I failed and now my dreams are shattered

Son watched too many episodes of MTV's Made. People don't just do these things spur of the moment--most of the kids on the team have probably beenplaying competitively for years already. You expected to just walk up with a few month's practice and outshine them?
I failed everyone who ever believed in me.I had 10-20 people believe in me

This killed me. 10-20? That's a big margin of difference of a small amount of people who "believed" in you.

You're taking HIGH SCHOOL basketball way too seriously. How was this your "dream" if you only decided to try for it six monthsago?

Originally Posted by JLking

I just failed hard at basketball I couldn't even make the JV team, I got cut. I feel like I failed everyone who ever believed in me.I had 10-20 people believe in me, who belived that I would make varsity, some of them are even freshman and one of them was a girl who made womens varsity as a freshman. I let all of them down, how am I ever going to talk to any of them again. They all worked so hard to train me and I failed. I don't even know where my life is going now. All I had was basketball, I don't have many friends that I can hang out with outside of school, I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know what to do. Can someone help me. I don't want anyone to flame me, I'm like mentally broken. I have to go to school tomorrow and let all those people who told me that " You will NEVER make varsity" have a field day.

This was how I felt 3 days ago (Posted this on some other website):
I'm a little nervous, but I already know I'm gonna make the varsity team, if not start JV and swing varsity. I feel pretty laid back right now. I know I'm gonna go out there and give it 110% if not more.

here some background info:

Over the summer I worked really hard, I was trained by my buddy who starts pg/sg at a university. I've never played on a basketball team of any kind before. I'm about 5"11 and 130 pounds(yeah really skinny). From what my buddy says, I'll play 2 guard or sg/sf cause I can shoot really well. I'm a junior in HS and I want to start JV, but I aim to make varsity. The major flaws in my game is that I can't drive to the basket and my defense is all wrong (The way I play def. is off balanced and awkward but I still get a lot of blocks) Now my problem is that I think I'm losing interest in basketball, like I don't even want to try out in 2 weeks because of a number of factors.1. I thought the try-outs were going to be during thanksgiving week like last year. 2. two of my other buddies who used to play college ball were suppose to train me every Sunday in Nov. but now since try-outs are in 2 weeks I only have about 2 Sundays for them to train me, instead of four 3.I feel like I won't be able to improve my game's error's like being able to drive or playing better defense when try-outs roll around 4. meeting with the coach today and his reaction to me telling him about my hard work.
Now I know how far I've come in my skill level since the beginning of the summer, but It seems to me, that it's not enough. I want to start because the people that start now don't deserve it, they skip class and act like %*%holes and they think that their literally Jesus in basketball, for accomplishing nothing. I've had several talks about my confidence in myself, in the past, with several different more experienced HS and College basketball players, and they have just about basically said the same thing "Believe in yourself!!! If you have dreams then reach for them and grab on to them no one's going to hand them to you. Never say I can't do it, say I am going to do it!!!"

I've came a long way since I asked this question about 2-3 weeks ago. I fixed all the errors in my game that I had before, and my mental status is stronger than ever.

(btw I'm not cocky just really confident)

some one help me please

Cliffnotes: YNS
its 1 or the other: yu go to an elite school where it aint easy to make the team or yu're simply just not that good
What grade are you in? If you're a freshman, why don't you just work on your game all year and try out again next year. Play some AAU, city legaue,YMCA, or some other form of organized ball.

Why don't you just pick up another sport like track or something?
There are a lot sadder stories of failed sports dreams.

If basketball meant this much to you, you would have been training year round. You would have gained weight by now, practiced and trained every day, and youwouldn't wait until 3 weeks before tryouts.

Sorry you didn't make the team, but what did you really expect.
Originally Posted by f3DJam

real talk. you were halfassing it and not training hard enough. or else youd be choosing your jersey number right now.
and your not lifting, i dont care how high your metabolism is, you shouldnt be 130. dog my girl is heavier than that!!!

doesnt matter who you have training you cause you obviously dont possess the discipline to get dedicated and get on the next level.
have fun watching the games from the sidelines g

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Son watched too many episodes of MTV's Made. People don't just do these things spur of the moment--most of the kids on the team have probably been playing competitively for years already. You expected to just walk up with a few month's practice and outshine them?
The truth hurts.

Kids today don't hear it enough.

