If there was a WET...

I've always viewed MTV as being the white version of BET, they are both wack and portray stereotypes from both races.

I think its unfair, ignorant, and offensive to have any channel labeled specifically for one race in a country that has been trying to break down the barriers,and so far have taken great strides in equality. Seems kind of backwards to me.

Some of y'all taking this out of proportion...
Off topic

UPN = You Pick a N

WB = White's and Blacks

Was the lamest $%! I've ever heard from somebody lol
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Let me ask you this...


If "white people" made a hair product named European Pride. And it gave "white people" instant skinheads in the same way that these biased "black" greases gave negroes those radical "black-power" afro hairstyles...would you guys be ok with that?

The hypocrisy disgusts me. How are blacks ever going to overcome the shackles of poverty and unequal education if we continue to allow vicious double standards like this?
Hair grease names and music video channels are at the root of the African-American dilemma....We were on the right path in the early years of the last century...conking our hair, wearing bowties and doing polite jigs in public. Then we started trying to establish a new collective group identity and attempting to self-determined
. Thats when all the problems began
You cant be serious. You compare a product geared to those with rougher coarse hair to feel proud and keep their hair looking new and fresh butstill keep its natural look to a product that turns your hair to that similar to the stereotype of the racists in that racial demographic?
. No wait you get another
. I have no problem with a European Pride hair gel that helps europeanamericans maintain their hair however Europeans have their hair but when you compare it to skin heads you just sound foolsih

Anyways with this thread I may be beating a dead horse but it is what it is "Niche Television"
A black writer goes to NBC "Hey I got this great script family sitcom Very Hillarious yadda yadda yadda all black cast really tie in the African Americancommunity so they can relate to"
Producer:WOOO WOOO WOO Pump ya breaks. Even if this is great you're only giving us 13% of the market and give or take who can releate thats 25% you'relosing me too much money. Bye.
White Writer"Hey I got this great script family sitcom Very Hillarious yadda yadda yadda Prominent Caucasian Neighborhood, everyday relatable"
Producer: That sounds brillant I love it. We'll have a casting call Monday.
Black Writer"
That's the same idea as mine"
Producer:"Yea but he reaches an audience 5x the size of you"

*Need for BET arises*

Another Sidenote
I love how this thread went
Point A. EPHAN kills! Point B EPHAN KILLS! ..............All the way to Point Z EPHAN KILLS. Then the other side went uhh uhhhh uhhh BET AINT EVEN FOR BLACKPEOPLE. PURE ****ERY! *digressing from the arugment*
This topic is ******ed as most have stated. The majority of the major networks have always had white people on their broadcasts. If you can't understandwhy BET was created then you're either racist or not very smart.
ATLien Seeko wrote:
iBlink wrote:
I'll call thread fail. This was not what I intended.

And this is what I'm talking about. I think it IS what you intended. You became that much more known on NT, and that's the whole purpose of this post. If it isnt, why dont you DO something about what you think is wrong instead of making posts and calling them off as failures over and over again? Be for real...

This thread made me more known?
I've been making threads way beforethis. If this is the only thread NT knows me from, then that's a shame on your part. I made the thread to generate some good conversation amongst the usualthreads on the general boards where people reply 50 times with the same thing. Did I intend for this to be turned into ten pages of this or that's racist?Negative. In the original post, I never mentioned racism one time. Dudes misconstrued the thread and you're blaming me? Get out of here dude.

And I will do something, give me time. Explain just how I take on an entire nation that's terribly flawed when I have 3 papers due at the end of the weekand finals coming up.
I never understand questions like these, like isn't clear that itwasnt established last week, but at a time when there really were no alternatives? BET is a shell of it's former self right now, and should be revamped,but again i don't understand questions like these, especially from people i thought were smarter than that.
75% of the channels are catered to whites you dummy

