexico because they dont get the same stuff we have here.

ive been there when the fathers "employees" came to collect their money and he pulled out a big wad of money and paid them on the spot.

yeah he pays his little taxes and doesnt get a return. oh wow... the government gets to keep 7,000 dollars. we finally back on track right?

i know all this stuff first hand and if i really got to talking, every mexican NTer and the mods would get involved and end up with me banned and labeled a racist.

but you guys dont get to see it from my point of view, living in the proverbial "jungle"

im in the thick of it right now. every day. you guys get the luxury of reading about it then saying whats good and whats not.

come to Azusa and lets walk by where the mexicans "kick it foo". Then let me take u to the home depot on wilshire blvd in LA. THEN let me take you to Hill and Olympic to the sweat shops at 5pm everyday and tell me you dont see 4000 mexican women walking out of a unmarked building looking exhausted.

ya'll think im saying this out of hate. im saying this cause its the truth. take it how u want it. im just giving you the point of view of someone who is negatively affected by illegal immigrants.

you guys acting like all they wanna do is come here, work, make the world better and love their fellow man.

no. they hate blacks. they want to use the system cause its set up for abuse.

and yes, i care about my credit. im not some piece of !$%+ who will leave a bill for services rendered.

that would make me no better than the POS mexican gangbanger who did not pay. because since im black it was already expected.

and i have no health insurance. who can afford 400 a month for something that might or might not happen.

and oh wow property taxes. everyone in the US knows the majority of taxes come from taxing your earned wages.

stop being stupid and trying to use the taxes that NO ONE can avoid like sales tax (lol) and property tax.

like .00000007% of illegals own homes.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

HustlinFlip wrote:

Mojodmonky1 wrote:


Pay taxes
but a lot of illegal immigrants do pay taxes.

when they go to the corner store to buy a couple of tallboys, do you think the cashier rings em up without sales tax?

there are illegal immigrants who own homes in the US.  If they are homeowners they are definitely paying property tax.


They don't pay Federal/State INCOME Taxes - the taxes that matter because they fund the programs that should be regarded for our own legal citizens.

Yeah they pay SALES tax, no one gets around that unless they're stealing.

How do you know they're paying property taxes??? The reason they "own" a house in the first place is because they're using stolen identities.

And for the guy that said they're paying PAYROLL TAXES, what company do you know has illegal immigrants on their payroll homie?
99% is under the table - untaxed. The ones that are on payroll have stolen identities.


i'm not tryin to be a **** but cmon man... you cant just be pullin numbers like "99% of them dont pay taxes" out of thin air and believing it to be fact just cause you said so

Regarding your question about property taxes.  Admittedly, I don't know with 100% certainty but it would make logical sense that they do.  Regardless of who buys the house (stolen identity, fake identity, real identity) virtually all properties are assessed some form of property tax.  If you dont pay those property taxes, then those past due taxes will turn into tax liens attached to the property itself.  It doesnt matter WHO owns the property, the tax liens are there.  If the tax liens continue to amass and go unpaid, guess what?  the lienholder (the city, county, state, federal government) can FORECLOSE on their tax lien.  So do you really think these illegals are droppin good money to buy a house only to potentially lose it by not paying their 1-2% property tax bill each year? 


Thank you, I do appreciate constructive criticism unlike a lot of NT'ers that are quick to get defensive.

But what I'd like to point out is how they got those figures in the first place.

Does the US really know how many illegal immigrants we have in the first place to derive such a number of "75% are on payroll and contributing to Uncle Sam" ?

Does the US know how many are being paid under-the-table in order to compare that number to those that are on payrolls?

To me, I don't think there is a sure-fire way to measure these numbers so I can't take the accuracy of their stats seriously.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

HustlinFlip wrote:

Mojodmonky1 wrote:


Pay taxes
but a lot of illegal immigrants do pay taxes.

when they go to the corner store to buy a couple of tallboys, do you think the cashier rings em up without sales tax?

there are illegal immigrants who own homes in the US.  If they are homeowners they are definitely paying property tax.


They don't pay Federal/State INCOME Taxes - the taxes that matter because they fund the programs that should be regarded for our own legal citizens.

Yeah they pay SALES tax, no one gets around that unless they're stealing.

How do you know they're paying property taxes??? The reason they "own" a house in the first place is because they're using stolen identities.

And for the guy that said they're paying PAYROLL TAXES, what company do you know has illegal immigrants on their payroll homie?
99% is under the table - untaxed. The ones that are on payroll have stolen identities.


i'm not tryin to be a **** but cmon man... you cant just be pullin numbers like "99% of them dont pay taxes" out of thin air and believing it to be fact just cause you said so

Regarding your question about property taxes.  Admittedly, I don't know with 100% certainty but it would make logical sense that they do.  Regardless of who buys the house (stolen identity, fake identity, real identity) virtually all properties are assessed some form of property tax.  If you dont pay those property taxes, then those past due taxes will turn into tax liens attached to the property itself.  It doesnt matter WHO owns the property, the tax liens are there.  If the tax liens continue to amass and go unpaid, guess what?  the lienholder (the city, county, state, federal government) can FORECLOSE on their tax lien.  So do you really think these illegals are droppin good money to buy a house only to potentially lose it by not paying their 1-2% property tax bill each year? 


