How many pull ups can you do?

I think a lot of ya'll are confusing a pullup with a chinup. Pullups have a much wider grip and are MUCH harder. 

With that being said, I can do 15 to failure. 

I mostly do weighted pullups, I can do 5 reps with a 45 plate

Show off! j/k

I was referring to palms facing away.. not palms facing you.
I can do 1 and I am proud of it.
i can do 17 palms faced out. thats struggling with the last 3 or so
have a circuit that i do consits of 6 sets of 10 pullups different angles and 20 clap pushups or diamond. by round 3 im dead and cant do anymore clap pushups
Start back day with 3 sets of 10-15 wide grip chin ups pretty much as my warm ups.
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well, i can do 26 fake ones....
this was after about 2 months in hawaii (eatin bad, not doin much workin out) and yes, i didnt go all the way down, and i was drunk.

I imagine i can do about 15 REAL pullups.
25 reps, straight bar, overhand grip, behind the neck pull ups....6"4 two fiddy.

Regular underhand close grip chin ups, I can only get 20

Parallel grip pull ups, 26 straight.

Tried out for this cross fit joint, this is how I know, the guy told me that I should cheat chin, swinging my legs like they do in cross fit, but I was taught to do it strict style back in the day.
The other day I got 11 after not doing anything but Insanity the last month. And that is wide grip, palms out, and arms going to full extension before going back up. Most people when I see them at the gym aren't going all the way down, to me that isn't a real pull up, I could get at least 20 of those.
If you're an athletic person (in the loosest meaning of the word), even if you don't lift regularly, if you can't 1 max-rep your own body weight, that's pretty surprising.
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I bet you a dollar you can bench 165lbs one time.
People tend to underestimate their own strength when it comes to their max rep.
This. People never push themselves to see how far they can take it. They always stay around the same weight for all their exercises. Goes to show how important a log book is, it'll force you to improve each week with each exericse
haven't tried pull-ups (that's palms facing you right?) in a while. for one of these wide-gripped chin-up things at the gym, maybe 18 straight. i usually do 3 sets of 12.

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