I wanna thank yall

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by JsindaA

I mean ya'll talkin like he DIDN'T go out. I mean it was barely midnight when he posted and he only posted twice at that. Last I checked the club doesn't shut down at 1. On top of that it couldn't have taken more than 3 minutes to make that post AND he could just of easily have posted from a phone....take the L craftsy
There's no L to take bub...

It's just like clutch is saying... everybody just wants to pretend like they're cool with this guy since he's posting on NT, but if he wasn't posting here he'd be getting roasted... and that means a big L for everybody here doing that, in real life, not just on NT.

The L would be calling him a lame for making 2 posts and saying he's bickering....when it's obvious he isn't. Bottom line you came in here tryingto kill him for saying thanks and there really was no reason outside of trying to look cool. If you wanted to call everyone else lame fine...but calling himlame? Makes no sense and it's pretty clear you failed....so uh...go ahead and take that L
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

nobody had any props for this guy before. but now that he might possibly see their comment it's 'hey i really want you to succeed'.
check my past posts homie..ive been a supporter since his senior year in high school.

and btw..if u actually watched the draft, stuart scott actually said they called jennings agent to get him down to the draft to take pictures and receive hishat..so
clutchshooter and anybody else who hating, for prettymuch..no reason
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

but dudes in here on some Randy Wagstaff, "Munk, I'll take his $200 " tho, lemme get a jersey, lemme get tickets....

"chill, dont press"

Word. Some of you guys need to chill out with the groupie !#*@.

This is like when an average looking girl posts her pic on here and gets everyone in a frenzy and dudes are tripping over themselves trying to be her bestfriend. Calm down.
This dude didn't wanna attend the green room because the possibility of embarrassment.

I bet when you heard your name you rolled outta bed, put a suit on and rolled to the draft
I'm calling DUCKTALES for now...BUT, if this is really my ninja B. Jen, then...
...I've had mad respect for a while & when youthrew Rubio's bum @ss under the bus, I was LOVIN' IT. Do work son! (IF you are real)
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

NT has cool points? Wow.. now those I'd like to get ahold of.

Consider what i said though - somebody runs to NT after something similar happens to them (that doesn't relate to NT the way the NBA does) and they would get FLAMED hardcore. It's a fact - the same dudes calling me a hater are probably the dudes who'd be leading the pack on that one. But it's all good - as you've said, I have a lot of posts and I know how it works here... people just seem to get really angry anymore when you don't co-sign everything they say on here, and throw out words like salty and maaad right away because they're immature or insecure or both.
Why you worrying about OTHER PEOPLE so hard
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

NT has cool points? Wow.. now those I'd like to get ahold of.

Consider what i said though - somebody runs to NT after something similar happens to them (that doesn't relate to NT the way the NBA does) and they would get FLAMED hardcore. It's a fact - the same dudes calling me a hater are probably the dudes who'd be leading the pack on that one. But it's all good - as you've said, I have a lot of posts and I know how it works here... people just seem to get really angry anymore when you don't co-sign everything they say on here, and throw out words like salty and maaad right away because they're immature or insecure or both.
Why you worrying about OTHER PEOPLE so hard
Coming from you....

Word. Some of you guys need to chill out with the groupie !#*@.

Seriously... that's all 90 percent of this thread is.... fall back guys.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Dude basically just hit the lottery and all he wanna do is hit up NT?
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Consider what i said though - somebody runs to NT after something similar happens to them (that doesn't relate to NT the way the NBA does) and they would get FLAMED hardcore.
You're making it seem like after he took the pics with Stern and slipped behind the curtain, he immediately went to NT and started posting away.
The kid came on here like 5 hours after he got drafted...it's not thatserious.

You're right about all these cornballs coming in here and kissing his !%%, but why bother arguing about something as petty as that %+#@ for? TypicalCraftsy.

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

My thing is, if he were to go out to a club and some negative situation pops off and he made the news, Craftsy woulda been main one sayin he had no business in the club he's a public figure now, he cant be out like that now lol
Damn right about that %+#@.

I got no hate for Brandon Jennings. Good luck bro, even though I don't like the Bucks... even though nobody likes the Bucks, I like Redd, Sessions, and nowyou, pause.

So NT's list of NBA Players is Andre Iguodala, Josh Childress, and now Brandon Jennings. Any word on Shawn Marion? Or am I trippin'?
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by JsindaA

I mean ya'll talkin like he DIDN'T go out. I mean it was barely midnight when he posted and he only posted twice at that. Last I checked the club doesn't shut down at 1. On top of that it couldn't have taken more than 3 minutes to make that post AND he could just of easily have posted from a phone....take the L craftsy
There's no L to take bub...

It's just like clutch is saying... everybody just wants to pretend like they're cool with this guy since he's posting on NT, but if he wasn't posting here he'd be getting roasted... and that means a big L for everybody here doing that, in real life, not just on NT.
That's true that the same people that was calling him a bum last week, talking bout they like him now. I got much respect for him, Tyreke,Jrue, and DeRozan because they're from the Class of 2008.
anyone who thinks this is a sincere "thank you" is buggin.

either way, i don't really give a #%%@.
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