$444 for a touch pro in excellent there anyway that could be profitable? prolly not, but just checkin.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

$444 for a touch pro in excellent there anyway that could be profitable? prolly not, but just checkin.
scheming already
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Does anyone have pictures of the Touch Pro next to any of the following devices: PPC6700 (HTC Apache), HTC Touch (Vogue/6900; w/ extended battery too), or Motorola Q9c w/ the extended battery?

I own both the 6700 and the Q9c so a picture of the Pro next to any of these would really let me get a handle on its size. I'm thinking about purchasing a used Touch, so a pic' of those two next to each other would be appreciated as well.

To those of you that currently own a Touch Pro, how much better do videos loaded from your memory card look than on your previous phone? How's it compare to an iPhone/iPod Touch?

although they aren't photos, check out
Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

$444 for a touch pro in excellent there anyway that could be profitable? prolly not, but just checkin.
scheming already
i know right

well it's just that i paid $260 for it, so it seems there would be a way to get a deal but who knows.
Is there any way i can get this phone at a reasonable price WITHOUT signing up for a 2 yr. contract?

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I know, I was just throwing it out there for those who don't want to go through the hassle of eBay. Nah, I still haven't called Sprint yet to see if I can get it for sub 300$ Like I said, they talkin' about 75$ off, off 575$ or 600$, damn that.

I need this in my life, but that no Skyfire is still close to a deal breaker for me. Dude says the Opera works fully with integrated flash so I'll take him at his word, but if not I'm going to be mad.

But this TV out feature seems like it's going to make up for it. I got a 50 inch screen in the living room. I got flicks off of dailymotion, 2 + 2= yes!
^Forgive me for sounding like a dummy and not going back and reading the thread fully but what's this TV Out feature and how does it work?

And to those with the phone, how's the browser? Is it "mobile formatted" or is it a full browser? And how does NT and FaceBook work on it?
so what the hell is the deal with AT&T???

they are crooks, my name isnt the primary name on the account so I went to have it switched today (my name is on the account) and they are telling me I have tosign a 1 yr contract and pay $28 to change the name, I just
at thoseidiots

I hung up on them, my contract is up in 1 month, they can suck it
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

$444 for a touch pro in excellent there anyway that could be profitable? prolly not, but just checkin.
scheming already
i know right

well it's just that i paid $260 for it, so it seems there would be a way to get a deal but who knows.
yo i think im about to break the bank on these dudes more details once i see wats really good
although they aren't photos, check out Thanks, I forgot about that site.

Like someone else posted, unless the Diamond or Touch Pro's screen is significantly better than the Touch's (Vogue/6900) screen, I'll probably justtry and buy a Touch. With the $ I save, I can buy an iPod Touch and have a larger screen to watch movies and podcasts on. Thanks, I forgot about that site.

Like someone else posted, unless the Diamond or Touch Pro's screen is significantly better than the Touch's (Vogue/6900) screen, I'll probably just try and buy a Touch. With the $ I save, I can buy an iPod Touch and have a larger screen to watch movies and podcasts on.

but then you gotta carry around the touch and a cell phone, which kinda sucks.
hold up, so the only USB they give you is the one to charge with? i gotta unplug the charger to plug into my pc now...not a big deal, but i'd rather have2.
Originally Posted by areyouin729

so what the hell is the deal with AT&T???

they are crooks, my name isnt the primary name on the account so I went to have it switched today (my name is on the account) and they are telling me I have to sign a 1 yr contract and pay $28 to change the name, I just
at those idiots

I hung up on them, my contract is up in 1 month, they can suck it
So you got the Fuze already or wat?
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

hold up, so the only USB they give you is the one to charge with? i gotta unplug the charger to plug into my pc now...not a big deal, but i'd rather have 2.

U know almost any mini usb cable works with this right? Whatever cable u were using with ur mogul will work fine with the TP
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I know, I was just throwing it out there for those who don't want to go through the hassle of eBay. Nah, I still haven't called Sprint yet to see if I can get it for sub 300$ Like I said, they talkin' about 75$ off, off 575$ or 600$, damn that.

I need this in my life, but that no Skyfire is still close to a deal breaker for me. Dude says the Opera works fully with integrated flash so I'll take him at his word, but if not I'm going to be mad.

But this TV out feature seems like it's going to make up for it. I got a 50 inch screen in the living room. I got flicks off of dailymotion, 2 + 2= yes!