Thank you, I do appreciate constructive criticism unlike a lot of NT'ers that are quick to get defensive.

But what I'd like to point out is how they got those figures in the first place.

Does the US really know how many illegal immigrants we have in the first place to derive such a number of "75% are on payroll and contributing to Uncle Sam" ?

Does the US know how many are being paid under-the-table in order to compare that number to those that are on payrolls?

To me, I don't think there is a sure-fire way to measure these numbers so I can't take the accuracy of their stats seriously.

likethematrix wrote:
all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.
1. You clearly haven't gone too far into thinking about why the US is messed up
2. A company like GE pay no taxes.. They actually had a negative in the tax column.. Meaning they got paid money... Banks... Oil Companies.. all get billions a year in subsidies or tax breaks...
3. Idea for you Universal Health Care...   And are you sure he is a gangbanger? And wouldn't that be an argument for legalizing them so they will pay their health care bill.. Also many illegal immigrants will not go to a hospital unless it is dire circumstances in fear of deportation (which once they are fixed it is better)..
4. I have a hypothetical for you:  7 year girl, the daughter of illegal immigrants is shot and is in critical condition.. Family has no insurance, family is not of legal citizenship.. What do you do? Treat her for free (which it isn't because hospitals set up reserve funds).. Or do you deny her and let her die? 
5. "Illegal immigrants can get emergency care through Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor and people with disabilities. But they can't get non-emergency care unless they pay. "   Also in the article, they discuss how in many health care legislations, that they do not extend partial benefits to illegal immigrants.. Which would give them subsidies, and require them to get health insurance and pay a premium...  (In North Carolina's rural Duplin County, more than one in four people are uninsured. The area's job growth is in low-wage agribusiness — "plucking chickens and gutting hogs," says Greg Bounds, chief executive officer of Goshen Medical Center, the area's largest group of community health centers. Businesses need the influx of illegal immigrants to take hard-to-fill jobs, but hospitals lose money when the workers need emergency care. Until recently, most illegal immigrants here had one health care strategy. "They just weren't getting care before," Bounds says. "They were just suffering and dying.")
6. Follow the rules..... A broken system that may take years in order for you to be allowed, if you live in say Cuidad Juarez, you don't have years, you need to get out ASAP.. And like everyone there are laws you do not follow... Unless you've NEVER broken a law, which is IMPOSSIBLE... Then it really is the pot calling the kettle black.. The border has been demolished by the ridiculous war on drugs, and then getting the Mexican government to follow our stupid stupid "War". Making Drug Cartels far more powerful, and making many flee Mexico in droves..
7. I see you haven't been to a Wal-Mart in recent time.. Or a mall.. Or a KMart.. Or a park...
8. Here is where you turn into a hateful douche... Because your daughters friend is an ##*@$#%.. And his family seems to be even bigger %!#+$*#%... You now have your entire argument against illegal immigrants.. Even going so far to say 1 in 4 are like that..

[h2]And Nationwide Studies Find Immigrants Are Less Likely To Be Incarcerated[/h2]
Public Policy Institute Of California: "U.S.-Born Men Have An Institutionalization Rate That Is 10 Times Higher Than That Of Foreign-Born Men." In a February 2008 study, "Crime, Corrections, and California," the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) found:
The difference only grows when we expand our investigation. When we consider all institutionalization (not only prisons but also jails, halfway houses, and the like) and focus on the population that is most likely to be in institutions because of criminal activity (men ages 18-40), we find that, in California, U.S.-born men have an institutionalization rate that is 10 times higher than that of foreign-born men (4.2% vs. 0.42%). And when we compare foreign-born men to U.S.-born men with similar age and education levels, these differences become even greater. [Public Policy Institute of California, 2/08]

8. And how many legal and natural US Citizens work under the table.. Earn income on the side doing whatever, and do not report that extra income..
9.  In Georgia the governor signed an Anti-Immigration law that similar to Arizona.. Turns out that Georgia is 11,000 farm workers short for this year... SO the Georgian Farm Economy is about to collapse... Because Legal citizens out of work won't even fill those jobs..
likethematrix wrote:
all i know is that illegal immigrants are the reason why the US is %%+%+% UP right now.
too many companies exist ONLY because of the extremely cheap labor afforded by the immigrants.
BUT, they pay no taxes. yet they reap better benefits than Legal, Naturally born US citizens.
its a %%+%+% up day that i have to pay 15,436 dollars and 47 cents to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, Ca and they wont let you get no discounts, only to find out that the mexican gangbanger who was making tons of noise down the hall gets to pay NOTHING, because he has no social security number.
so with that said, kick them all out, and make them follow the rules.
if i gotta follow the rules, then everyone does. if not, then let all the blacks, asians, and whites do the same thing.
see how well this country will work then.
alot of you guys dont have problems with illegals cause you dont live near mexico.