and why call out BET...call out them mexican channels too...its the same damn thing
I am just going to add my 2 pennies and say that instead of focusing on racially based shows/networks, the "powers that be" just need to make goodshows that appeal more to people's personalities than their actual skin color/ethnicity. Although one's identity is extremely important andecspecially on a wide scale, I think it is very limiting when shows/networks focus on one thing and jam it down eveyones throat ie:race. It's the samerecycled stuff being passed down over and over. One day we just need to realize that the images on TV are very powerful and some people take TV too seriousalmost like that one pic that is posted on NT from time to time when it has the dude saying "internet it's tough business" or something likethat, but for TV. Although baby steps are being taken in the form of good for all TV content, the trash some how always finds a way to continually promotenegative stereotypes that the masses buy into over and over. Basically in a nut shell to the OP's original question, if there was a WET that was startedout of the blue in this day and age, it would most certainlly to me seem spite driven and ineffective as it only will promote seperation instead oftogetherness.
The purpose of this thread is rather meaningful. Alot of legitamate points have been made and alot of nonrelevant points have been made as well. The problem isnot one of race, i would suffice it to say that its not a class arguments, or a personal preference issue. The under lineing issue here is that the individualsthat feel that BET should not exist, feel that way because they do not want to acknowledge the fact that there is such a things as white priveledge. Its neverquestioned or brought up in day to day conversation. I do believe in the unification of a country. Yes, its true that the more weight we put on racism the moreits going to grow. BET did and at time still does a wonderful thing for the black culture. As a black man i am ashamed to see what it has become. Yet, i findit funny that we are arguing about a point that makes itself. Its one channel, its not a bad thing. We can all agree that it has done wonders in bringing theyounger generation of white, blacks, hispanics, etc together on the grounds of music. But so has MTV with the real world, and such other programs. To insistthat having BET is some kind of reverse racism is in itself crazy. You know the funny thing about this is that i have never heard someone non-white (in mycircle of friends) complain about the programing on FOX, NBC, ABC, or CBS being racially bias. They just enjoy the programming. Yet, whites have an issue withBET, and apprently black history month. The disturbing aspect is that whites got thier privledge on the backs of blacks, and native americans, but yet any timewe as minorities have something that gives us a sense of pride, you would much rather destroy it than let it give us joy, and hope. Very sad. And at the sametime you would rather give us a crumb of your plate than give us the opportunity to fix our own plate.

Originally Posted by iBlink

ATLien Seeko wrote:
iBlink wrote:
I'll call thread fail. This was not what I intended.

And this is what I'm talking about. I think it IS what you intended. You became that much more known on NT, and that's the whole purpose of this post. If it isnt, why dont you DO something about what you think is wrong instead of making posts and calling them off as failures over and over again? Be for real...

This thread made me more known?
I've been making threads way before this. If this is the only thread NT knows me from, then that's a shame on your part. I made the thread to generate some good conversation amongst the usual threads on the general boards where people reply 50 times with the same thing. Did I intend for this to be turned into ten pages of this or that's racist? Negative. In the original post, I never mentioned racism one time. Dudes misconstrued the thread and you're blaming me? Get out of here dude.

And I will do something, give me time. Explain just how I take on an entire nation that's terribly flawed when I have 3 papers due at the end of the week and finals coming up.

So you dont think you got more attention/became more known from this thread? You couldnt have predicted that this was going to turn into a racially sensativediscussion?! If your answer to those questions is "no" then I see how you plan on having any kind of intellectual input on far more importantsubjects if you can see where a discussion like this is going to end up on a community that you frequent. Right now you're being like that"goth" kid at school that tries so hard to stick out from the crowd and goes against the grain just for the hell of it. What I'm saying is thatyou appear to have NO POINTS in starting your threads. The first posts out of the two posts I've seen where you try to get people to think critically, waspretty much the same as this one. Your subject line was eye catching and makes you go "this will not end well" and your first post is full ofingredients for controversy.

Look... All I'm saying is if you think everything is so messed up right now and you feel like you have something to offer that could potentially makechanges, DO SOMETHING. Stop making excueses about papers that you have to write or whatever your next excuese is and DO SOMETHING. I'm one of thosepeople who hates comming up with excueses because they really dont matter. If nothing gets done, nothing gets done. Reguardless of the fact that you had anexcuese or not. Nothing is getting DONE. I'm sure you can cut the time that you spend on NT or watching TV and all that leisure time that you have andput it toward fixing this stuff that bothers you so bad. And if you dont want to do that... Please, do us a favor and stop bringing it up.

Great thinkers/people didnt just sit around and ponder on issues all day. They TOOK ACTION. And this is how to make a post with a POINT.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Let me ask you this...


If "white people" made a hair product named European Pride. And it gave "white people" instant skinheads in the same way that these biased "black" greases gave negroes those radical "black-power" afro hairstyles...would you guys be ok with that?

