Hurricane harvey....texas nters stay safe

damn so i guess it wasnt gas

praying for Houston folk... almost moved there last yr too

lookin real Katrina-ie right now, folks know its gunna get worse but now have no options

Dickinson. ..

Fam I had to double look, I thought that was photoshopped
They said they have been rescued but still...sad stuff...

Water got pretty high out here in spring...had to help a neighbor dig a trench from his backyard to the front because water was at his back pretty hectic but everything has subsided now...
that picture is so sad - glad they were rescued though i am sure there are others. i couldnt imagine one of my grandparents in that situation (or myself one day). we're praying for everyone down there.
For people asking why didn't everyone leave, the simple answer is that most who stayed probably couldn't leave. A lot of people have nowhere to go, have no means of transportation to get outta dodge quick and don't have enough money to arrange a way out and a place to stay. I'd wager most people still there fall into this category, as opposed to folks who were dumb and didn't heed the warnings.

Stay safe NT brahs. **** looks like it'll get worse before it gets better. :smh:
Got multiple friends on Facebook asking for boats to rescue their friends. Never thought it would get this bad. :smh:

We still have 2 more days to go and the city is already at that point. Be safe yall
On a side note, I hate to be that guy in a time like this for my own home state, but Fredricka Whitfield from CNN would get the business.
sad stuff, breaks my heart seeing this. mother nature can be so cruel
living in cali, never had to deal with this, so i can't even imagine what folks out there are going through
Literally down the street from me houses are underwater or were last night. But yet my neighborhood is untouched. Wild
So let me be the first...

How them real estate prices looking? Where can ya boy cop an as-is deal?
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