If there was a WET...

^ QFT man. How can yall really say that ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV, CW don't cater to the white demographic. It's painfully obvious, I mean they will throw ablack show on the cable channels (ie. reality shows) and the maybe 3 shows on the CW but for the network stations like ABC, NBC, Fox and CBS the only blackshow on is Everybody Hates Chris and it's on the CW. Yall are right about BET being a complete embarassment right now but when it first started it wastotally different. I'm talking about the late 80's and early 90's with Donnie Simpson on Video Soul and Teen Summit. BET even had a nightly newsshow back then
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If BET can get away with it, I don't see why anyone should complain.[/color]
Couldn't agree with PF more. But I'm sure there's a few aces that would be offended.
^^ If they put on a black show and it get 1million viewers.. and if they try a reality show that gets 3 million viewers... what show do you think is gonna stayon longer??
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

If a show does not get watch by the majority of the america.. why would the networks keep playing the show or making shows like it???

i'm not catching your point.....the whole basis of this argument is that a network specifically catering towards a black audience is somehow hypocritical...

so, like you said, why would white networks keep airing shows that their intended audience doesn't watch it? so they don't...

there is still an audience for these programs, which had an outlet on BET before it was sold to Viacom...

black shows don't make the cut on white networks? well, lets make a network to house programming for a MINORITY...

does that make any sort of sense in your brain?

Originally Posted by StangzNkickz50

Racism will always be around as long as YOU KEEP SPEAKING ABOUT IT!

I'm not racist at all by any means. What I always wondered is, how is it cool to say things like "white boy", "cracker", etc.. on tv, music videos, radio??? But when someone says "black boy" in a song or on tv as if to make fun of someone, the same way cracker is used, or %$%$@#%@, it's a huge f'n deal. I didn't take part in slavery or segregation or anything racist in my life. Why do I have to take the heat for it???? Why do I get criticized for saying calling me a cracker is racist???? Not trying to get a huge speach in return. Please explain though from the bottom of your heart how you feel about that.
Ask your great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather....

I'm sure there are plenty of black men who have never been the law breaking, multiple out-of-wedlock child-fathering, basketball dunking, fried chicken and watermelon eating types either, why do they take the heat for it?

You may not have taken part in our country's dark history, however, you benefit from white privilege......

(you get the preemptive
, because i KNOW you're going to deny the validity of white privilege.)

that's a tangent, please don't turn this thread THIS argument again...this is about the alleged hypocrisy of BET

and before i get misunderstood, i personally HATE BET, however, to criticize it for providing services to a niche is ridiculous...

now, the fact that they air "american gangster" shows in a series instead of "american leaders" is a totally different story....

That still doesn't make it right man.... But, thanks for answering my question though. I was just wondering what your views were.
I would
at the same time. The thing is, most white people whoclaim "white power" are racist and/or prejudice. There is a double standard there, but it is the truth. Now IET... Irish Entertainment Network..I'd be down with that

PS. Strangz I know what you mean . It's extremely frustrating. No one in my fam came over here until the 1950's. There's always going to bepeople who hate you because you're white, because of what whites did and are still doing (even though people of all races don't handle powerresponsibly). But just the same way some people will always hate blacks, etc etc. It's a really nasty and unfortunate cycle. I remember one night I waslocked out of my apartment and couldn't get ahold of my roommates- I was with my boy (who is black) and he told me I couldn't stay at his crib becausehis parents would flip out because I'm white.
I think BET has fallen off just because they trying to please the people watching, which I have a feeling the majority of them aren't even black. Andalso some of these shows only gives the "ignorant" people a reason to feel better about themselves. And that whole "black star power" thingis suppose to be an empowering message which unfortunately is misunderstood. Btw, IMO I agree with that dude, who says that the black people are the mostcopied ethnic group. From the famous words of _damus " Everybody want to be a _ but nobody wants to a _ " Besides, some of us might not want to admitit but the whole world is shady, specifically the media.
I think there would be outrage.

But I also think BET really only serves to perpetuate black stereotype to non-blacks to see it and enforce them in the minds of black people who watchregularly.

To purpose black people in America have this vastly different culture that requires their own channel is ridiculous. Hip-Hop is cross cultural in 2008, clearlycreated by mostly black people but certainly listened to by any and all races, and today is more a generational thing than race specific. Certainly majornetworks and all channels in generally should provide diverse entertainment which depicts the vast range of people in American society and some do a better jobof that than others. But you're living in quite the sheltered world if you think realities where only black people exist as depicted in some showsspecifically made for a black audience.

