If there was a WET...

where is the outrage over Lifetime or Oxygen?

why do they need to have channels geared towards women? Thats sexist........
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

I just didn't enjoy the hint of racism that was brought into the debate.
que? from me?

All i said is "WET exists as the OTHER 199 channels"

that's about as racist as arguing school history textbooks are "white history"

why do you think you have to specify "black history month" or "black entertainment television"?

E! is just Entertainment Television...the White is implied....

how is any of that racist tho?

biased? certainly...

brash? a great deal...

jaded? you betcha....

but racist?

I never said that you were racist, but you seemed to suggest that racism may be behind the lack of "black" programming on majornetworks.

Check out your response to me on Page 5.

That's what got me going.

Specifically the first two sentences, as I wasn't arguing with you on anything after that.

However, I'll just assume that's not what you meant and leave it be. No need to respond.
kix4kix wrote:
iBlink wrote:
I made this thread before I even brush my teeth this morning and now it's at 7 or 8 pages

It's ill to me how so many of you guys missed the point I was trying to make.

White Entertainment Television with the slogan White Star Power...

would you trip?
I don't see a point being made. Seems open-ended to me.

Um. Bet basically made Bow Wows career.
Where would we be without him

That was all I said?
Dang, I thought I was more articulate at 9 in theAM.

Anyway, the point I was trying to make was this. We're in the year 2008 (damn near 2009) and we're still building up walls opposed to tearing them downto form a better society. You guys bring up Black History month? Really?
I should so make a black history month unappreciation vol. didn't you guys get the memo?

Did Dr. King not argue for equality? Didn't the man ask that we move towards unity? Exactly how does BET promote anything that ourforefather's worked for? Black Star Power? Give me a break. This channel promotes stereotypical African Americans for 11 month of the year, then tries topreach EMPOWERMENT during February? Empowerment like what? The 2 or 3 Rap awards (where they honor rappers who talk about some far out stuff (Irespect real hip hop artists, let me make that clear before you guys think I'm calling all music on BET crap)) it has throughout the year? Empowering theyouth to drive to Florida for Spring Bling to participate in debauchery? By promoting rapping as the pinnacle of black male success? Empower us by keepingpeople's minds focused on a world based on minorities? That screws you over in the long run because all you're accustomed to is Black Star Power. But,I digress, back to the matter at hand.

Then if some genius were to come along and create a WET that promoted white empowerment , all HELL would break lose because "that's rwaciss". Soif that's the case, what does that make BET?
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

where is the outrage over Lifetime or Oxygen?

why do they need to have channels geared towards women? Thats sexist........

Spike,and Speed?
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

where is the outrage over Lifetime or Oxygen?

why do they need to have channels geared towards women? Thats sexist........

Spike,and Speed?

its still sexist that they have channels geared at them specifically....sure a large majority of shows are geared towards men, but its not fair that Lifetimeand Oxygen exclude men
Did Dr. King not argue for equality? Didn't the man ask that we move towards unity? Exactly how does BET promote anything that our forefather's worked for? Black Star Power? Give me a break. This channel promotes stereotypical African Americans for 11 month of the year, then tries to preach EMPOWERMENT during February? Empowerment like what? The 2 or 3 Rap awards (where they honor rappers who talk about some far out stuff (I respect real hip hop artists, let me make that clear before you guys think I'm calling all music on BET crap)) it has throughout the year? Empowering the youth to drive to Florida for Spring Bling to participate in debauchery? By promoting rapping as the pinnacle of black male success? Empower us by keeping people's minds focused on a world based on minorities? That screws you over in the long run because all you're accustomed to is Black Star Power. But, I digress, back to the matter at hand. mo
lot of the rappers BET honors would get no love elsewhere...people were doing spring break long before Spring Bling...just that now you can seehip hop artists instead of the backstreet and Springer Break...how does it promote rap ans the pinnacle or black male success? its a music channel itplays/honors music...how does it keep our minds focused on a world based minority? problems in the black community were here before BET and could possibly behere after BET is gone...if it ever leaves...

i'm not saying BET is gonna save the black community you guys are arguing as if there really is no need or market for the channel...we don't need butif we didn't have it most of you would be complaining still
Originally Posted by iBlink

Anyway, the point I was trying to make was this. We're in the year 2008 (damn near 2009) and we're still building up walls opposed to tearing them down to form a better society. You guys bring up Black History month? Really?
I should so make a black history month unappreciation vol. didn't you guys get the memo?

