I wanna thank yall

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Let's see... i'd have to put being drafted as one of the greatest moments of somebody's life. Now I'm thinking back to some of my greatest moments in life the last 8 years, in which i've been a much more active member of this community than he, and never once did i think to run to NT and post during such moments.

Am I mad? Or Salty that he'd be doing it? No... just sort've in disbelief that somebody could be that lame I suppose. Dude basically just hit the lottery and all he wanna do is hit up NT? If it were anybody but an NBA player who you guys were trying to jock for some tickets and e-love you would all be laughing at this guy.
In general, I think you're pretty spot on with that... But you gotta remember... This is NikeTalk... Where there are PLENTY of idiots thatwould sprint to their computers with a bone sticking out their leg asking what they should do... And a lot of these dudes are the star-struck, "OMGZ I sawa celebrity today!" type dudes, whether they want to admit it or not...

As for finding him posting on a message board last night strange... I'm not BJ's biggest fan. Far from it, in fact, if you've read my posts in thepast about some of the stuff he's done... But what's the problem with a dude coming to a message board he's read, posted on, whatever for the lastfew years and thanking people for the support?
I mean... Is it for theattention that's sure to come with it? Maybe. I wouldn't put it past him... But I am NEVER gonna have a problem with an athlete that communicates withand finds ways to stay involved with fans... Athletes that try to find ways to show fans they appreciate the support are Good $$$ in my book, whether Iparticularly like them or not...

CJ Wilson did the same thing on a Rangers blog FOREVER... A regular contributor to discussions, offering insight and all that until the plug got pulled by theFO because he called 95% of the MLB population a bunch of drunk, ignorant rednecks...

I mean really, what'd you expect him to be doing last night? He ain't even 20 yet, so goin out to a club to celebrate with the guys probably wasn'tan option. Did his family have a big basketball shaped Milwaukee Bucks cake he needed to dig into? I don't know. But either way it ain't like he wentBigMike post +%@@$ status last night... He made the thread thanking the community for the support, and commented on a couple of negative comments... What iswrong with that really?
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

if it really is him, i find it sort of sad that on his draft night he's posting on a message board, bickering with some "nobodies" about his real identity... in fact, i would say that's rather pathetic.
He's not even 21 is he? What's he really going to do?
He's probably just kicking it in the hotel or something.... posted a couple of times.

Let's see... i'd have to put being drafted as one of the greatest moments of somebody's life. Now I'm thinking back to some of my greatest moments in life the last 8 years, in which i've been a much more active member of this community than he, and never once did i think to run to NT and post during such moments.

Am I mad? Or Salty that he'd be doing it? No... just sort've in disbelief that somebody could be that lame I suppose. Dude basically just hit the lottery and all he wanna do is hit up NT? If it were anybody but an NBA player who you guys were trying to jock for some tickets and e-love you would all be laughing at this guy.
i mean... you act like people don't post on NT when they get accepted to college, get married, have their first child, get a new job, etc etc
you yourself has 18,000+ posts on NT but you never thought to share a happy moment of your life on here?

i dunno, it sounds like you're just trying to get cool points for calling him out or something
NT has cool points? Wow.. now those I'd like to get ahold of.

Consider what i said though - somebody runs to NT after something similar happens to them (that doesn't relate to NT the way the NBA does) and they would get FLAMED hardcore. It's a fact - the same dudes calling me a hater are probably the dudes who'd be leading the pack on that one. But it's all good - as you've said, I have a lot of posts and I know how it works here... people just seem to get really angry anymore when you don't co-sign everything they say on here, and throw out words like salty and maaad right away because they're immature or insecure or both.
why do you even care? dude got drafted and all he wanted to do was to thank his supporters. you sound like a 3rd grader who nobody wants to playwith at recess because you brought the blue version of pokemon while your all other classmates has the gold.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Let's see... i'd have to put being drafted as one of the greatest moments of somebody's life. Now I'm thinking back to some of my greatest moments in life the last 8 years, in which i've been a much more active member of this community than he, and never once did i think to run to NT and post during such moments.

Am I mad? Or Salty that he'd be doing it? No... just sort've in disbelief that somebody could be that lame I suppose. Dude basically just hit the lottery and all he wanna do is hit up NT? If it were anybody but an NBA player who you guys were trying to jock for some tickets and e-love you would all be laughing at this guy.
In general, I think you're pretty spot on with that... But you gotta remember... This is NikeTalk... Where there are PLENTY of idiots that would sprint to their computers with a bone sticking out their leg asking what they should do... And a lot of these dudes are the star-struck, "OMGZ I saw a celebrity today!" type dudes, whether they want to admit it or not...

As for finding him posting on a message board last night strange... I'm not BJ's biggest fan. Far from it, in fact, if you've read my posts in the past about some of the stuff he's done... But what's the problem with a dude coming to a message board he's read, posted on, whatever for the last few years and thanking people for the support?
I mean... Is it for the attention that's sure to come with it? Maybe. I wouldn't put it past him... But I am NEVER gonna have a problem with an athlete that communicates with and finds ways to stay involved with fans... Athletes that try to find ways to show fans they appreciate the support are Good $$$ in my book, whether I particularly like them or not...

CJ Wilson did the same thing on a Rangers blog FOREVER... A regular contributor to discussions, offering insight and all that until the plug got pulled by the FO because he called 95% of the MLB population a bunch of drunk, ignorant rednecks...

