I failed and now my dreams are shattered

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Son watched too many episodes of MTV's Made.


height means nothing Im around 6' now...was about 5'10" in HS and played the 3 and 4 against dudes up to 7 inches taller than me on a regularbasis.

you sound like youre mentally and emotionally weak. for as much as I LOVE basketball, I always knew it was just a game. and basketball is as much mentalas it is physical

there are "politics" on every level of sports. There are people that make teams cause theyre in good with the coaches....even though theyre notthe best players. Coaches like who they like. I knew dudes that were good players, but the coach didnt like their make-up for various reasons...some werelazy, some didnt play D the way he wanted them to, some were too pasive...theres could be any number of reasons

all of this might sound harsh, but its reality. My lil bro is goin out for basketball in his senior year. His chances of making the team are slim even thoughdudes been training harder than he ever has. He's lost MAD weight and his game is WAY better, but i feel like its gonna be a case of too little too latefor him. Im just as blunt with him, as everybody else is with you right now
it sounds like you know nothing about basketball... or about social interactions whatsoever.

I get the feeling you might actually be really slow, mentally... and these people you call "friends" are just people you bug, and these trainingsessions are just you annoying them with questions while you bounce a ball around... And well, the whole post is really disturbing because I can't tell ifyou're serious or if you're actually this mentally challenged person I'm imagining.

It has to be one or the other, I'm convinced..

so either come clean, or accept my apology for not realizing your situation sooner.
Im not gonna lie, I cried in the shower the day I found out I was cut....but guess what???

I took that as motivation! worked even harder.....got on the next 2 years......its just about how u bounce back..

now Im guessing im better then most of the dudes that made the team the year i didnt.....

But thats because i been in the gym since last year solo or just running games...and people fall off after HS..
When the replies are just as sad as the original post you know a thread is full of fail. Basketball is not that serious, NT. So what? This guy didn't makea high school basketball team. I am sure he'll live. Find some new interests, OP. There are other job titles out there aside from "pro baller"and "rapper." Put the same effort into something you actually enjoy, because it sounds like you were just trying to make the team to impress thosearound you.
if you dont make jv as a junior you are sauce ... hell, my high school wouldnt even let juniors play jv ...
Originally Posted by chronicshoester

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

basketball was my life too til i got to high school and discovered weed liquor and whorish females
Damn just tryout next year, play AAU or just practice,theres more to life then just BB.

Take these advices.
First off, You're probably not as good as you think. IF you can't drive AT ALL, how would you expect to make even a freshmen squad??! And all thetraining in the world don't mean anything if you can't apply it when it matters.

And your world isn't over, you're young still, and you're junior right? That gives you an entire Year to get your game right and come back yoursenior and hopefully make varsity.

If you're already done because you got cut, then you aint have the heart to begin with.
Now I know how far I've come in my skill level since the beginning of the summer, but It seems to me, that it's not enough. I want to start because thepeople that start now don't deserve it, they skip class and act like %*%holes and they think that their literally Jesus in basketball, for accomplishingnothing. well yeah but we're 6'4 four, can ball, and on varsity. ur on the outside looking in, gotta switch that around. btw i got cut every year sinceseventh grade. made varsity in 11th. another thing... tryouts- aren't even tryouts. During ours we just played pickup and coach didn't even watch. Heknows the team through summer league, conditioning, stuff like that. You have to seperate yourself from the other losers and recognize that there's more toit than just going to a tryout. 5'11 130? that's crazy. I'm 6'3 and 160 so that's pretty skinny but at least i'm tall. being short uhave to be like cps or nate robinson, which from describing ur game ur not. U WILL NEVER GET yOUR SHOT OFF. and i guess noone else is going to ask, so i will.r u white or black? and for either answer, are u a token? and yes it does matter. coaches can be prejudiced. I've known coaches who only pick tall, cocky,athletic black kids and i've known coaches who like short, white, mold-able pg's.
if you 5'11" and wanna play ball you better be the nex iv3. or else you may wanna try football. you can be a very good reciever at 5'11" 130.and you wont even get hit,
can you catch?
not to like add to stuff but your just overall like a weird kid...remind me of alot of whiny rich kids from my town (Scarsdale NY) who can't make the teamand just @*@%+$! about it thinking everything is handed to them
I just find it sad that this guy has some image of himself in his head that at some point (probably sooner than later) is gonna come shattering down.
don't let them get you down.

it will be alright my man. maybe basketball just isn't your thing. maybe chess is.


Don't listen to those "so-called" people who tell you you "were going to make it".

Usually those people are just trying to be nice.

You gotta ask the people who are going to tell your the truth.

And you're 5'11'' and 130? You should post a pic, I don't think thats possible

I'm 5'11'' and 185 and I consider myself small...
reminds me of this dude who I went to elementary/HS with...

dude basically went to every BBall try outs and was never picked for a team...I'm talking about from 7th grade til the 11th. Everyone was pickin on how hehasn't made the ball team from all those years.

then finally in 12th grade my buddies told me he made a team (my HS had numerous teams for ball, varies by talent )
Everyone laughed at it but I believe he got some sort of fulfillment when hefinally made it.

that's something for you to look up on
Originally Posted by tyroneaintblack

Originally Posted by KingjamesJP84

You're 5'11. You already belong to the fail category of basketball. Sorry but i'm just being honest

No you're weak and your mentality puts you in the fail category in life. Being 5'11" ain't no set back in high school hoops.
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