How many times do you guys have sex? Vol. Serious relationship

this thread makes me feel better...never really been w/ a chick the way I am w/ my girl.

sex mos def trailed off cuz we been together for awile....but while we were on vacation a few months ago it was like the first 6 months of our relationship
Originally Posted by igotthatfire247

It used to be all the time ... then we had kids.
But big ups for being a parent
when we first started it was like 3-4 times a day 5-7 days out the week now it's at about 4 times a week if that, she always workin' out in the hot soshe's always tired, led me to cheating...wait been doin that since the beginning. smh.
Originally Posted by fivefivenine

when we first started it was like 3-4 times a day 5-7 days out the week now it's at about 4 times a week if that, she always workin' out in the hot so she's always tired, led me to cheating...wait been doin that since the beginning. smh.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by fivefivenine

when we first started it was like 3-4 times a day 5-7 days out the week now it's at about 4 times a week if that, she always workin' out in the hot so she's always tired, led me to cheating...wait been doin that since the beginning. smh.

%$% lmao
when me and my ex was together.... and she had her own crib... it was everyday. dead serious everyday... sometimes 2 or 3 times a day
Originally Posted by ddrtronco

Originally Posted by igotthatfire247

It used to be all the time ... then we had kids.
But big ups for being a parent

pretty much... now we either have to stay up late to have time for ourselves or get quickies in the bathroom...
depends on how we had a house. There were days when we had sex like 3 times and then a only once a week.
Just semi-recently got out of a 2 year relationship. On average I'd say we used to have sex 3 times a week, hungout maybe 4 or 5 times a week. Not alwaysat home though, if we were just kickin it at my place then it was 100% of the time we hungout.
For some reason my sex drive sky rockets while in a relationship. I smashed 3 times a week for about 3 months.
used to get it like 4-5 times a wk wit my ex plus top....damn do i miss that lol.
2-3 times a day everyday. We used to work together so it was more than that because we would %%$% around on the job
I actually just finished having sex afew minutes ago.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

2-3 times a day everyday. We used to work together so it was more than that because we would %%$% around on the job
I actually just finished having sex a few minutes ago.
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

2-3 times a day everyday. We used to work together so it was more than that because we would %%$% around on the job
I actually just finished having sex a few minutes ago.

...... Commences search to find woman with sex drive comparable to yours.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

2-3 times a day everyday. We used to work together so it was more than that because we would %%$% around on the job
I actually just finished having sex a few minutes ago.

...... Commences search to find woman with sex drive comparable to yours.
If you find one and she has a sister Pm me..lmao..

@weekendchica..Pics or it didnt happen
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

2-3 times a day everyday. We used to work together so it was more than that because we would %%$% around on the job
I actually just finished having sex a few minutes ago.

...... Commences search to find woman with sex drive comparable to yours.

Not even brah. From her posts Ive read in the past (No stalker) shes caught up with some dude while trying to hide it from everyone at work.
That element of keeping it on the low keeps it more exciting and leads to the multiple times a day everyday.

Id like to SEE how often she does it when things are out in the open and theyve been together for sometime.
you really shouldnt try and smash ur lady of all the time . the more sexual tension there is , the better the sex . when u smash so often to the pointwhere she expects it EVERY single time you chill , theres no build up ... fellas , you ever notice how if you take your lady out for a nice evening of dinner ,desert , walk in the park w/e that when you finally get back to the spot shes a maniac wit it ? its because the whole time uve been setting the mood and herjuices hav been flowing but since u were at a restaurant and an ice cream store and the park you couldnt get it poppin , so sexual tension and lust build upinside of her . there are exceptions to every rule though ... some chicks are jus freaks and cant go without sexing every day
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