Did Dr. King not argue for equality? Didn't the man ask that we move towards unity? Exactly how does BET promote anything that our forefather's worked for? Black Star Power? Give me a break. This channel promotes stereotypical African Americans for 11 month of the year, then tries to preach EMPOWERMENT during February? Empowerment like what? The 2 or 3 Rap awards (where they honor rappers who talk about some far out stuff (I respect real hip hop artists, let me make that clear before you guys think I'm calling all music on BET crap)) it has throughout the year? Empowering the youth to drive to Florida for Spring Bling to participate in debauchery? By promoting rapping as the pinnacle of black male success? Empower us by keeping people's minds focused on a world based on minorities? That screws you over in the long run because all you're accustomed to is Black Star Power. But, I digress, back to the matter at hand.

Then if some genius were to come along and create a WET that promoted white empowerment , all HELL would break lose because "that's rwaciss". So if that's the case, what does that make BET?

I ask you this question my friend?
Where would we be without:


Bow Wow





Jin (diversity
Uncut (most degrading show in history)
Keyshia Cole's Reality show (Single handedly setting blacks back 40 years)
TRL for black people (106)
And so many other countless bad programs?....

In all seriousness though: Is BET racist? NO
BET exists for a reason, it has just run its course. I don't know if it was out of your sarcasm or for debate; but the answer is not WET

lot of the rappers BET honors would get no love elsewhere
For good reason.
whether you like the rappers or not isn't the point...point is there is a market for it and BET is out to make money not "save us"
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

whether you like the rappers or not isn't the point...point is there is a market for it and BET is out to make money not "save us"

At-least we agree on one chapter.
Cause and effect argument I made last page.

Is it what makes money? So you are saying blacks like bad programming?

I would argue that if blacks received good entertainment of value like we see with several other programs (The Wire) Which instead of the standard token oneblack cop, and all black criminals showed a REALISTIC interpretation that was really profitable.

Of course BET's bottom line is profit what privatized corp isn't?

The point I am making is that if they change there programming to realistic interpretations than BET becomes relevant again.

But no, they choose shows like hell date, and several others that are not realistic to black culture.

Only people I know who watch BET are white people.
mytmouse76 wrote:
lot of the rappers BET honors would get no love elsewhere
...people were doing spring break long before Spring Bling...
just that now you can see hip hop artists instead of the backstreet and Springer Break...how does it promote rap ans the pinnacle or black male success?
its a music channel it plays/honors music...how does it keep our minds focused on a world based minority?
problems in the black community were here before BET and could possibly be here after BET is gone...if it ever leaves...

i'm not saying BET is gonna save the black community you guys are arguing as if there really is no need or market for the channel...we don't need but if we didn't have it most of you would be complaining still

For good reason.

Don't worry, I have my qualms with MTV as well. they're just not as blatant as BET.

You watch BET, you know good and well the channels makes the life of a rap star out to be the most suitable career for urban males. Your blind if youdon't see it. Until Cousin Jeff, they had no dudes preaching intellectual things. Jeff doesn't belong of BET.

Because if it were truly there for the music, shows like Hell Date and Baldwin Heights wouldn't air.

And BET is doing what to help fix these problems? It obscures the world views of some of the people who watches it.

In a sense, no, there's no need for BET. MTV, Fuse, VH1 plays rap music. Does BET play Nickleback? It's a channel for blacks. OPENLY forblacks. If white people were to do something as blatant as that... we'd never hear the end of it.
i would not get mad but bet is stupid...my roomate is black and he always watches that hes like this is MY channel so I HAVE TO WATCH IT... smh i feel likesmacking him most times
kix4kix wrote:
In all seriousness though: Is BET racist? NO
BET exists for a reason, it has just run its course. I don't know if it was out of your sarcasm or for debate; but the answer is not WET

I'm not saying BET is racist, nor did I ever insist that a WET would necessarily be a racist station either. But it goes against the ideals ofequality set forth by people like Dr. King.
Originally Posted by iBlink

kix4kix wrote:
In all seriousness though: Is BET racist? NO
BET exists for a reason, it has just run its course. I don't know if it was out of your sarcasm or for debate; but the answer is not WET

I'm not saying BET is racist, nor did I ever insist that a WET would necessarily be a racist station either. But it goes against the ideals of equality set forth by people like Dr. King.