BET as far as I know is the only english speaking channel that provides content specifically marketed to a race or ethnicity. The argument of Spanish or Asianor whatever other culture/race/ethnicity is moot as that content is provide for the most part in their native tongue.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

I would
at the same time. The thing is, most white people who claim "white power" are racist and/or prejudice. There is a double standard there, but it is the truth. Now IET... Irish Entertainment Network.. I'd be down with that

PS. Strangz I know what you mean . It's extremely frustrating. No one in my fam came over here until the 1950's. There's always going to be people who hate you because you're white, because of what whites did and are still doing (even though people of all races don't handle power responsibly). But just the same way some people will always hate blacks, etc etc. It's a really nasty and unfortunate cycle. I remember one night I was locked out of my apartment and couldn't get ahold of my roommates- I was with my boy (who is black) and he told me I couldn't stay at his crib because his parents would flip out because I'm white.

I hear you. I've dealt with that before... I've seen it on both sides too though, and felt for black friends when white parents say the same thing. It's a shame....

I felt extremely embarassed of being an American while watching McCain give his speech congratulating Obama's win. Awful how everytime McCain mentionedObama people were still booing! I mean, the man is your new president, deal with it, it's not gonna change. Yet when Obama talked about McCain afterObama won not one person was booing McCain's name... What a country man. When I travel overseas and people ask where I'm from I say I'mPortuguese.... Still got that duel citizenship baby
But that'sneither here nor there.... Sorry for getting off topic in this thread though.
we live in white culture, the entire US is white culture

why would you make a channel for the majority
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

lol@people always taking specifically black-aimed products and services out of context...

like dude said, for WET, just check out all of the OTHER 199 channels your cable provides....

just like people who complain about black history month...

"we don't have a white history month..."

well, duh, idiot...


They have 3,000 textbooks and the 11 other months.
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

@your response.

first off, how is Telemundo different? is it not specifically geared towards a specific portion of the population? (spanish-speakers)

second, woah, YOU NAMED THREE BLACK SHOWS, only ONE of which was aired in the last DECADE....and you think that proves how the major networks aren't white-centered?


i'm calling it quits on this post EARLY

It's like... "we've given you $1. We only have $5. We're equal!"



I read this and other comments like it and and can't help but think separate but equal and that seems to be what some of you are saying. And as I'msure you know "separate but equal is inherently unequal". I don't see how black culture is so vastly different you need "black tvshows"... I fully understand and agree with the complaint you're under represented in television and media. But joint the club with every otherminority.
ebayologist wrote:
AirAnt23 wrote:
@your response.

first off, how is Telemundo different? is it not specifically geared towards a specific portion of the population? (spanish-speakers)

second, woah, YOU NAMED THREE BLACK SHOWS, only ONE of which was aired in the last DECADE....and you think that proves how the major networks aren't white-centered?


i'm calling it quits on this post EARLY

It's like... "we've given you $1. We only have $5. We're equal!"



I read this and other comments like it and and can't help but think separate but equal and that seems to be what some of you are saying. And as I'm sure you know "separate but equal is inherently unequal". I don't see how black culture is so vastly different you need "black tv shows"... I fully understand and agree with the complaint you're under represented in television and media. But joint the club with every other minority.

so if all minorities in america had their own channel would BET then be ok with you?
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by Club29

Didnt the Hughleys and the Cosby Show and Good Times and Sanford & Son and the Jeffersons all air on so-called "white" networks?
Psssh, you act like those shows are on par with the quality programming that BET puts out...

Honestly, what do people want from these so-called "white entertainment television" stations?

They've given a show to damn near every black comedian over the past two decades who wants one: Bill Cosby, D.L. Hughley, Steve Harvey, Thea Vidale, Martin Lawrence, every Wayans brother that you can think of...

This is, of course, in addition to family shows that appealed to a black audience in general, such as Roc, Family Matters, Sister Sister, Fresh Prince, Everybody Hates Chris... I mean, %!%!, they even gave BRANDY her own show.

Yes, the majority of the programming on the major networks is "white", but, if those stations don't have enough "black" shows to suit some of your likings, it's certainly not for lack of effort.
hey, no one arguing with their "effort", it's an argument with "they aren't white-centered networks"

at least you admit the majority of their programming (lets try about 98 percent) is white-centered....

p.s. Everybody Hates Chris is the only show you named from the last decade as well.....

EDIT: i also find it hilarious that people are choosing to argue with points that prove my point, and aren't even realizing it as they type.....the shows they are listing are all older than the site we are using to argue, and there are STILL only less than 20 of the shows......there have been THREE shows named that still tape or have even taped in the last decade, The Hughleys, Everybody Hates Chris and My Wife and Kids....
Not that it makes a big difference, but I thought 'Moesha' was from the late '90s/early '00s?

I could be wrong, since I haven't watched UPN... ever.

And I know that wasn't the point of this thread, but with people saying things like "every other station is 'white entertainmenttelevision'" and "NBC, CBS, ABC... they're already WET" (paraphrasing, of course), my point was that it's not for lack of trying. It's not like the major networks have purposely tried to exclude "black oriented" programming, it's just not as prevalent as it would be on anetwork that's specifically tailored to attract black viewers.

