If there was a WET...

WET would be the most unfunniest station ever, right next to TBS. Honestly, I believe MADTV should be a WET TV show..
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

It's not like the major networks have purposely tried to exclude "black oriented" programming,
i mean, how do you know what goes on behind the closed doors of the all-white exec meetings?

what's wrong with a network wanting to attract black viewers with programming directly geared toward them?
If you'll read what I wrote with an objective eye, I've never once argued against BET.

However, to address the first part, implying racism in the face of facts doesn't make much sense at all. Yes, the major networks have colluded to excludeprogramming that centers around a black family, yet I, and many others, have already named plenty of shows that aired on a major network and did exactly that. BET certainly hasn't stepped up to the plate; in their 28 years on air, they've created just one sitcom, and it started airing only a few months ago.

You're right, I don't know what goes on in those meetings, but neither do you. How many shows starring a black family are they pitched per season? How do those shows rate with the audience? Are they bringing in the desired number of viewers? Could that programming slot be better suited for another typeof show? Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...
Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black
More accurately, black people don't want to be white but white people want to be black.

Not all...

that's more accurate. there are always exceptions. and I meant as far as pop culture, for example black comedians are usually "allowed" to say alot more than white ones, look at kramer.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by ebayologist

While you certainly have a point. I think this thread has totally derailed from it's originally point and i'm not white so…

But I don't know if you know this but black people in America didn't just come up with their culture out of thin air.
The co-opting of culture didn't start with white kids in the 80s, 90s, and 00s jocking urban black culture.

And more to the point "black culture today" is neither all black nor is it what it was, it's a commercialized and twisted shell of what it was.

actually, it started with indentured servants being slowly replaced by slaves from africa...and their cohabitation....but thats beside the point...

so you are really saying that modern black culture isn't black culture?

No, read what the #@%$ I wrote.

I'm saying you're black culture is only a derivative of black culture and only black culture like black people never co-opted any part of any cultureis $@$%*%+ ******ed. And that you're point about how white kids in the 80's and 90's co-opted the culture of urban black youth is moot pointbecause culture is co-opted all the time. Where do you think "new money" "rich" rappers got the idea of spending their money on highfashion Gucci, LV, Fendi, etc.

ding ding. Rich white people.

Certainly the roots of black culture can be traced all the way back to Africa, that's neither here nor there. That doesn't mean every component of itis inherently black or African. The simple fact of the matter is most "popular" culture is co-opted by groups outside of that original culture andblack culture isn't 100% black or 100% african derived.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If BET can get away with it, I don't see why anyone should complain.[/color]
I hope you know that the connotations behind "Black Star Power", "White Star Power", "Black Power" and "WhitePower" are not the same. At all.
Where does this crap come from?

I swear some of you guys are not only hypocrites, but just outright racist.
Originally Posted by infamousod

CMT is the one that really comes to mind

and "WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black...unless they had a WET: Uncut which would have a 90% black audience and ratings would skyrocket

I don't want to be either black nor white....


Also....For everyone saying that every other channel is practically WET...

BET almost makes me feel alienated when I watch it at times....

No other channel (ABC, FOX, MTV, etc) does that....

BTW I'm brown if it matters...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

A white kid rocking sneakers. Yes, it could very well be that he likes the sneakers and feels apart of the culture....but the CULTURE is inherently black...created by NYC blacks of the late 80s, early 90s....He may not know that, and it may not even have any sort of impact on his sneaker-wearing, however, the orgins of the culture don't change.....the black people in NYC made it "cool"....and it's still prevalent today...(look at pictures of kids before like 82.....look at their shoes...none of them were sport-related....the actual WEARING of sport-based shoes casually came from SOMEWHERE....SOMEHOW this became acceptable in american culture.....)

White kids blasting rap music out of a car, same thing. Who made that "cool"?

on and on, so on and so forth...

Black culture has always fascinated white America, from Negro Spirituals on plantations to Live jazz music at jazz clubs in the hood to now, rap music....

come on bro, "bling" is in the dictionary.....newscasters use "bling" in their vocabulary.....

just because white people enjoy it and wanna imitate/mimic it doesn't make it "cross-cultural", especially something as inherently black as rap music....

CULTURE, TRY TO GET SOME, and don't try to get it from someone else....
1) Chuck Taylor Sneakers man...originally basketball shoes...those are "sports relatedshoes"
2) And what makes rap music

you know what, i'm not even gonna touch this subject
Originally Posted by corporateJP

Where does this crap come from?

I swear some of you guys are not only hypocrites, but just outright racist.

i would not watch.. would be the most boring channel on tv.. and there is the some bad shhh on tv..

ps. i am caucasian.. if that means anything for my argument
eNPHAN has touched on most of the issues that come about in this thread pretty accurately. iBlink.. I see what you're saying and where you were trying togo, but again.... Your thread has undergone an epic fail and I'm beginning to think you're just making controversial topics just to stir things up andget attention instead of your "intention" to create "change..." in these controversial issues. How about you create a WET or actually dosomething that would show action instead of always asking what if and reinforcing these type of discussions again and again. How about you take action increating or participating in an organization for human equalization that would take POSATIVE ACTION against people calling unattractive people "ugly"or making TV equal in YOUR opinion. And I emphasise "YOUR" opinion because lets face it... That's all it is. And if the world happens to havea similar opinion to yours, then hopefully people will jump aboard and support your cause. So I'll pose this challange to you... If you want to continueto make these "intellectual" type of posts on NT, can you actually show that you've put forward some type of effort for or against the topic thatyou are speaking on? Or even if you just came with straight FACTS like Methodmans intellectual posts consist of, it would make your discussions 100% better. If not... TO ME... You'll just be another attention %*!%%.
It'd probably have better quality programming than BET, unless they're showing stuff like Jeff Foxworthy or Bill Engvall.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by infamousod

CMT is the one that really comes to mind

and "WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black...unless they had a WET: Uncut which would have a 90% black audience and ratings would skyrocket

I don't want to be either black nor white....


Also....For everyone saying that every other channel is practically WET...

BET almost makes me feel alienated when I watch it at times....

No other channel (ABC, FOX, MTV, etc) does that....

BTW I'm brown if it matters...
well, that's because BET caters to a niche audience, whereas the major networks gear towards as many people as possible...

so you don't feel alienated when you watch CMT, Telemundo or the Asian Video Network?

you're brown? what about when you watch the Christian Television Network or the Evangelical Television Network?
Huge difference, those are "special interest" channels...

Would you consider BET a "special interest" channel?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Club29

Didnt the Hughleys and the Cosby Show and Good Times and Sanford & Son and the Jeffersons all air on so-called "white" networks?
it's 2008, 3 of the 5 shows you named are older than i am (im 24), the Cosby Show was canceled about 15 years ago and the Hughleys aired for like 3 seasons...

these are still 5 shows compared to THOUSANDS.....

what's your point?

, i likes your avy berry much
my point is that Sanford & Son RULES!
Also CMT is a bad example, they too are a subsidiary of Viacom, Inc...

So I wouldn't be surprised to see it alienating its viewers aswell...

VH1? Ditto...Viacom

All the same folks...
But I'm not going to blame Viacom for the way BET is, BET was like this even when it was Black owned...If not worse...

"BET, alienating its viewers since conception"....
i hate when people say "every other station is WET", Man i see all races on pretty much every station but i see white people on BET like once a year.Even on the spanish speaking channel i see movies/shows with mostly non-hispanic cast but they are just translated for the spanish viewers to understand.

To the original question though i would probably just laugh.
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