The hypocrisy disgusts me. How are blacks ever going to overcome the shackles of poverty and unequal education if we continue to allow vicious double standards like this?
Hair grease names and music video channels are at the root of the African-American dilemma....We were on the right path in the early years of the last century...conking our hair, wearing bowties and doing polite jigs in public. Then we started trying to establish a new collective group identity and attempting to self-determined
. Thats when all the problems began
You cant be serious. You compare a product geared to those with rougher coarse hair to feel proud and keep their hair looking new and fresh but still keep its natural look to a product that turns your hair to that similar to the stereotype of the racists in that racial demographic?
. No wait you get another
. I have no problem with a European Pride hair gel that helps european americans maintain their hair however Europeans have their hair but when you compare it to skin heads you just sound foolsih

Anyways with this thread I may be beating a dead horse but it is what it is "Niche Television"
A black writer goes to NBC "Hey I got this great script family sitcom Very Hillarious yadda yadda yadda all black cast really tie in the African American community so they can relate to"
Producer:WOOO WOOO WOO Pump ya breaks. Even if this is great you're only giving us 13% of the market and give or take who can releate thats 25% you're losing me too much money. Bye.
White Writer"Hey I got this great script family sitcom Very Hillarious yadda yadda yadda Prominent Caucasian Neighborhood, everyday relatable"
Producer: That sounds brillant I love it. We'll have a casting call Monday.
Black Writer"
That's the same idea as mine"
Producer:"Yea but he reaches an audience 5x the size of you"

*Need for BET arises*

Another Sidenote
I love how this thread went
Point A. EPHAN kills! Point B EPHAN KILLS! ..............All the way to Point Z EPHAN KILLS. Then the other side went uhh uhhhh uhhh BET AINT EVEN FOR BLACK PEOPLE. PURE ****ERY! *digressing from the arugment*


Chill out.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

like dude said, for WET, just check out all of the OTHER 199 channels your cable provides....
just like people who complain about black history month...
"we don't have a white history month..."
well, duh, idiot...
Just to refrest your memory & other people making comments about all the white TV stations...

The U.S. population's distribution by race and ethnicity in 2006 was as follows:[sup][22][/sup][sup][23][/sup]
okay, and whats your point?
with someone else's stats....there have been ~20 "black" shows in the past 20 years...
you wanna give an extimate on how many shows total came out in the last 20 years?
i'd guess around 500 or so....
but please, you provide me with a better estimate, and i'm positive it doesn't match the "racial makeup" you so kindly provided...
but seriously, what's your point?
What's my point?
I got the feeling you & some other people were catching an attitude with the "check out all of the OTHER 199 channels"....
Like look at ALL the white channels...
So my point was there SHOULD BE mostly all white channels because most of the country is WHITE.

Now maybe I took your comment & others comments out of context.... but that's the feeling I got when I read your comment & others.
Perhaps I was wrong.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

like dude said, for WET, just check out all of the OTHER 199 channels your cable provides....
just like people who complain about black history month...
"we don't have a white history month..."
well, duh, idiot...
Just to refrest your memory & other people making comments about all the white TV stations...

The U.S. population's distribution by race and ethnicity in 2006 was as follows:[sup][22][/sup][sup][23][/sup]
okay, and whats your point?
with someone else's stats....there have been ~20 "black" shows in the past 20 years...
you wanna give an extimate on how many shows total came out in the last 20 years?
i'd guess around 500 or so....
but please, you provide me with a better estimate, and i'm positive it doesn't match the "racial makeup" you so kindly provided...
but seriously, what's your point?
What's my point?
I got the feeling you & some other people were catching an attitude with the "check out all of the OTHER 199 channels"....
Like look at ALL the white channels...
So my point was there SHOULD BE mostly all white channels because most of the country is WHITE.

Now maybe I took your comment & others comments out of context.... but that's the feeling I got when I read your comment & others.
Perhaps I was wrong.
actually you just proved the need for the "niche" programming they were discussing. Just catering to the majority leaves the restdisenfranchised.
I think a lot of people are missing the point. No one cares that there is a TV station catered to black people, people are just saying if there was a channelthat explicitly said it was White entertainment Television and its slogan was white star power, some black people would trip. And I think that would happen.There is a difference between catering to a certain audience( CBS, NBC, etc) or like UPN for black people and BET. I dont care about BET but if it was reversedpeople would trip, but its understandable given our history.
Originally Posted by Fecta23

I think a lot of people are missing the point. No one cares that there is a TV station catered to black people, people are just saying if there was a channel that explicitly said it was White entertainment Television and its slogan was white star power, some black people would trip. And I think that would happen.

Essentially, that's all I was saying. I didn't expect it to go over so many people's heads.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Fecta23

I think a lot of people are missing the point. No one cares that there is a TV station catered to black people, people are just saying if there was a channel that explicitly said it was White entertainment Television and its slogan was white star power, some black people would trip. And I think that would happen.

