ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - What's your position NT?

This thread is just pure comedy with all the ignorance.. while a couple people have made some good points everything else is just borderline racist

You know its nice to know that mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in this country 95% to be exact
and im not just saying this cuz im mexican

Everyone talking bout illegals don't pay taxes blah blah blah illegals don't just work "under the table" some got normal jobs like restaurants, janitors at some school, ect ect all these jobs taxes are automatically deducted from their paycheck. And when it comes down to claiming your taxes or w.e illegals do it to like someone said with a Tax Identification Number (TIN) I know this for a fact cuz I know family that goes threw all this
Originally Posted by mrshadow

This thread is just pure comedy with all the ignorance.. while a couple people have made some good points everything else is just borderline racist

You know its nice to know that mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in this country 95% to be exact
and im not just saying this cuz im mexican

Everyone talking bout illegals don't pay taxes blah blah blah illegals don't just work "under the table" some got normal jobs like restaurants, janitors at some school, ect ect all these jobs taxes are automatically deducted from their paycheck. And when it comes down to claiming your taxes or w.e illegals do it to like someone said with a Tax Identification Number (TIN) I know this for a fact cuz I know family that goes threw all this
so that makes illegal immigrants alright?
Originally Posted by mrshadow

This thread is just pure comedy with all the ignorance.. while a couple people have made some good points everything else is just borderline racist

You know its nice to know that mexicans are the only illegal immigrants in this country 95% to be exact
and im not just saying this cuz im mexican

Everyone talking bout illegals don't pay taxes blah blah blah illegals don't just work "under the table" some got normal jobs like restaurants, janitors at some school, ect ect all these jobs taxes are automatically deducted from their paycheck. And when it comes down to claiming your taxes or w.e illegals do it to like someone said with a Tax Identification Number (TIN) I know this for a fact cuz I know family that goes threw all this
so that makes illegal immigrants alright?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Has this country EVER addressed the fact that we stole the land in the first place? How does this work?

nope and the fact that this country was built off immigration seem to go over peoples heads. christopher columbus, the pilgrims, and andrew jacksons trail of tears seem to be convinent for alot of people to disregard.

i still haven't got an answer from the people saying "kick them all out now" as to how the country would go about doing that and rounding them all up.  this is the 3rd time i posted it, but i guess there's no response for that

also another question, what would you rather have in the country,  about 20 illegal dudes posted up in front of home depot looking for work and not commiting violent crimes  or welfare cheats, people who are constantly commiting violent and serious crimes and are in and out of prison and are threats to society?
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Has this country EVER addressed the fact that we stole the land in the first place? How does this work?

nope and the fact that this country was built off immigration seem to go over peoples heads. christopher columbus, the pilgrims, and andrew jacksons trail of tears seem to be convinent for alot of people to disregard.

i still haven't got an answer from the people saying "kick them all out now" as to how the country would go about doing that and rounding them all up.  this is the 3rd time i posted it, but i guess there's no response for that

also another question, what would you rather have in the country,  about 20 illegal dudes posted up in front of home depot looking for work and not commiting violent crimes  or welfare cheats, people who are constantly commiting violent and serious crimes and are in and out of prison and are threats to society?
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Corporations exporting jobs are the reason why people have trouble finding any.

so true, and that's a bigger problem then illegal immigration to me.     jobs that qualified american citizens can work are being outsourced to india and pakistan. these corporations should be taxed hard for doing so but that will never happen because their in bed with people in power in washington

most jobs illegals do, american citizens are "too proud" to do,  even if the pay was higher most dudes would refuse to do most of the work they do.
Really? People aren't too proud to do anything if it pays them a liveable wage. You can't pay people, much less citizens, below living standards and expect them to do the work. Illegals will do that same work for a fraction.

These threads never work out because of the biases from posters such as Oh You Mad.

