If you about to wife a chick....vol: how many it been now?

they're not trying to hear WHY the double standard exists which is why the convo is cyclical and why slim got "bored" with me

they think a female having a lot of sexual partners is the same as a male and it just isnt'
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Theres a line between being human and being less than a lady.  Women can't keep up with men when it comes to sexual partners.  It's not fair, its just the way it is.  If a chick thinks her life will go normal if she's "sexually free" then she's an idiot.  A woman is a giving away a gift when she has sex, so if she gives away her gift easily it shows poor character and that usually comes to light in other aspects of her life.  A man can have multiple partners in a small social population and it will be fine. A woman can't because she will lose respect from other people.  Its just the way it is.
Giving away a gift? What is this? 

It goes both ways for me. Ya'll are just stuck up on double standards and social conditioning when it comes to women's sexuality because you want to see her as less of a sexual being than you and not equal. Like I said, it is about how she carries herself and owns it. Some men are threatened by women's sexual prowess. Makes them feel less of a man. That's what it is in a lot of cases. She is a consensual adult, responsible, and clean, and you've had high numbers, then why does her high numbers matter to you? She is a sexual being just like you.

If you expect her numbers to be low, when you are a male !#%@ yourself,  you have issues. Women are human beings and like to #+#+ too.

As for me, if a man has high numbers, I admit, it gets to me. But, I am not a hypocrite about it. I like to uphold equality when it comes to it.

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Theres a line between being human and being less than a lady.  Women can't keep up with men when it comes to sexual partners.  It's not fair, its just the way it is.  If a chick thinks her life will go normal if she's "sexually free" then she's an idiot.  A woman is a giving away a gift when she has sex, so if she gives away her gift easily it shows poor character and that usually comes to light in other aspects of her life.  A man can have multiple partners in a small social population and it will be fine. A woman can't because she will lose respect from other people.  Its just the way it is.
Giving away a gift? What is this? 

It goes both ways for me. Ya'll are just stuck up on double standards and social conditioning when it comes to women's sexuality because you want to see her as less of a sexual being than you and not equal. Like I said, it is about how she carries herself and owns it. Some men are threatened by women's sexual prowess. Makes them feel less of a man. That's what it is in a lot of cases. She is a consensual adult, responsible, and clean, and you've had high numbers, then why does her high numbers matter to you? She is a sexual being just like you.

If you expect her numbers to be low, when you are a male !#%@ yourself,  you have issues. Women are human beings and like to #+#+ too.

As for me, if a man has high numbers, I admit, it gets to me. But, I am not a hypocrite about it. I like to uphold equality when it comes to it.

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

they think a female having a lot of sexual partners is the same as a male and it just isnt'
Kinda is. I know plenty females that'll reject a dude off his body count. Basically thinking they're a cess pool for STDs. Thing is some of those same girls would just want to play dumb and never ask that question but as far as gossip goes she hear about you smashing certain broads they'd cut you off with the quickness.

Probably a lot of dudes in here don't even know they got dumped cuz of their body count or cuz they smashed that one ugly broad with a big mouth.

As far as I see it, if we're gonna judge females for their body count I don't see why we can't judge a dude for being with a girl who is okay with a guy who has a high body count.
A woman is a giving away a gift when she has sex, so if she gives away her gift easily it shows poor character and that usually comes to light in other aspects of her life.
 Nobody here is explaining why there is a double standard. Yall just reinforcing it. Putting ({}) on a pedestal and talking about poor character. How does this not apply to men? If a dude smangs a 100 broads females can't look at him sideways for being loose?

W/e your standards are it should go both ways. Whether you putting it on a pedestal or not. Yes men and women are different but you're gonna have to explain what difference between them makes standards for sexual intercourse different for the two that actually makes sense.

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

they think a female having a lot of sexual partners is the same as a male and it just isnt'
Kinda is. I know plenty females that'll reject a dude off his body count. Basically thinking they're a cess pool for STDs. Thing is some of those same girls would just want to play dumb and never ask that question but as far as gossip goes she hear about you smashing certain broads they'd cut you off with the quickness.

Probably a lot of dudes in here don't even know they got dumped cuz of their body count or cuz they smashed that one ugly broad with a big mouth.

As far as I see it, if we're gonna judge females for their body count I don't see why we can't judge a dude for being with a girl who is okay with a guy who has a high body count.
A woman is a giving away a gift when she has sex, so if she gives away her gift easily it shows poor character and that usually comes to light in other aspects of her life.
 Nobody here is explaining why there is a double standard. Yall just reinforcing it. Putting ({}) on a pedestal and talking about poor character. How does this not apply to men? If a dude smangs a 100 broads females can't look at him sideways for being loose?