Essentially, that's all I was saying. I didn't expect it to go over so many people's heads.

It didnt go over any one's head you just where never explicit in your OP. You didnt say what shows? Would it cater to music? What would differentiate thatbetween other stations? What's the agenda? I'm not saying you did it for NT fame like that other dude who was reaching but you knew it would cause aheated racial discussion by leaving the question so open ended. And if that's all you're saying you should have wrote "I don't see how blackpeople trip when ............." and I'm pretty sure in that argument the word BET would have came up. I don't get why you're so flabbergassedthat BET comes up in a thread about a hypothetically WET
As for what airant said about hundreds of white entertainment stations...im not buying it. NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV...all watched frequently by black people.

BET is watched by primarily black people, but its geared towards that demographic. Im assuming all ages of african americans watch BET...

now gear a station towards white families only and use that slogan White Star Power...and this nation is gonna FLLLLIIPPPPP
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Fecta23

I think a lot of people are missing the point. No one cares that there is a TV station catered to black people, people are just saying if there was a channel that explicitly said it was White entertainment Television and its slogan was white star power, some black people would trip. And I think that would happen.

Essentially, that's all I was saying. I didn't expect it to go over so many people's heads.

It didnt go over any one's head you just where never explicit in your OP. You didnt say what shows? Would it cater to music? What would differentiate that between other stations? What's the agenda? I'm not saying you did it for NT fame like that other dude who was reaching but you knew it would cause a heated racial discussion by leaving the question so open ended. And if that's all you're saying you should have wrote "I don't see how black people trip when ............." and I'm pretty sure in that argument the word BET would have came up. I don't get why you're so flabbergassed that BET comes up in a thread about a hypothetically WET
Call me slow, but i still don't understand how dude thought WET and 'white star power' wouldn't draw parallels to BET and'black star power' and start a discussion when it's clearly based on it. And at this stage, what would the need be for a WET other than to getpeople to "trip"? what would you put on WET? white people are a culturally diverse group, so are black people, but there's more of a kinshipbecause of that aspect of history that was exclusive to us. Im lost, what responses were you expecting "yeah i'd trip, kthxby"? in that case

Yeah i'd trip, kthxby.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

It didnt go over any one's ehad you just where never explicit in your OP. You didnt say what shows? Would it cater to music? What would differentiate that between other stations? What's the agenda? I'm not saying you did it for NT fame like that other dude who was reaching but you knew it would cause a heated racial discussion by leaving the question so open ended.
It went over a lot of people's heads. Didn't someone go as far as calling me a racist? Seriously?

As vague as the original post was, the point I was trying to make seems clear enough. This was never about music, or black history month, or hairmoisturizer, or none of that stuff other people insisted on mentioning.

I even doubled back and explained, a rather elicit explanation at that, the point I was trying to make. Dudes still took it the wrong way,and now we have 13 pages of what? Dudes talking about needing a station catered to black/asian/hispanic people? At what costs? Singling another groupout?

If you guys pay any attention to the threads I make, I'm all for freeing ourselves from the stalemate we're in as a people. Breaking the traditions ofa people divided because of wanting to get a leg up on another group.

All I wanted was for people to think deeper than they normally do here on NT about stuff that matters (the bettering of man kind).
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

It didnt go over any one's ehad you just where never explicit in your OP. You didnt say what shows? Would it cater to music? What would differentiate that between other stations? What's the agenda? I'm not saying you did it for NT fame like that other dude who was reaching but you knew it would cause a heated racial discussion by leaving the question so open ended.
It went over a lot of people's heads. Didn't someone go as far as calling me a racist? Seriously?

As vague as the original post was, the point I was trying to make seems clear enough. This was never about music, or black history month, or hair moisturizer, or none of that stuff other people insisted on mentioning.

I even doubled back and explained, a rather elicit explanation at that, the point I was trying to make. Dudes still took it the wrong way, and now we have 13 pages of what? Dudes talking about needing a station catered to black/asian/hispanic people? At what costs? Singling another group out?

If you guys pay any attention to the threads I make, I'm all for freeing ourselves from the stalemate we're in as a people. Breaking the traditions of a people divided because of wanting to get a leg up on another group.

All I wanted was for people to think deeper than they normally do here on NT about stuff that matters (the bettering of man kind).

So what are you saying? We eliminate BET and the walls of racism come down and the media becomes cultutre inclusive overnight and show an accurate depiction ofevery race we have in America? If so, I have some water front property in Oklahoma for you. For the low though.
people wouldnt trip because they know that bet is already out. but if it had been made before bet there would definatley be a problem
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