How Would You Feel If Your Son Wanted To Be A Cheerleader?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I don't get why so many folks are using the, "Male cheerleaders get plenty of va gina" card. I am pretty sure most male cheerleaders are NOT pulling females like that. Come on now.
What is the basis for your assumption here? Heterosexual male in a group of females, bonding and getting to know them, gaining their trust, makingthem feel safe (catching them etc etc), they know you're in good shape, sounds like a pretty good plan to me.
Eff do I care if he wants to be a cheerleader? If it makes him genuiney happy I'm not gonna forbid him from doing it, lol. What kinda parent is that, thatdoesn't allow their child to do the things that give them most pleasure? I don't care if he's a straight cheerleader or a gay cheerleader, tosimply hold my son back from happiness because I find it yucky or strange seems like bad parenting.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

That's cool and all, but what is the point of him putting on this masculine persona?

Thats just it, it wouldnt be a "persona". I would hope that by nature he acts like a dude and its not something that he has to fake.
You cant sit there and tell me that we arent molded by our society and what we see around us.
Persona as in personality.

But yes we are molded by our environment.

I just wish people would be more accepting instead of being so grounded in their beliefs. We would get a lot less of these posts and the world would be abetter place. Sorry for the cliche but it's true.
It depends on his intentions.I remember back in high school I wanted to be so I could increase the chances of me smashinall of em so if thats his intention I'm cool with it.But if he doin it cause he enjoy cheering I'm gonna volunteer him for football or somethin.
That aint finna go down
Why am I a bad guy because I would RATHER have my son playing with v a ginas than p e nises?

Why would the world be a better place if I would be happy with that decision? That is what I am having trouble understanding.

Men want to be able to have "those talks" with their boys. We want our boys to grow up tough, strong, athletic. Display TRADITIONAL MAN qualities.Yes it is through conditioning but so are the majority of gender based behaviors.

Why should I feel bad that I want to be able to relate to my son in the best possible way?

I don't WANT a gay son. It isn't about ACCEPTING him if he IS gay. But if there was a blueprint to how NOT to raise a gay son, best believe I will useit. That doesn't exist, so I have to roll with CHANCE.

NONE of you want gay kids. Keep telling yourself that you will accept it. That isn't what I am discussing. You don't WANT them.

Originally Posted by Gmills23

What game were you at?
Northwester vs Lake CLifton. Went to see Josh Selby play
No one ever said they wanted gay kids.

It's just about toleration.

You're a good person; I can tell. I just don't agree with some of your views.

Let's leave it at that.
one of my good friends and his brother are male cheerleaders back at my high school and hes an all american and is probably gettin college paid for by doing itand is by all means straight. gets to work with girls all day hold dey butts all day and go travelling with them to competitions and party when they do. dudestay showin me seting pics of girls hell meet at the open gyms those floozies send him.. so yeah its a good life all round if you ask me.
Originally Posted by Diego

HOVKid wrote:

Diego wrote:

DC, youre becoming my favorite NTer.

Id rather my son be gay than be a cheerleader.
I just had a son and I think the exact opposite. As long as my son doesn't go gay, I'm fine with whatever.

This is my logic:
You know how theres some really feminine dudes with really feminine qualities and all types of hand movements and you would swear theyre not straight? Then youre surprised when you find out that they are straight? (Not saying that all male cheerleaders are feminine)

I would rather have a son who acts like a man but just so happens to enjoy the D behind closed doors, then to have someone prancing around like a little fruit all the time and enjoy women.

Maybe its just me.


And we have seen the flamboyant gay dudes out there. Check the ATL post for example. Come on that would be embarrassing to me as a father to someone like that.Play the politically correct card if you want, having a son like THAT would be a huge disappointment. Anyone disagree?
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by Diego

DC, youre becoming my favorite NTer.

Id rather my son be gay than be a cheerleader.
I just had a son and I think the exact opposite. As long as my son doesn't go gay, I'm fine with whatever.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

And we have seen the flamboyant gay dudes out there. Check the ATL post for example. Come on that would be embarrassing to me as a father to someone like that. Play the politically correct card if you want, having a son like THAT would be a huge disappointment. Anyone disagree?

Thats exactly what Im gettin at.
My son, you want to be gay? Thats cool, but theres no need to be all flamboyant like that. How do you expect to be taken serious?
If my son turns out gay, im going to kill him and impregnate my wife again and try to get a DS baby and hopefully he comes out straight

nah but seriously, if my son was gay, i would live with it..itll be hard, but i would support the lil dude
Man no matter what we will be viewed as jerks. I am not open minded about having a gay son. Point blank, the pride of a MAN is to raise a MAN. Men don'tplay with men. Point blank. Say what you want. I am ignorant, closed minded doesn't matter. I want to raise a boy to become a MAN. He isn't a real manplaying with other men.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

If my son turns out gay, im going to kill him and impregnate my wife again and try to get a DS baby and hopefully he comes out straight

nah but seriously, if my son was gay, i would live with it..itll be hard, but i would support the lil dude

my first semester at Penn State University, I had to sublet last minute and I moved in with 3 male cheerleaders, they smashed more chicks than you can possiblyimagine so...
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Hate if yall want but DC's threads are RANDOM as hell
Wow. I think his threads are the opposite of random. They all follow the same 'need to be macho' nonsense. They are the exact oppositeof 'thought provoking' when you see who created them. It's like a little peak into the brain (I use the word 'brain' loosely in regards toDC) of someone I would consider a lesser human being than any of the people he considers not being man enough. I don't know if he had mommy issues ordaddy issues. I do know that there is no way he had both of them around when he was growing up. Or at least for his sake, I would like to be able to blamehis moronic sentiments on the lack of a good family. It's this constant stream of antiquated nonsense that makes his threads almost funny. Like Idon't feel sorry for him per se, I feel sorry for the people that probably have to defend him daily or the people who have to pretend like he has validpoints.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

my first semester at Penn State University, I had to sublet last minute and I moved in with 3 male cheerleaders, they smashed more chicks than you can possibly imagine so...

and everyone on campus was like you know brad? Yeah hes a cheerleader.

I just wouldn't want that label on my son's rep.
If he was prancing around with pom poms and didn't play a real sport, I'd probably go buy him a dress, tell him to $!@* off, then go and make a realson.
Originally Posted by steven42lh

Originally Posted by Diego

HOVKid wrote:

Diego wrote:

DC, youre becoming my favorite NTer.

Id rather my son be gay than be a cheerleader.
I just had a son and I think the exact opposite. As long as my son doesn't go gay, I'm fine with whatever.

This is my logic:
You know how theres some really feminine dudes with really feminine qualities and all types of hand movements and you would swear theyre not straight? Then youre surprised when you find out that they are straight? (Not saying that all male cheerleaders are feminine)

I would rather have a son who acts like a man but just so happens to enjoy the D behind closed doors, then to have someone prancing around like a little fruit all the time and enjoy women.

Maybe its just me.



Yeah, I actually chocked on my food when I read that.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by StillIn729

my first semester at Penn State University, I had to sublet last minute and I moved in with 3 male cheerleaders, they smashed more chicks than you can possibly imagine so...

and everyone on campus was like you know brad? Yeah hes a cheerleader.

I just wouldn't want that label on my son's rep.

and they are all jacked so they could have beaten down about 97% of dudes on campus so...just sayin
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