W/e your standards are it should go both ways. Whether you putting it on a pedestal or not. Yes men and women are different but you're gonna have to explain what difference between them makes standards for sexual intercourse different for the two that actually makes sense.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Theres a line between being human and being less than a lady.  Women can't keep up with men when it comes to sexual partners.  It's not fair, its just the way it is.  If a chick thinks her life will go normal if she's "sexually free" then she's an idiot.  A woman is a giving away a gift when she has sex, so if she gives away her gift easily it shows poor character and that usually comes to light in other aspects of her life.  A man can have multiple partners in a small social population and it will be fine. A woman can't because she will lose respect from other people.  Its just the way it is.
Giving away a gift? What is this? 

It goes both ways for me. Ya'll are just stuck up on double standards and social conditioning when it comes to women's sexuality because you want to see her as less of a sexual being than you and not equal. Like I said, it is about how she carries herself and owns it. Some men are threatened by women's sexual prowess. Makes them feel less of a man. That's what it is in a lot of cases. She is a consensual adult, responsible, and clean, and you've had high numbers, then why does her high numbers matter to you? She is a sexual being just like you.

If you expect her numbers to be low, when you are a male !#%@ yourself,  you have issues. Women are human beings and like to #+#+ too.

As for me, if a man has high numbers, I admit, it gets to me. But, I am not a hypocrite about it. I like to uphold equality when it comes to it.


 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Theres a line between being human and being less than a lady.  Women can't keep up with men when it comes to sexual partners.  It's not fair, its just the way it is.  If a chick thinks her life will go normal if she's "sexually free" then she's an idiot.  A woman is a giving away a gift when she has sex, so if she gives away her gift easily it shows poor character and that usually comes to light in other aspects of her life.  A man can have multiple partners in a small social population and it will be fine. A woman can't because she will lose respect from other people.  Its just the way it is.
Giving away a gift? What is this? 

It goes both ways for me. Ya'll are just stuck up on double standards and social conditioning when it comes to women's sexuality because you want to see her as less of a sexual being than you and not equal. Like I said, it is about how she carries herself and owns it. Some men are threatened by women's sexual prowess. Makes them feel less of a man. That's what it is in a lot of cases. She is a consensual adult, responsible, and clean, and you've had high numbers, then why does her high numbers matter to you? She is a sexual being just like you.

If you expect her numbers to be low, when you are a male !#%@ yourself,  you have issues. Women are human beings and like to #+#+ too.

As for me, if a man has high numbers, I admit, it gets to me. But, I am not a hypocrite about it. I like to uphold equality when it comes to it.


 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

If you think this way, then I am saying it should go BOTH ways. Women and men are sexual beings. The only reason you are witholding these views is because you want to look at women as less of sexual beings than you and see them as less equal. It is a power control role you don't want overturned. The man wants to own the woman's sexual power and make sure she lacks it. So yes, sexual prowess.

I understand having these sort of views from back in the day, but the role of men and women has changed up quite a bit. You men talking about jumpoffs yet you sure love to use them and fiend for their P for your own dog #%**-%+% behavior.

Who says it is not the same? It is what you make of it.

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

If you think this way, then I am saying it should go BOTH ways. Women and men are sexual beings. The only reason you are witholding these views is because you want to look at women as less of sexual beings than you and see them as less equal. It is a power control role you don't want overturned. The man wants to own the woman's sexual power and make sure she lacks it. So yes, sexual prowess.

I understand having these sort of views from back in the day, but the role of men and women has changed up quite a bit. You men talking about jumpoffs yet you sure love to use them and fiend for their P for your own dog #%**-%+% behavior.

Who says it is not the same? It is what you make of it.

Hazeleyed Honey is obviously poor at reading comprehension or just skimmed through this post and missed every other reply I had and decided to form an opinion off of nonsense. Lack of literacy < promiscuity.
Hazeleyed Honey is obviously poor at reading comprehension or just skimmed through this post and missed every other reply I had and decided to form an opinion off of nonsense. Lack of literacy < promiscuity.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

If you think this way, then I am saying it should go BOTH ways. Women and men are sexual beings. The only reason you are witholding these views is because you want to look at women as less of sexual beings than you and see them as less equal. It is a power control role you don't want overturned. The man wants to own the woman's sexual power and make sure she lacks it. So yes, sexual prowess.

I understand having these sort of views from back in the day, but the role of men and women has changed up quite a bit. You men talking about jumpoffs yet you sure love to use them and fiend for their P for your own dog #%**-%+% behavior.

Who says it is not the same? It is what you make of it.