Separate but equal was opposed by King

The bringing up of WET seems pointless to me for your argument of equality.
@ saying iBlink is racist ... he's black . Racist ? Nah , but he's something ELSE for making this thread .

First off , I hate BET . Its really ridiculous and a disgrace . BUT ! Why would someone argue about a "wet"? Get real . When it was first started ,blacks , as well as their music ... weren't getting the props they wanted and deserved . So they created BET . Where the Blacks on that channel can gainand receive this star power they dreamed of . So ... what's the problem ? I think ALL minorities should have their own channel ... its a place they cancall home . Chill .
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

I honestly don't think I would, iBlink...BET makes me sick. All it exists for is to perpetuate stereotypes about black people, and some people of other races think that's how all of us act.

WET? White Star Power? I say create it, and watch all the hypocritical people of our race catch feelings.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

No, I wouldn't trip at all. I just find it comical that in 2008, a channel like BET, which kinda suggests inequality, still thrives. Yet if there were to be a launch of a channel FOR whites, there would be an outrage.
But keep in mind, the time and climate of when BET was created. 1979... you wasn't Michael Jackson, you got no love on any other network. The network has been important for Black music. It's obviously not the network it once was... but, honestly, none of them are.

It's silly to stretch the meaning and intention of things such as a BET or a Black History Month. There are so many "privileges" that the majority is afforded simply due to being born the race that they are. To cry over a few things in which their inclusion is not mandated comes off as incredibly silly and trivial.

couldn't have said it any better.
kix4kix wrote:
Originally Posted by iBlink

kix4kix wrote:
In all seriousness though: Is BET racist? NO
BET exists for a reason, it has just run its course. I don't know if it was out of your sarcasm or for debate; but the answer is not WET

I'm not saying BET is racist, nor did I ever insist that a WET would necessarily be a racist station either. But it goes against the ideals of equality set forth by people like Dr. King.

Separate but equal was opposed by King

THAT's what I was saying. Not that I want a WET to make things fair.

I'm saying that in the picture painted by MLK, something like BET would be useless, as would a WET, since it promotes INEQUALITY, rather than unity.
Originally Posted by iBlink

lurkin2long wrote:
youre white and black.

i wanna know how you feel about the question you asked OP.

No, I wouldn't trip at all.

Contradiction: Just stating where my confusion is coming in.
You just stated there was no need for either that is where my confusion comes in.

If you refute the earlier statement we basically agree.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

No..welcome to ABC..NBC..Fox...MTV...

My thoughts exactly

you know i wasnt going to even comment but seriously do a little test. Watch say, ABC for 2 hours straight. I would bet it doesnt even matter what time of day.Count the number of Black people you see. Then watch BET for 2 hours straight and count the number of white people you see. Then do it with MTV, Fox etc...After doing so you will then realize how untrue your analysis is.

This doesn't mean i dont realize what you were trying to say, and i realize that many programs on said networks could be associated with a white viewingaudience, but seriously just count then numbers of Black folk you see on said networks vs. the number of white folk you see on BET and you will see the glaringdifference.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I ask you this question my friend?
Where would we be without:


Bow Wow





Jin (diversity
Uncut (most degrading show in history)
[size=%]Keyshia Cole's Reality show (Single handedly setting blacks back 40 years)[/size]
TRL for black people (106)
And so many other countless bad programs?....

In all seriousness though: Is BET racist? NO
BET exists for a reason, it has just run its course. I don't know if it was out of your sarcasm or for debate; but the answer is not WET

lot of the rappers BET honors would get no love elsewhere
For good reason.

kix4kix wrote:
iBlink wrote:
lurkin2long wrote:
youre white and black.

i wanna know how you feel about the question you asked OP.

No, I wouldn't trip at all.

Contradiction: Just stating where my confusion is coming in.
You just stated there was no need for either that is where my confusion comes in.

If you refute the earlier statement we basically agree.

I was simply answering my own question since he wanted me to state my opinion. But like I said, neither are necessary.
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