EDIT: I hate to be blunt but suck it up (pause). There's more to life than basketball, even Michael Jordan will tell you that. You're in HS, enjoy it.Work harder and prove to everyone you've REALLY trained vigorously.
Honestly, basketball is not that important. Focus your energy on your school work first and foremost, and train hard and gain some damn weight for next year.5'11'' and 130 pounds? You would get tossed around on the basketball court. You need some serious athleticism to cut it at that size, because youdon't have the length or hops to compete. I visualize you as a shorter Tayshaun Prince or Manute Bol (lankiest NBA players I can think of). Try getting abuild like Nate Robinson, and then go back for your senior year and make the team.
so youve been playing ball for what, 6 months, and you didnt make the team so your dreams are shattered?
For real... just shaek it off and keep tryin if you want it that much. You decided you wanted it 6 months ago b.

but damn, didn't make JV? I remember tryin out when I was way into basektball (never played it formally or whatever) 95% sure I had a spot until I camedown with the nastiest flu that had me out
then I just lostinterest...
if it makes you feel any better i was on varsity when i was a junior and all i did was smoke cigarettes, drink beer, get high, and smash....it was really funman...im happy you didnt make it seems like you wouldnt have as much fun as i did.
A) You're 5'11 130 which is OD because I'm 5'11 160 and I'm skinny
B) IF you REALLY cared that much then you would start training today for next year's try outs.
C) Get up and do something about it
D)Those "@**@%+*@"are smashing and you aren't
Excuse yourself from your pity party and work harder. Go to the basketball coach, ask him what he thinks you should work on for next years try-outs. Let himknow you're serious. Go right into training for next year and make the damn team.
Dude obviously went the wrong place to pour his soul out. NT goes in on cats.

At least you had the cajones to try. When you're older you can say I tried, instead of wondering "What If"

But like I said before, you got several options. If you really love the game you will bust your behind for the next 12 months and go at it again. At a5'11, though you better have either some kind of ridiculous athleticism, Steve Nash like court vision, or be automatic from 30 feet in.
Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

Originally Posted by JLking

I'm a little nervous, but I already know I'm gonna make the varsity team, if not start JV and swing varsity. I feel pretty laid back right now. I know I'm gonna go out there and give it 110% if not more.
Never go into a try-out relaxed, or with the "I'm good" mentality, even if you know from the coach you have a spot on the team.

Over the summer I worked really hard, I was trained by my buddy who starts pg/sg at a university. I've never played on a basketball team of any kind before. I'm about 5"11 and 130 pounds(yeah really skinny). From what my buddy says, I'll play 2 guard or sg/sf cause I can shoot really well. I'm a junior in HS and I want to start JV, but I aim to make varsity. The major flaws in my game is that I can't drive to the basket and my defense is all wrong (The way I play def. is off balanced and awkward but I still get a lot of blocks)
You're not overly tall, and very skinny, so playing defense is a must even more for you... especially if you're quite limited on the offensive end.

Now my problem is that I think I'm losing interest in basketball
This confused me... losing interest in something, then being cut and your "dreams are shattered"?
1. I thought the try-outs were going to be during thanksgiving week like last year. 2. two of my other buddies who used to play college ball were suppose to train me every Sunday in Nov. but now since try-outs are in 2 weeks I only have about 2 Sundays for them to train me, instead of four 3.I feel like I won't be able to improve my game's error's like being able to drive or playing better defense when try-outs roll around 4. meeting with the coach today and his reaction to me telling him about my hard work.
You say you're "really confident", but here, it sounds as though you're making excuses for yourself. Get in the gym, you don't need your two friends watching over you to get your work in. And unless you have a previous relationship with the coach, he really didn't care... and it actually may have made things worse for you.

I want to start because the people that start now don't deserve it, they skip class and act like %*%holes and they think that their literally Jesus in basketball, for accomplishing nothing. I've had several talks about my confidence in myself, in the past, with several different more experienced HS and College basketball players, and they have just about basically said the same thing "Believe in yourself!!! If you have dreams then reach for them and grab on to them no one's going to hand them to you. Never say I can't do it, say I am going to do it!!!"
Welcome to High School/College Sports. The stars of the team... act like stars. And, yes... you need to believe in yourself, but you also need to put the work in. Maybe those "%*%holes" have been working harder and longer than you.

I fixed all the errors in my game that I had before, and my mental status is stronger than ever.
If you feel there's nothing wrong with your game, then I don't really know what to say.

At the end of the day, you can either sit there with the attitude of "I'm good enough and should have made the team", or you can take it as a wake-up call and put in some serious work from now until this time next year in hopes of making the team.

LOL for some reason, I read every one of Blazers' replies with this voice in my head:

You said you tried hard but you didn't make it... Just means that you didn't try hard enough.

Plus all this bs talk and you giving up? Basketball isn't your "dream" move on.
as a junior there is a slim chance of them keeping you around jus because as a junior you dont have enough room for improvement. i was in a similar situationwhere i was playing jv my junior year for a couple games but it was only because i hadnt played bball before. but being 5'10 and not being able todribble.. you need to cut your loss.. its obviously a personal thing and youre not trying hard enough.. basketball is a sport where you dont really need atrainer.. just takes time and practice.. take the loss bruh.. play water polo
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