Can I put my tongue in your butt? 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

If you think this way, then I am saying it should go BOTH ways. Women and men are sexual beings. The only reason you are witholding these views is because you want to look at women as less of sexual beings than you and see them as less equal. It is a power control role you don't want overturned. The man wants to own the woman's sexual power and make sure she lacks it. So yes, sexual prowess.

I understand having these sort of views from back in the day, but the role of men and women has changed up quite a bit. You men talking about jumpoffs yet you sure love to use them and fiend for their P for your own dog #%**-%+% behavior.

Who says it is not the same? It is what you make of it.


Can I put my tongue in your butt? 
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Hazeleyed Honey is obviously poor at reading comprehension or just skimmed through this post and missed every other reply I had and decided to form an opinion off of nonsense. Lack of literacy < promiscuity.
I did? Awww, sorry. 

Then please enlighten me. What was the point you were getting at?

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Hazeleyed Honey is obviously poor at reading comprehension or just skimmed through this post and missed every other reply I had and decided to form an opinion off of nonsense. Lack of literacy < promiscuity.
I did? Awww, sorry. 

Then please enlighten me. What was the point you were getting at?

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

If you think this way, then I am saying it should go BOTH ways. Women and men are sexual beings. The only reason you are witholding these views is because you want to look at women as less of sexual beings than you and see them as less equal. It is a power control role you don't want overturned. The man wants to own the woman's sexual power and make sure she lacks it. So yes, sexual prowess.

I understand having these sort of views from back in the day, but the role of men and women has changed up quite a bit. You men talking about jumpoffs yet you sure love to use them and fiend for their P for your own dog #%**-%+% behavior.

Who says it is not the same? It is what you make of it.


Funny thing is you don't even believe what you are saying.  So whats you're number like Ma?  You out there gettin' it in? Or you living by the outdated double standard?
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

 you are clueless.  If you are a woman and go get smashed whenever you choose your life will be difficult.  

1. Any man that has no strings attached sex with you will lose respect for you
2. More than likely he will tell somebody.  And those people will also have little respect for you
3. If you mess with dudes in the same circle, work place, or team you will not be respected

A man doesn't want a chick who is looked down upon.  Woman are the choosers.  A man who gets alot of woman has some kind of quality that allows him to get women.  A woman is approached everyday allday so she has to be selective to who she lets in.  Manwhores settle down and make the one girl feel special.  Rollers have to hide their past or find a sucker to accept them.  Big difference.

Its not the same and you know it.  P.S.
 at "Sexual Prowess" .  Body count has nothing to do with that.  I've never been sexually intimidated by a woman

If you think this way, then I am saying it should go BOTH ways. Women and men are sexual beings. The only reason you are witholding these views is because you want to look at women as less of sexual beings than you and see them as less equal. It is a power control role you don't want overturned. The man wants to own the woman's sexual power and make sure she lacks it. So yes, sexual prowess.

I understand having these sort of views from back in the day, but the role of men and women has changed up quite a bit. You men talking about jumpoffs yet you sure love to use them and fiend for their P for your own dog #%**-%+% behavior.

Who says it is not the same? It is what you make of it.


Funny thing is you don't even believe what you are saying.  So whats you're number like Ma?  You out there gettin' it in? Or you living by the outdated double standard?
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I never believe women on this. Miraculously, they're all angels with low body counts who never ever had one night stands or sex outside the context of a relationship.

Honestly, if they're #*%$%+, there's nonverbal stuff to look out for.
That's it right here.

People need to have less focus on actual numbers and more focus on the woman's behavior
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I never believe women on this. Miraculously, they're all angels with low body counts who never ever had one night stands or sex outside the context of a relationship.

Honestly, if they're #*%$%+, there's nonverbal stuff to look out for.
That's it right here.

People need to have less focus on actual numbers and more focus on the woman's behavior
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Hazeleyed Honey is obviously poor at reading comprehension or just skimmed through this post and missed every other reply I had and decided to form an opinion off of nonsense. Lack of literacy < promiscuity.
I did? Awww, sorry. 

Then please enlighten me. What was the point you were getting at?

It's already in the thread that you decided to make a poor contribution in. If I don't have to repeat myself at Subway, I damn sure won't be repeating myself on NT.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Hazeleyed Honey is obviously poor at reading comprehension or just skimmed through this post and missed every other reply I had and decided to form an opinion off of nonsense. Lack of literacy < promiscuity.
I did? Awww, sorry. 

Then please enlighten me. What was the point you were getting at?

It's already in the thread that you decided to make a poor contribution in. If I don't have to repeat myself at Subway, I damn sure won't be repeating myself on NT.
just add 1 for every 3 people tells you and u got the truth
if she say 2 the it really means 3
and so on
just add 1 for every 3 people tells you and u got the truth
if she say 2 the it really means 3
and so on
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