Some of it also has to do with the types of shows that are in demand. Sitcoms have, for the most part, been plowed over by dramas and reality shows: AmericanIdol, Prison Break, House, ER, Grey's Anatomy, Dancing With the Stars, Law & Order, Without a Trace, Survivor, 45 different $@!!$%% CSI spin-offs... Just to name a few. Okay, a bunch. My point is, there was a time when you could count on sitcoms being on from 8-10 every week night, whereas now they'rerelegated to one or two nights per week.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

ebayologist wrote:
AirAnt23 wrote:
@your response.

first off, how is Telemundo different? is it not specifically geared towards a specific portion of the population? (spanish-speakers)

second, woah, YOU NAMED THREE BLACK SHOWS, only ONE of which was aired in the last DECADE....and you think that proves how the major networks aren't white-centered?


i'm calling it quits on this post EARLY

It's like... "we've given you $1. We only have $5. We're equal!"



I read this and other comments like it and and can't help but think separate but equal and that seems to be what some of you are saying. And as I'm sure you know "separate but equal is inherently unequal". I don't see how black culture is so vastly different you need "black tv shows"... I fully understand and agree with the complaint you're under represented in television and media. But joint the club with every other minority.

so if all minorities in america had their own channel would BET then be ok with you?

NO. I just don't think black culture in 2008 is so vastly different that it needs it's own channel. Telemundo it's whole nother language. Correctme if I'm wrong but BET is all english. I understand, agree with, consider myself part of the complaint that most television shows, etc. under representminorities. I don't think having race specific channels and then crying about you want separate but equal essentially is at all helpful. And has beenproven to be an impossibility.
Originally Posted by infamousod

CMT is the one that really comes to mind

and "WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black.
Oh really?

Lately, just looking around at school, it seems to be the contrary to that statement
"WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black

Although worded wrong...I understand what he means. Black culture has always intrigued other races. We're considered "hip" and entertaining tomany people. Can't really say the same for "White culture" - I'm not even sure what that means - in America. Like when it comes to somethingbeing described as white it's usually a joke attached to it...like you dance "white" or you dress "white"...etc.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by lnMyMind

"WET" would fail horribly because nobody wants to be white, everyone wants to be black

Although worded wrong...I understand what he means. Black culture has always intrigued other races. We're considered "hip" and entertaining to many people. Can't really say the same for "White culture" - I'm not even sure what that means - in America. Like when it comes to something being described as white it's usually a joke attached to it...like you dance "white" or you dress "white"...etc.
man, my dude used to always say, "everybody wanna be a n, nobody actually wants to BE a n"

and it's true.

I'm going to try to expand on what you said...

A white kid rocking sneakers. Yes, it could very well be that he likes the sneakers and feels apart of the culture....but the CULTURE is inherently black...created by NYC blacks of the late 80s, early 90s....He may not know that, and it may not even have any sort of impact on his sneaker-wearing, however, the orgins of the culture don't change.....the black people in NYC made it "cool"....and it's still prevalent today...(look at pictures of kids before like 82.....look at their shoes...none of them were sport-related....the actual WEARING of sport-based shoes casually came from SOMEWHERE....SOMEHOW this became acceptable in american culture.....)

White kids blasting rap music out of a car, same thing. Who made that "cool"?

on and on, so on and so forth...

Black culture has always fascinated white America, from Negro Spirituals on plantations to Live jazz music at jazz clubs in the hood to now, rap music....

come on bro, "bling" is in the dictionary.....newscasters use "bling" in their vocabulary.....

just because white people enjoy it and wanna imitate/mimic it doesn't make it "cross-cultural", especially something as inherently black as rap music....

CULTURE, TRY TO GET SOME, and don't try to get it from someone else....

While you certainly have a point. I think this thread has totally derailed from it's originally point and i'm not white so…

But I don't know if you know this but black people in America didn't just come up with their culture out of thin air.
The co-opting of culturedidn't start with white kids in the 80s, 90s, and 00s jocking urban black culture.

And more to the point "black culture today" is neither all black nor is it what it was, it's a commercialized and twisted shell of what it was.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

so anyone not appealing to the majority, BET/Telemundo is somehow wrong, or hypocritical?
I'm not arguing that the concept or idea ITSELF is wrong or hypocritical. The WAY it's executedIS.

How is anything that BET air empowering or beneficial? Like I said before, all their shows are blatant ripoffs ofothers...the only difference is that they replace the white counterparts with black people and inject the show with all the repeated and tiredstereotypes.

When BET first started out, it was nice and refreshing to see a network for black people on TV (as I was told, I'mnot that damn old
). But now? It's TRASH. Why market anything to one specific race/ethnicity if all you're going to do is portray the negativeaspects and stereotypes of our culture? If they appealed to the blacks (or the minority) with shows worth watching, this argument would have never beenstarted.

I personally think that BET has served it's purpose. But you know as well as I do that it aint' goinanywhere.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

CULTURE, TRY TO GET SOME, and don't try to get it from someone else....
I remember you saying something similar to this in that thread about fraternities.
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