U might wanna hold off then. Opera+Flash Lite doesnt seem to be working anymore. I tried veoh yesterday and when the vid loads its telling me that I need thelatest version of flash. Dailymotion doesnt even show a loading screen anymore. So it looks like no integration of flash for those sites till Adobe releasesa new flash lite cab

They are saying the old method works (The flash player bundle) but I havent tested it out. There is a built in player for streaming media (kinda like whattcmp does). When you go to youtube from the browser and click on vid, it plays through threre but the others sites dont.

Also they kept asking the peeps at skyfire when we gonna get an update and they keep sayin feb-march or "soon". Reason being they want to devolp forother platforms (Blackberry, Palm, Iphone etc).

So it looks like you gonna have to wait for adobe, use the old method or hold out
Originally Posted by OkieDoqui

Originally Posted by areyouin729

so what the hell is the deal with AT&T???

they are crooks, my name isnt the primary name on the account so I went to have it switched today (my name is on the account) and they are telling me I have to sign a 1 yr contract and pay $28 to change the name, I just
at those idiots

I hung up on them, my contract is up in 1 month, they can suck it
So you got the Fuze already or wat?
nope it didnt drop today...i'm getting annoyed b/c my Razr is on it's last legs
can you guys tell me how much is the 3g plan for the fuze. is it just the pda smartphone plan thats $30/month? thanks
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I know, I was just throwing it out there for those who don't want to go through the hassle of eBay. Nah, I still haven't called Sprint yet to see if I can get it for sub 300$ Like I said, they talkin' about 75$ off, off 575$ or 600$, damn that.

I need this in my life, but that no Skyfire is still close to a deal breaker for me. Dude says the Opera works fully with integrated flash so I'll take him at his word, but if not I'm going to be mad.

But this TV out feature seems like it's going to make up for it. I got a 50 inch screen in the living room. I got flicks off of dailymotion, 2 + 2= yes!
^Forgive me for sounding like a dummy and not going back and reading the thread fully but what's this TV Out feature and how does it work?

And to those with the phone, how's the browser? Is it "mobile formatted" or is it a full browser? And how does NT and FaceBook work on it?
TV out is when u hook up ur TP to the tv using cables.� Pretty much the same effect like when u hook up ur Ipod to your TV to play movies.

I need to order a set of cables.� I wanna test it out in my bro's car dvd player.
Car + TV out + Slingplayer mobile = One nice road trip

TV Out Vids
Yo someone hit me back up from my craigslist ad and offered $300 for both me and wifey's phone.

Do you guys think I should go with that deal.

I might man because then the phones will only be $150 each since I'm getting two Touch Pro's.

Damn I wanted $250 for mine and $200 for hers, but dude just straight hit me with an offer and someone else wanted to trade for a watch.

Damn someone que in and give me some insight about this!
Damn I did stupid crap and messed up some money, and I refuse to touch my savings unless it's on some must to basis.

A new phone does not fall under that category no matter how much I want it.
Alright since nobody is giving any insight I think that is a sign that I should sell both of my Mogul's and get two HTC Pro's.

I'm do for an upgrade and I'm out of contract, but I'm on SERO so I damn sure ain't going anywhere, but do you guys think I should testretentions and try to squibble out more or am I being to greedy?

Also, how do I hard reset the Mogul again so this dude that I sell the phones to doesn't have any info about me or my girl, and in doing a hard reset willthe new owner have to resync or upgrade it and all that other stuff.
Originally Posted by Putting In Work

Alright since nobody is giving any insight I think that is a sign that I should sell both of my Mogul's and get two HTC Pro's.

I'm do for an upgrade and I'm out of contract, but I'm on SERO so I damn sure ain't going anywhere, but do you guys think I should test retentions and try to squibble out more or am I being to greedy?

Also, how do I hard reset the Mogul again so this dude that I sell the phones to doesn't have any info about me or my girl, and in doing a hard reset will the new owner have to resync or upgrade it and all that other stuff.
Are they in good condition? See if u can get close to what u want for them. Counteroffer maybe not $450 but like 350-380? If u feel fine sellingthem for that then go head.

For the Hard reset:

Hold Down the the Two buttons (The buttons with the dot on them) above the windows and ok buttons.

Then push the soft reset button at the same time.

It should ask you if u need to hard reset
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