I mean really, what'd you expect him to be doing last night? He ain't even 20 yet, so goin out to a club to celebrate with the guys probably wasn't an option. Did his family have a big basketball shaped Milwaukee Bucks cake he needed to dig into? I don't know. But either way it ain't like he went BigMike post +%@@$ status last night... He made the thread thanking the community for the support, and commented on a couple of negative comments... What is wrong with that really?
Nothing is wrong with it... and I also like when celebs/stars keep in touch with fans (though using a generic name on here seems a bit weird ifthat's really his M.O.). I just think maybe that's a post we'd see today.. or a week from today. Not several hours after the biggest moment inhis life to this point. I mean, let's not act like he wouldn't get into whatever club he was trying to goto, or have a crazy amount of things to bedoing - but again, that's not really my issue here.
People aregonna do what they're gonna do....

I just think it's funny how one dude gets love, and another would get hated for the same type thing. And then dudes have the nerve to catch seriousfeelings when somebody like me comes along and points that out... It's whatever in the end, cool if it's him... I wish him and everybody else nothingbut the best, I'm not the type to sit around wishing bad things on people I don't even know. It's not like that. I was just pointing out that ithought it strange... $$@!$$% sue me guys.
I don't get why everyone is hating. Dude is a lottery pick and apparently frequents(lurks) the board. Congrats on they accomplishment
Originally Posted by OGMIKEY

I don't get why everyone is hating. Dude is a lottery pick and apparently frequents(lurks) the board. Congrats on they accomplishment
I agree. this is norm, he just came back from being a professional basketball player, this is old hat. I'd assume its what he does.

My thing is, if he were to go out to a club and some negative situation pops off and he made the news, Craftsy woulda been main one sayin he had no business inthe club he's a public figure now, he cant be out like that now lol

*shrugs no win situation
Al3xis wrote:
where was this love a week ago?

just like anything else on NT, people run with it, there are a few heads who always big upped and got a laugh outta dude or was rootin for him from jump. butwith a thread from him of course it was gonna pop.ESP, after the NWO entrance and kisses to the crowd

but dudes in here on some Randy Wagstaff, "Munk, I'll take his $200 " tho, lemme get a jersey, lemme get tickets....

"chill, dont press"
some of yall on that OD stuff let him do him and yall DO you

once he ant go to zona he was good in my book
My thing is, if he were to go out to a club and some negative situation pops off and he made the news, Craftsy woulda been main one sayin he had no business in the club he's a public figure now, he cant be out like that now lol

*shrugs no win situation
why something gotta pop off if he goes out?

Thousands of famous people go out every night without incident... most of these dudes who find trouble are repeat offenders, so in many cases they deserve tobe torn up a bit by the press and message boards.

If dude was just out having an honestly good time.. 99 out of 100 times nothing would go down and it'd be all good.

So it's not a no-win situation... it's a, act like a normal human being and always win situation.
I mean ya'll talkin like he DIDN'T go out. I mean it was barely midnight when he posted and he only posted twice at that. Last I checked the clubdoesn't shut down at 1. On top of that it couldn't have taken more than 3 minutes to make that post AND he could just of easily have posted from aphone....take the L craftsy
lol...how ya'll know if he went out or not? What the hell are ya'll really debating right now?
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Let's see... i'd have to put being drafted as one of the greatest moments of somebody's life. Now I'm thinking back to some of my greatest moments in life the last 8 years, in which i've been a much more active member of this community than he, and never once did i think to run to NT and post during such moments.
exactly. i am on here alot, and when big moments happen, telling NT to get some e-props doesnt even cross my mind.

family and friends, of course. random people from the internet, no.

especially when it was such a lame moment to begin with.

Am I mad? Or Salty that he'd be doing it? No... just sort've in disbelief that somebody could be that lame I suppose. Dude basically just hit the lottery and all he wanna do is hit up NT? If it were anybody but an NBA player who you guys were trying to jock for some tickets and e-love you would all be laughing at this guy.

ive been around on nt long enough to know that if some non nt member skipped the draft because no one would guarantee him, and then ran down there like anattention *%$#+ as soon as some one did, yall would have had a field day on this guy.

nobody had any props for this guy before. but now that he might possibly see their comment it's 'hey i really want you to succeed'.

people just want to attach themselves to possible fame in anyway they can. then they can tell their friends they're tight with an nba player.

nobody is 'hating' (and that is one of the stupidest terms in history)

it's just looking at it like it is.
Originally Posted by JsindaA

I mean ya'll talkin like he DIDN'T go out. I mean it was barely midnight when he posted and he only posted twice at that. Last I checked the club doesn't shut down at 1. On top of that it couldn't have taken more than 3 minutes to make that post AND he could just of easily have posted from a phone....take the L craftsy
There's no L to take bub...

It's just like clutch is saying... everybody just wants to pretend like they're cool with this guy since he's posting on NT, but if he wasn'tposting here he'd be getting roasted... and that means a big L for everybody here doing that, in real life, not just on NT.
LMFAO at yall arguing what the man chooses to do the day he gets drafted...i mean HONESTLY? yall arguin over that?!
people just want to attach themselves to possible fame in anyway they can. then they can tell their friends they're tight with an nba player.

now thats funny
lol...how ya'll know if he went out or not? What the hell are ya'll really debating right now?
I dont even know!
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