Whether you have taxes taken out of your check as an illegal does not make it right. Do it the legal way like some of my family has and other American citizens have. Its an insult to them and a slap in the face to those who wait their turn for a shot at citizenship which could be years in most cases.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by Nike Jordan

Corporations exporting jobs are the reason why people have trouble finding any.

so true, and that's a bigger problem then illegal immigration to me.     jobs that qualified american citizens can work are being outsourced to india and pakistan. these corporations should be taxed hard for doing so but that will never happen because their in bed with people in power in washington

most jobs illegals do, american citizens are "too proud" to do,  even if the pay was higher most dudes would refuse to do most of the work they do.
Really? People aren't too proud to do anything if it pays them a liveable wage. You can't pay people, much less citizens, below living standards and expect them to do the work. Illegals will do that same work for a fraction.

These threads never work out because of the biases from posters such as Oh You Mad.

Whether you have taxes taken out of your check as an illegal does not make it right. Do it the legal way like some of my family has and other American citizens have. Its an insult to them and a slap in the face to those who wait their turn for a shot at citizenship which could be years in most cases.
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

so true, and that's a bigger problem then illegal immigration to me.     jobs that qualified american citizens can work are being outsourced to india and pakistan. these corporations should be taxed hard for doing so but that will never happen because their in bed with people in power in washington

most jobs illegals do, american citizens are "too proud" to do,  even if the pay was higher most dudes would refuse to do most of the work they do.
Really? People aren't too proud to do anything if it pays them a liveable wage. You can't pay people, much less citizens, below living standards and expect them to do the work. Illegals will do that same work for a fraction.

These threads never work out because of the biases from posters such as Oh You Mad.

they had something called "do our jobs"  where they were willing to pay whoever was willing to work in the fields a decent income,  hardly anyone showed up.

it's a whole different issue completely aside from the illegal immigration topic.   but alot of Americans in their eyes are "too proud" to work certain jobs. even basic stuff like workin fast food or working retail. the sad thing is, most of these people with a false sense of entitlement have minimal education so those are the only jobs available to them for the most part. when i was working at a restaurant a while back, i got a friend of mine a job there,  he quit a week later because he was "too good to be cleaning tables" as he said.  mind you dude barely has a high school diploma and no college expierence whatsoever, that level of entitlement he had shocked me. like i said it's a whole different issue but some people don't wanna start at the bottom and work their way up
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

so true, and that's a bigger problem then illegal immigration to me.     jobs that qualified american citizens can work are being outsourced to india and pakistan. these corporations should be taxed hard for doing so but that will never happen because their in bed with people in power in washington

most jobs illegals do, american citizens are "too proud" to do,  even if the pay was higher most dudes would refuse to do most of the work they do.
Really? People aren't too proud to do anything if it pays them a liveable wage. You can't pay people, much less citizens, below living standards and expect them to do the work. Illegals will do that same work for a fraction.

These threads never work out because of the biases from posters such as Oh You Mad.

they had something called "do our jobs"  where they were willing to pay whoever was willing to work in the fields a decent income,  hardly anyone showed up.

it's a whole different issue completely aside from the illegal immigration topic.   but alot of Americans in their eyes are "too proud" to work certain jobs. even basic stuff like workin fast food or working retail. the sad thing is, most of these people with a false sense of entitlement have minimal education so those are the only jobs available to them for the most part. when i was working at a restaurant a while back, i got a friend of mine a job there,  he quit a week later because he was "too good to be cleaning tables" as he said.  mind you dude barely has a high school diploma and no college expierence whatsoever, that level of entitlement he had shocked me. like i said it's a whole different issue but some people don't wanna start at the bottom and work their way up
Originally Posted by Furrell

Whether you have taxes taken out of your check as an illegal does not make it right. Do it the legal way like some of my family has and other American citizens have. Its an insult to them and a slap in the face to those who wait their turn for a shot at citizenship which could be years in most cases.

i respect that completely, a friend of mine who just became an American citizen had to wait close to 10 years to become one.