it makes you not want to go to home depot, or lowes because there are 50 dirty, rude people wandering around the parking lot
saying "Mayete" under their breath when you walk by, giving you an evil eye even tho you got a smile on your face.

or how about taking your little sister to school and theyre trying to speak only spanish in class cause every child is illegal and so are their mothers who dont show any respect to black men or black children and tell their sons and daughters that "the black girl doesnt belong cause Azusa is for mexicans"

this is what my 6 year old sister was told by her "best friend" a 6 year old mexican boy.
whos mother AND father are illegal.
yet he drives a 2006 Tahoe and wears ostridge boots and hats everyday and their son is a "EME" gangmember who just got out of prison and tried to "bang on me".

and you want to make these people legal citizens?

the 25% of terrible illegal immigrants make it hard to accept the other 75%.

and i swear to God i hope we dont.

they still gonna work under the table. the system is already in place for them to continue to do so.
1. You clearly haven't gone too far into thinking about why the US is messed up
2. A company like GE pay no taxes.. They actually had a negative in the tax column.. Meaning they got paid money... Banks... Oil Companies.. all get billions a year in subsidies or tax breaks...
3. Idea for you Universal Health Care...   And are you sure he is a gangbanger? And wouldn't that be an argument for legalizing them so they will pay their health care bill.. Also many illegal immigrants will not go to a hospital unless it is dire circumstances in fear of deportation (which once they are fixed it is better)..
4. I have a hypothetical for you:  7 year girl, the daughter of illegal immigrants is shot and is in critical condition.. Family has no insurance, family is not of legal citizenship.. What do you do? Treat her for free (which it isn't because hospitals set up reserve funds).. Or do you deny her and let her die? 
5. "Illegal immigrants can get emergency care through Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor and people with disabilities. But they can't get non-emergency care unless they pay. "   Also in the article, they discuss how in many health care legislations, that they do not extend partial benefits to illegal immigrants.. Which would give them subsidies, and require them to get health insurance and pay a premium...  (In North Carolina's rural Duplin County, more than one in four people are uninsured. The area's job growth is in low-wage agribusiness — "plucking chickens and gutting hogs," says Greg Bounds, chief executive officer of Goshen Medical Center, the area's largest group of community health centers. Businesses need the influx of illegal immigrants to take hard-to-fill jobs, but hospitals lose money when the workers need emergency care. Until recently, most illegal immigrants here had one health care strategy. "They just weren't getting care before," Bounds says. "They were just suffering and dying.")
6. Follow the rules..... A broken system that may take years in order for you to be allowed, if you live in say Cuidad Juarez, you don't have years, you need to get out ASAP.. And like everyone there are laws you do not follow... Unless you've NEVER broken a law, which is IMPOSSIBLE... Then it really is the pot calling the kettle black.. The border has been demolished by the ridiculous war on drugs, and then getting the Mexican government to follow our stupid stupid "War". Making Drug Cartels far more powerful, and making many flee Mexico in droves..
7. I see you haven't been to a Wal-Mart in recent time.. Or a mall.. Or a KMart.. Or a park...
8. Here is where you turn into a hateful douche... Because your daughters friend is an ##*@$#%.. And his family seems to be even bigger %!#+$*#%... You now have your entire argument against illegal immigrants.. Even going so far to say 1 in 4 are like that..

[h2]And Nationwide Studies Find Immigrants Are Less Likely To Be Incarcerated[/h2]
Public Policy Institute Of California: "U.S.-Born Men Have An Institutionalization Rate That Is 10 Times Higher Than That Of Foreign-Born Men." In a February 2008 study, "Crime, Corrections, and California," the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) found:
The difference only grows when we expand our investigation. When we consider all institutionalization (not only prisons but also jails, halfway houses, and the like) and focus on the population that is most likely to be in institutions because of criminal activity (men ages 18-40), we find that, in California, U.S.-born men have an institutionalization rate that is 10 times higher than that of foreign-born men (4.2% vs. 0.42%). And when we compare foreign-born men to U.S.-born men with similar age and education levels, these differences become even greater. [Public Policy Institute of California, 2/08]

8. And how many legal and natural US Citizens work under the table.. Earn income on the side doing whatever, and do not report that extra income..
9.  In Georgia the governor signed an Anti-Immigration law that similar to Arizona.. Turns out that Georgia is 11,000 farm workers short for this year... SO the Georgian Farm Economy is about to collapse... Because Legal citizens out of work won't even fill those jobs..
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