I failed and now my dreams are shattered

I can't even flame you for this.. Just know its not the end of the world and your dream isn't completely shattered. In the mean time, stay with thetraining and pick up another sport until basketball season rolls back around. You'll be alright..
Never go by what your friends tell you. Even if THEY play college ball you need to remember...

1. They are not playing for you. You are.
2. They don't know the talent your up against or what the coaching style is.

And you had a talk with the coach about your hard work? wth? ease off the emo stuff. Go to the coach and tell him you want to play next year. Ask him what youneed to work on and so forth.

I didn't play in high school and I walked on my college basketball team. At 5'11 you have decent height to be a guard. Don't worry about yourweight. There are plenty of guys in the league who are skinny and are strong. (tayshaun prince).

Also ask yourself...did you want to make the team to show up the holes that are on the team or did you want to do it for yourself?

I walked on my college team for myself, my senior year when I lost interest and had other things going on in my life I walked away. I kind of regret it, but Ialso wasn't going to play ball because of what it meant to other people. In the end it doesn't mean that much to others. If you wanted it, don't beashamed to say it.
Originally Posted by Chrispcb15

Originally Posted by chronicshoester

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

basketball was my life too til i got to high school and discovered weed liquor and whorish females
Damn just tryout next year, play AAU or just practice, theres more to life then just BB.

Take these advices.

x4 stories like this make me feel bad, we got blunted before the games and ended up winning state champs in HS, and served in AAU. keep trying, you'll getit... i guess...
brougham, you need to gain at minimum 30 pounds before you consider trying out for any sport.

5'11, 130, come on man you would get bodied on the court.

not flamin, just tellin you
If your a junior, what happened the 1st 2 years? I'm not reading that whole post, but it seems like you just started playing or something..

I didn't even know juniors were allowed to play on JV
back when I played baseball for HS only fresh/soph were allowed to play on JV
i dont know what schools you guys went to, but where im from it was embarassing for a junior/senior to be on JV.

actually, i don't even think our school let juniors play JV.

i would rather not play at all than be a junior on JV with 9th graders showing me up.
Son, I'm 5'7 and played on a varsity, state championship team. I sometimes played the 2. height is no excuse, but like dudes said when you're nothat tall, defense is key. You obviously didn't train hard enough.
Originally Posted by BroboCop

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by BroboCop

I thought JV was only for freshmen and sophomores?
If freshmen and sophmores are good enough, they can make jv.
Dude's a junior though.
Exactly. JV is for juniors. If freshmen and sophmores are good enough, they play with the juniors.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by BroboCop

Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by BroboCop

I thought JV was only for freshmen and sophomores?
If freshmen and sophmores are good enough, they can make jv.
Dude's a junior though.
Exactly. JV is for juniors. If freshmen and sophmores are good enough, they play with the juniors.
no.... no it is not.
Originally Posted by JLking

I just failed hard at basketball I couldn't even make the JV team, I got cut. I feel like I failed everyone who ever believed in me.I had 10-20 people believe in me, who belived that I would make varsity, some of
them are even freshman and one of them was a girl who made womens
varsity as a freshman. I let all of them down, how am I ever going to talk to any of them again. They all worked so hard to train me and I failed. I don't even know where my life is going now. All I had was basketball, I don't have many friends that I can hang out with outside of school, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know what to do. Can someone help me. I don't want anyone to flame me, I'm like mentally broken. I have to go to school tomorrow and let all those people who told me that " You will NEVER make varsity" have a field day.

This was how I felt 3 days ago (Posted this on some other website):
I'm a little nervous, but I already know I'm gonna make the varsity
team, if not start JV and swing varsity. I feel pretty laid back right
now. I know I'm gonna go out there and give it 110% if not more.

here some background info:

Over the summer I worked really hard, I was trained by my buddy who
starts pg/sg at a university. I've never played on a basketball team of
any kind before. I'm about 5"11 and 130 pounds(yeah really skinny).
From what my buddy says, I'll play 2 guard or sg/sf cause I can shoot
really well. I'm a junior in HS and I want to start JV, but I aim to
make varsity. The major flaws in my game is that I can't drive to the
basket and my defense is all wrong (The way I play def. is off balanced
and awkward but I still get a lot of blocks) Now my problem is that I
think I'm losing interest in basketball, like I don't even want to try
out in 2 weeks because of a number of factors.1. I thought the try-outs
were going to be during thanksgiving week like last year. 2. two of my
other buddies who used to play college ball were suppose to train me
every Sunday in Nov. but now since try-outs are in 2 weeks I only have
about 2 Sundays for them to train me, instead of four 3.I feel like I
won't be able to improve my game's error's like being able to drive or
playing better defense when try-outs roll around 4. meeting with the
coach today and his reaction to me telling him about my hard work.

Now I know how far I've come in my skill level since the beginning of
the summer, but It seems to me, that it's not enough. I want to start
because the people that start now don't deserve it, they skip class and
act like @$+holes and they think that their literally Jesus in
basketball, for accomplishing nothing. I've had several talks about my
confidence in myself, in the past, with several different more
experienced HS and College basketball players, and they have just about
basically said the same thing "Believe in yourself!!! If you have
dreams then reach for them and grab on to them no one's going to hand
them to you. Never say I can't do it, say I am going to do it!!!"

I've came a long way since I asked this question about 2-3 weeks ago. I
fixed all the errors in my game that I had before, and my mental status
is stronger than ever.

(btw I'm not cocky just really confident)

some one help me please


Im sorry but....


In my school,

Freshmans and Sophmores are JV and Junior + Seniors are Varsity

where the hell yall live at? a junior on jv? is that even possible? and my dude, you can't get the hoop and you can't play D? What were you going to doout there??? come on go play some pickup ball man cuz that is a disgrace for a junior
5'11" 130lbs? that anorexic territory OP

i'm 5'9" 150lbs and consider myself pretty slim... I couldn't imagine myself at 130 being two inches taller

hit up the stay/get in shape thread for advice on putting on some muscle. at the very least, you should be doing heavy sets of squats, bench, and pullups/rows.you're probably not eating enough, and i'm almost sure your nutrition isn't optimal.

playing decent defense is pretty simple. get used to staying lower to the ground and move your legs without crossing them
Suck it up and get beter. You'll never make a team if you can't play fundamentally sound. Sorry for being blunt, but that's just how it is.
Ok let me start by saying what Im about to say may break you or inspire you. JL me and you have conversed afew times and im gonna be real with you and hope this helps.
First of all yea you didnt make the team, you only started working out 6 months ago these kids take it seriously and beenplaying ball most of there lives. You gave your self too much damn credit point blank. Now this is the great part about life, its never too late to be what youwant that is if you truly want it. I know your down and that means you have true passion, so get your +++ up and do something about it. Turn that sadness intoanger, matter of fact look at all these people in here going on you, take that anger and get up every day with a purpose to be the best. People tell you whatyou cant do cuz they dont have the will to do so. So right now you need to shut up and decide is this really your dream, if so train everyday, play people whoare better than you, train your body, play on AAU teams, wake up before school and train, make the sacrifices necessary... Simply put show me a man who neverfailed and I'll show you a man who never tried. On the path to great things adversity will come, now decide what you gonna do about it
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