the illegal issue, is partly a self made issue though, in the 80's and early 90's the U.S and border states made minimal effort on tightening the borders.  people came in in mass amounts, sent the word back home to their families that it wasn't that hard to get across and boom something the U.S could've did a much better job controlling blew up.

i personally feel there's no real effective solution in dealing with the illegal immigrants currently in the country, although im all for deporting them if they commit a serious crime.   however im all for tightening the borders and emphasizng and encouraging legal immigration.
Originally Posted by Furrell

Whether you have taxes taken out of your check as an illegal does not make it right. Do it the legal way like some of my family has and other American citizens have. Its an insult to them and a slap in the face to those who wait their turn for a shot at citizenship which could be years in most cases.

i respect that completely, a friend of mine who just became an American citizen had to wait close to 10 years to become one.

the illegal issue, is partly a self made issue though, in the 80's and early 90's the U.S and border states made minimal effort on tightening the borders.  people came in in mass amounts, sent the word back home to their families that it wasn't that hard to get across and boom something the U.S could've did a much better job controlling blew up.

i personally feel there's no real effective solution in dealing with the illegal immigrants currently in the country, although im all for deporting them if they commit a serious crime.   however im all for tightening the borders and emphasizng and encouraging legal immigration.
Stolen land this, stolen land that, wah wah wah.

Yes, the murder of Native Americans is something to be ashamed of and can never be corrected.
However, this wasn't a situation where they occupied 100% of the land. So really, only a small
portion of the land here is stolen. Quit pretending you're all high and mighty. You all talk about
"bein' about dat lyfe" and then wanna play peacemaker too? Get outta here. Pick one.

When you get down to it, had the land not been "stolen" (If you want to call it that. Genocide and
repulsive crimes against humanity is more realistic, though.) we would all be under the persecution
of the King, Queen, and Catholic church for our individual beliefs, or living as the Native Americans
did, constantly moving to follow their food rather than settling down and using the technology at hand
to be able to settle. If you own an Early American Lit Anthology, read some of the stories about how
early settlers were greeted. It wasn't a Walt Disney greeting in most cases. Sure, what the American
settlers did was way out of line, but attacks weren't 100% unwarranted.


Why do people illegally enter the country? Two reasons (for the most part):

1. Wanted in another country.
2. Can't stand living where they do any longer and know that getting citizenship legally takes way too long.

As for Reason #1, that's why we have regulations for immigration.
And Reason #2— when the time is right, the US needs to budget time, money, and resources to fix the logistical nightmare that is at hand with gaining legal citizenship.
It's impossible and pretty much a joke to try to obtain citizenship legally. By maximizing the efficiency of the process, illegal immigration would cease to be an issue.
Becoming a legal citizen would take weeks rather than years, providing enough time for a family to tie up loose ends in their current country before being approved for
citizenship in America, where they would then come live as legal citizens, welcome to any and all housing, health, and financial aid that our country offers to us and more.
It's easy to attack America for its wrongdoings (of which there are plenty) and forget all the great things we can do for other people.
Stolen land this, stolen land that, wah wah wah.

Yes, the murder of Native Americans is something to be ashamed of and can never be corrected.
However, this wasn't a situation where they occupied 100% of the land. So really, only a small
portion of the land here is stolen. Quit pretending you're all high and mighty. You all talk about
"bein' about dat lyfe" and then wanna play peacemaker too? Get outta here. Pick one.

When you get down to it, had the land not been "stolen" (If you want to call it that. Genocide and
repulsive crimes against humanity is more realistic, though.) we would all be under the persecution
of the King, Queen, and Catholic church for our individual beliefs, or living as the Native Americans
did, constantly moving to follow their food rather than settling down and using the technology at hand
to be able to settle. If you own an Early American Lit Anthology, read some of the stories about how
early settlers were greeted. It wasn't a Walt Disney greeting in most cases. Sure, what the American
settlers did was way out of line, but attacks weren't 100% unwarranted.


