How many pull ups can you do?

both wide grip and close grip pull ups are important for back workouts

wide grip will activate upper back muscles, lats and biceps. close grip focuses on lats and biceps mostly. 

i'm sure you knew that tho, when you dismissed 'shoulder width' (close grip) pull ups. right?

edit- and if you're in halfway decent shape, 10 pull ups shouldn't be hard to do. 10-15 is decent, and 20+ is really good. dudes better not be scoffing at ppl saying they can do 10 pull ups like that's some astronomical mutant feat. 
 Yeah i feel you fam. They are both difficult in their own right, but for the average person, wide grip is much harder because it focuses more on the back and lats. Close grip also focuses in on forearms as well.

My point was people gotta differentiate between wide grip and close grip because doing 10 wide grip is a lot more impressive than close grip.
That's me and yes I can do 45, maybe shake off 50 all the way up and down. When I boxed it was part of the routine; one pull up and then a complete strait leg raise toes to bar 20times.... Sucked hard.
Sounds like a lot but my training buddy could do 60 pull ups.
Damn thats impressive, whats your body fat %, around 8 or 9?

I'll just leave this here

Dude is a beast..
Went to the gym at lunch and was able to do 15 of the wide grip pull-ups. I could have done more but I would have had to cheat.
I was doing 15 at a time before my lung collapsed back in August.  Just got the green light to start exercising again 2 weeks ago so I'm only up to 12 right now.
the people doubting that we can do 20+ must not have many lean/fit friends

It's the yin to the ducktale yang or what have you. You're guaranteed more people who will call others out just because it's impossible for them, than people who will actually lie to impress NT.
I can do 10-15 wide grip like the pic Based Mod posted.
How often do you all do pull ups? I only do them on back days.
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the people doubting that we can do 20+ must not have many lean/fit friends
I'm doubting because I actually can do 20+ and know how hard it is, and I've seen pyp threads on here. I'm sure some of you aren't lying, but like 2/3 of this thread claims they can
Wide grip with proper form and slow repetitions, going all the way down....about 15.

With the numbers being thrown around I'm sure people are going fast just to see how many they can do. In that instance I could do 25
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