Why do people illegally enter the country? Two reasons (for the most part):

1. Wanted in another country.
2. Can't stand living where they do any longer and know that getting citizenship legally takes way too long.

As for Reason #1, that's why we have regulations for immigration.
And Reason #2— when the time is right, the US needs to budget time, money, and resources to fix the logistical nightmare that is at hand with gaining legal citizenship.
It's impossible and pretty much a joke to try to obtain citizenship legally. By maximizing the efficiency of the process, illegal immigration would cease to be an issue.
Becoming a legal citizen would take weeks rather than years, providing enough time for a family to tie up loose ends in their current country before being approved for
citizenship in America, where they would then come live as legal citizens, welcome to any and all housing, health, and financial aid that our country offers to us and more.
It's easy to attack America for its wrongdoings (of which there are plenty) and forget all the great things we can do for other people.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

"bein' about dat lyfe" and then wanna play peacemaker too? Get outta here. Pick one.
what if i wanna be about dat lyfe monday, then be on some peaceful stuff on tuesday? i can't go back and forth between the 2 anymore

the other #@!! you posted is true though,  it takes way to long to become a citizen, speed the process up somewhat and make it more realistic and more people will play by the rules.

it's a catch 22 though, i know if i was living in a country where things were all +%*%*# up, and i knew i could go to america and live better, i would do it by any means necessary, legally or illegaly so i could live better.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

"bein' about dat lyfe" and then wanna play peacemaker too? Get outta here. Pick one.
what if i wanna be about dat lyfe monday, then be on some peaceful stuff on tuesday? i can't go back and forth between the 2 anymore

the other #@!! you posted is true though,  it takes way to long to become a citizen, speed the process up somewhat and make it more realistic and more people will play by the rules.

it's a catch 22 though, i know if i was living in a country where things were all +%*%*# up, and i knew i could go to america and live better, i would do it by any means necessary, legally or illegaly so i could live better.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Why do people illegally enter the country? Two reasons (for the most part):

1. Wanted in another country.
2. Can't stand living where they do any longer and know that getting citizenship legally takes way too long.
Why would people leave their own country, leave their family behind, and risk their lives to come to the US? Sounds as though you'd rather see people starve to death than not. People immigrate illegally because it is out of survival. Whatever resources for food, shelter, and economic growth is blatantly one sided in the third world to where either you live in a mansion or a zinc hut. It is blatantly obvious that most of you know nothing about the effects of globalization and how it has stripped people from their livelihood with no means economic opportunity.  Most would rather point fingers with blind reasoning rather than investigating the roots behind why things are this way.

Life and Debt 1of 4
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Why do people illegally enter the country? Two reasons (for the most part):

1. Wanted in another country.
2. Can't stand living where they do any longer and know that getting citizenship legally takes way too long.
Why would people leave their own country, leave their family behind, and risk their lives to come to the US? Sounds as though you'd rather see people starve to death than not. People immigrate illegally because it is out of survival. Whatever resources for food, shelter, and economic growth is blatantly one sided in the third world to where either you live in a mansion or a zinc hut. It is blatantly obvious that most of you know nothing about the effects of globalization and how it has stripped people from their livelihood with no means economic opportunity.  Most would rather point fingers with blind reasoning rather than investigating the roots behind why things are this way.

Life and Debt 1of 4
Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
You'd be surprised.  Alot of immigrants don't feel the need to learn English and then for those that do learn the language some have a disposition that Americans should learn to speak Spanish more often.  They want Americans to become more in tune with their language opposed to them learning how to speak English. 
Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
You'd be surprised.  Alot of immigrants don't feel the need to learn English and then for those that do learn the language some have a disposition that Americans should learn to speak Spanish more often.  They want Americans to become more in tune with their language opposed to them learning how to speak English. 
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.


If all the immigrants would leave this country it would be empty, This country is made of immigrants.

There's some immigrants that pay taxes and some americans that don't pay taxes, so i'm not sure if you're serious.

and a lot of dudes saying not to bring the race topic into this when it's basically a race topic.
Originally Posted by LetItShine24

All these illegal immigrants must leave the country. Im sitting here busting my *** at work, and school to make a decent living. While these immigrants are not paying a single dime in fed/state taxes. Seriously, #@*%. I dont care if your a mexican, asian, black, europe immigrant. Get out or stay in and pay taxes. It isnt fair.


If all the immigrants would leave this country it would be empty, This country is made of immigrants.

There's some immigrants that pay taxes and some americans that don't pay taxes, so i'm not sure if you're serious.

and a lot of dudes saying not to bring the race topic into this when it's basically a race topic.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
You'd be surprised.  Alot of immigrants don't feel the need to learn English and then for those that do learn the language some have a disposition that Americans should learn to speak Spanish more often.  They want Americans to become more in tune with their language opposed to them learning how to speak English. 

i've seen that,  it's not the case with everyone, but living in LA  trust me i've seen it and it's annoying.  i don't care what race you are, if your living in another country you should assimilate and attempt to learn the language, because if not your limiting yourself and holding yourself back to only having access to whats around you. 

some customer at my old job tried crying racism because he was being rude and told me "i need to learn spanish" because i wasn't able to help his dad who couldn't speak english, so i told him "no it's the other way around, your dad is in america he should learn to speak english"

a few friends of mine that i know have been living in the U.S since they were kids, and their parents still can barely speak english, which to me comes across like they never even made an attempt to learn english, which i don't get how you can't pick up if you've been here over 20 years.

personally i wanna learn spanish just because it's good to know a second language and makes it easier to get buns because a good chunk of spanish chicks get the F me right now look on their face when they see a white dude that can talk and speak spanish, but i don't think anyone living in america should be forced to learn it or feel they need to learn it.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english. Most feel embarrassed and intimidated by not speaking english.
You'd be surprised.  Alot of immigrants don't feel the need to learn English and then for those that do learn the language some have a disposition that Americans should learn to speak Spanish more often.  They want Americans to become more in tune with their language opposed to them learning how to speak English. 

i've seen that,  it's not the case with everyone, but living in LA  trust me i've seen it and it's annoying.  i don't care what race you are, if your living in another country you should assimilate and attempt to learn the language, because if not your limiting yourself and holding yourself back to only having access to whats around you. 

some customer at my old job tried crying racism because he was being rude and told me "i need to learn spanish" because i wasn't able to help his dad who couldn't speak english, so i told him "no it's the other way around, your dad is in america he should learn to speak english"

a few friends of mine that i know have been living in the U.S since they were kids, and their parents still can barely speak english, which to me comes across like they never even made an attempt to learn english, which i don't get how you can't pick up if you've been here over 20 years.

personally i wanna learn spanish just because it's good to know a second language and makes it easier to get buns because a good chunk of spanish chicks get the F me right now look on their face when they see a white dude that can talk and speak spanish, but i don't think anyone living in america should be forced to learn it or feel they need to learn it.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

you guys are missing the entire point so ima make it brief.

Illegal immigrants should not be kicked out just for being illegal.
they should be kicked out due to the negative effect on the economy that used to have structure.

alot of you in support of illegal immigrants keep spewing this nonsense about "they do jobs americans dont want to do."
that is only half true.
the full quote should be: "They do jobs americans wont do FOR THE PRICE THAT AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT WILL DO IT FOR."

emphasis on "Price"

lets use mexico and mexican immigrants as the model.

one US Dollar is equal to how man Pesos?

if youre coming from a place where you had no money and need money just to eat for the night to survive, you will accept ANY payment for a job offered.
Humans, by nature, seek to gain the most for the least amount.
so they turn from licensed, bonded, and american Landscapers/painter/field hands/gardeners/seamstresses/car washers.
they charge way too much. they have overhead costs, health care plans, corporate taxes, workers insurance.
it would be impossible for them to charge less than their bottom line costs.
so they charge $50+ to mow your lawn, trim your hedges, and take care of your plants.


there are these guys who will do it for $20.
they have ok tools at best, just a regular truck, no real base of operations, pretty much nothing but themselves and their truck and tools.

which one do you pick america?
$20 bucks.

now Tim down the street heard that you only pay $20 dollars. He's gotta get that deal too. the 30 he saves can go towards his vintage car he's restoring.
Tim is good friends with bill and jeff and tom and jerry.
they all gotta get this deal too.

america the land of the free landscaping has just lost an entire block and $300 monthly. he cannot make it any more. he's gotta fire a few friends.
he's gotta get rid of the store front.

We dont really speak english too well nor care to landscaping just made $100 between 3 people. time for tecate.

and change landscaping to picking fruit or washing cars....

you cant be this blind to ignore these facts.


and how can you blindly believe MSNBC's facts and figures and not take mines into account?
cause they are on tv?
quoting myself to answer every question on this page.
and just like mexicans on the street do, they try to throw blacks under the bus as the "violence this country has"

if im not mistaken EME is the biggest US prison gang and the MS13 are the most violent street gang in the USA.

umm.... what countries do these guys come from again?

what happens when they finally get released from prison?



if we wanna take it there you know.

i just used mexicans as the base model for my argument because they ARE the majority of illegal immigrants in the USA.

this is a fact. lol.

i could get to posting facts and figures from cnn and msnbc too ya know.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

you guys are missing the entire point so ima make it brief.

Illegal immigrants should not be kicked out just for being illegal.
they should be kicked out due to the negative effect on the economy that used to have structure.

alot of you in support of illegal immigrants keep spewing this nonsense about "they do jobs americans dont want to do."
that is only half true.
the full quote should be: "They do jobs americans wont do FOR THE PRICE THAT AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT WILL DO IT FOR."

emphasis on "Price"

lets use mexico and mexican immigrants as the model.

one US Dollar is equal to how man Pesos?

if youre coming from a place where you had no money and need money just to eat for the night to survive, you will accept ANY payment for a job offered.
Humans, by nature, seek to gain the most for the least amount.
so they turn from licensed, bonded, and american Landscapers/painter/field hands/gardeners/seamstresses/car washers.
they charge way too much. they have overhead costs, health care plans, corporate taxes, workers insurance.
it would be impossible for them to charge less than their bottom line costs.
so they charge $50+ to mow your lawn, trim your hedges, and take care of your plants.


there are these guys who will do it for $20.
they have ok tools at best, just a regular truck, no real base of operations, pretty much nothing but themselves and their truck and tools.

which one do you pick america?
$20 bucks.

now Tim down the street heard that you only pay $20 dollars. He's gotta get that deal too. the 30 he saves can go towards his vintage car he's restoring.
Tim is good friends with bill and jeff and tom and jerry.
they all gotta get this deal too.

america the land of the free landscaping has just lost an entire block and $300 monthly. he cannot make it any more. he's gotta fire a few friends.
he's gotta get rid of the store front.

We dont really speak english too well nor care to landscaping just made $100 between 3 people. time for tecate.

and change landscaping to picking fruit or washing cars....

you cant be this blind to ignore these facts.


and how can you blindly believe MSNBC's facts and figures and not take mines into account?
cause they are on tv?
quoting myself to answer every question on this page.
and just like mexicans on the street do, they try to throw blacks under the bus as the "violence this country has"

if im not mistaken EME is the biggest US prison gang and the MS13 are the most violent street gang in the USA.

umm.... what countries do these guys come from again?

what happens when they finally get released from prison?



if we wanna take it there you know.

i just used mexicans as the base model for my argument because they ARE the majority of illegal immigrants in the USA.

this is a fact. lol.

i could get to posting facts and figures from cnn and msnbc too ya know.
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